The Labour Government

OF COURSE I want to see our country doing well and people prospering. Including rich people, btw, something some Labour supporters clearly have an issue with.

However, I am passionately of the view that we will NEVER enjoy long term prosperity under a Labour government and whilst I am not thrilled by any particular cock up - and mortified by the WFA scandal - I will be pleased if their cock ups get them booted out sooner rather than later. I am not sure pensioners or anyone else will forget the WFA disgrace and Labour's brazen deceit about it, in a hurry.

As for Brexit, I voted Remain as well, but like you I would like to see leaving the EU work out as best as possible. Actually, I think it is going better than I expected. I expected it to be a complete debacle and it is not that. It is merely making us poorer, which I always thought it would. But if there's changes we can make to make it better, I am all for it.
I don't have an issue with rich people, whatever that actually means. I do, however believe there needs to be some way of a fairer society and personally am happy to pay a bit more to allow that.

I don't know if you believe we are a prosperous country, but where we are has been a combination of both major parties having been in power over the last 80 years. Some good, some not so. Certainly the last 14 years has not covered the country or its' reputation in glory and growth pretty much stagnated over that time. So a non-Labour government has not exactly lead to long term prosperity for the country, but certainly has for the very wealthy.

We have different views of the WFA removal and whilst I think it clumsy and rushed, the principle of universal benefits irrespective of income when the economy is in the state it is, is frankly ridiculous.

We maybe agree on Brexit, but the fact that it has made us poorer has not made the continuation of universal benefits any easier to achieve. If I was being naughty, I could point out that the biggest group that voted for Brexit were the over 60s and therefore they have indirectly contributed to a smaller economy and the consequential recent actions regarding benefits and also the upcoming pain we will all be feeling after the budget-but I won't point that out lol. A whether it's a complete debacle is a debate for a different thread as I don't want the Thread police shouting at me.
As a demographic they don’t vote for him so fuck them is the mentality.

To be fair, Tories pretty much the opposite and don’t target the younger vote for the same reasons.

Regardless, it isn’t right nor defensible whoever does it.
I keep reading this about the demographic that didn't vote for Labour being pensioners.... of the pensioners I know and let's face it they are my demographic (nice word I like it) every single one of them voted Labour and nearly always have done. The only two who didn't were in a very rural area where they had to vote strategically for the Lib Dem to keep the Tory out.

Maybe I knock around with the wrong kind of people. :-)
blame is on Tories for all the above, once Labour can reduce the 22 billion black hole then the country and pensioners will be better off - 14 years of Tories have put us in this mess not 2 months of Labour.
The 22 billion black hole is bs , 10 billion is for there union pay masters , your delusional is untrue

Yes it needed changing but letting women beaters , drug dealers out early and jailing people for a Facebook post is awful
The 22 billion black hole is bs , 10 billion is for there union pay masters , your delusional is untrue

Yes it needed changing but letting women beaters , drug dealers out early and jailing people for a Facebook post is awful
The last bit is very hard to believe.
The 22 billion black hole is bs , 10 billion is for there union pay masters , your delusional is untrue

Yes it needed changing but letting women beaters , drug dealers out early and jailing people for a Facebook post is awful
Union Pay masters-straight off the front page of the Daily Mail. How about £10bn, if that's actually the case, paid to fellow workers?
I keep reading this about the demographic that didn't vote for Labour being pensioners.... of the pensioners I know and let's face it they are my demographic (nice word I like it) every single one of them voted Labour and nearly always have done. The only two who didn't were in a very rural area where they had to vote strategically for the Lib Dem to keep the Tory out.

Maybe I knock around with the wrong kind of people. :-)

Maybe??? ;)
Union Pay masters-straight off the front page of the Daily Mail. How about £10bn, if that's actually the case, paid to fellow workers?
Not fellow workers at all

Maybe could have been a balance oap’s keep the wfa rest could have gone on pay rises

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