The Labour Government

Good question :) in my case 45years of paying a NI stamp and employers contribution to that stamp
The NI fund is still separate from Tax but in stead of government taking a surplus from the fund since 1978 they use more of it on means tested benefits.
The government would have us believe they pay state pension out of income tax that’s not so. Whereas 70% from the fund went on state benefits including our pensions it’s probably a lot less now as government uses more of the fund the pot gets smaller and smaller

Thanks :) Osborne that’s right in France they riot in the UK everyone thinks pension age is a long way off we won’t worry about the State Pension. A lot never reach pension age after working all their lives.

The Tories used the money released by raising the pension age for women to pay down the National Debt ( and still left £2 Trillion outstanding)


Party of Fiscal Responsibility my arse.
Maybe send all the foreign prisoners back to their homeland would be a start and not imprison 50 year old women for making a post on face book would also help.

Anyone granted asylum and convicted of a criminal offence which warrants a prison sentence of twelve months or more can be deported. Shame the Tories never used the legislation . Lets see how Labour do.
During the pandemic, they built a number of Nightingale hospitals which were never used in quick time. Surely this kind of thing could be used to house minor offenders and prisoners on early release to avoid them sleeping rough. I know there is a staffing issue but there are already loads of people volunteering and working for ex offenders and the homeless, so surely it would make sense to give them shelter, support snd counselling? Why is there never any joined-up planning? Labour knew they would win this election months ago and should have spent the time planning. Same goes for the black hole, the books were there for all to see, but they seem so far to have banked on Tory unpopularity. They need to get their act together quickly

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