The Labour Government

They did, vast majority of pensioners don’t need this and it’s a big step in reducing 22 billion black hole. They wouldn’t want to have made this decision and knew full well the backlash, better to get the tough decisions away early in a political reign.
What a stooge.

All you’re missing there is a reference to ‘maxing out the credit card’, or perhaps you could parrot the clueless Lucy Powell’s ludicrous claims about investors losing confidence in the gilt market had the WFA not been removed.

All obvious lies, but you seem strangely keen to repeat them all on here.
Perhaps I am - but I will allow Labour a couple of years to see how things are panning out - won’t scream and cry over every policy they announce.

I’m reasonably balanced and a centre leaning voter.
So it's ok to let pensioners just over the cut off point to suffer for a couple winters, while you see how it pans out
I don't agree with reducing pensioner's benefits. I don't agree with austerity and don't like Reeves and Starmer's red Tory Labour party.

I do find it funny all the Tories in here crying about austerity when you cheered it on for years though.
We are not all tories though nor did we cheer on fucking austerity
The slimy cunts who voted for the cut but in the mean time have been claiming a heating allowance for their second homes should just resign

Horrible bastards most politicians
This is the kind of hypocrisy that you'd find on a regular basis within the Palace of Westminster. One of my erstwhile MP's donated a fiver to the RBL and then claimed it back on his expenses. And since that time of cleaning some of the shite out of the system the expenses claimed by MP's are now costing us more! I would like to see how many MPs have to dip into their salaries and how much of their 'food, clothing 'n shelter' costs end up as 'expenses'!
They did, vast majority of pensioners don’t need this and it’s a big step in reducing 22 billion black hole. They wouldn’t want to have made this decision and knew full well the backlash, better to get the tough decisions away early in a political reign.
Vast majority? 70%? More? Never a vast majority. 10m got the WFP, now down to 1m. That 9m not getting it, and I would suggest half of those could manage without it. So I calculate that's 4.5m who could manage coming off, which turns out to be a minority.
because they did it for a laugh and want old people to freeze ?

Or because the energy cap is £200 less than last year, Pensions have risen £900 this year, likely to rise £460 a year next year, vast majority of pensioners have at least one income source in addition to the state pension and those who don't are being urged by ministers to apply for pension credit.

Age UK say 2 million pensioners are going to struggle as a result of this policy. Did it for a laugh? No. Didn’t think it through? Yes, and that is just as bad a dereliction of their duty in my book.

The first serious crime committed by a released prisoner and the first pensioner to die of hypothermia due to heating poverty and all hell is going to break lose. These are both logical policies in principle but very poorly planned and executed. I hope you’re ready with your sound bite answers because it will happen and this government will have blood on their hands.

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