The Labour Government

To be fair to you, you’re consistent.

You even tell us how good each and every England manager is pmsl.

Too early to judge Carsley, but liking his set up and our play, also he seems a no nonsense stay out the limelight kind of guy. (Apologise, for the England thread)

Hopefully someone will sort it out when he's out and about.
So now you're unhappy with the sentencing and advocating a vigilante attack. Very sensible-but we all know that sense is quite low on your list of attributes. There probably isn't a single one of us on here that would not like to see all offenders serve all of their sentence in an ideal world. But 5110+ days of Tory sh*t and cuts has lead us into the situation we are in now and you expect a Govt that has been in for 57 days to have it sorted.
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So now you're unhaapy with the sentencing and advocating a vigilante attack. Very sensible-but we all know that snese is quite low on your list of attributes.

Wouldn't be sad if it happened, fuck knows what snese and unhaapy means though :)
Why are Labour paying junior doctors fairly and protecting the health service when the Tories did not ?

Why are Labour ending Train strikes by discussing and negotiating fair pay when the Tories did not ?

Why have Labour scrapped the Rwandan plan and barge housing migrants that was costing hundreds of millions when the Tories would have kept the doomed plan?

Why are Labour looking at recouping the lost billions the Tory party squandered through private contracts and dodgy PPE deals when the Tories would have not done this ?

Why are Labour looking at nationalising energy when the Tories would have stuck to privatisation in this sector ?

Why did Labour label the riots far right, come down hard on those who were part of this and prevented further disorder when the Tories would have helped instigate it further ?

Why are Labour tackling the 22 billion deficit when the Tories did not.

if they’re both the same.

*all this in just a couple months.
And when the torys get back in they will undo or fix whatever this lot fuck up. Then vice versa over and over.This was not a dig at Labour it was about a flawed political system.
And when the torys get back in they will undo or fix whatever this lot fuck up. Then vice versa over and over.This was not a dig at Labour it was about a flawed political system.

There will never be a political system that pleases - there will always be uproar about policies. I have faith the vast majority of MPs want what’s best for the country but recognise it’s a poison chalice, you simply have to make unfavourable decisions at times.

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