The Labour Government

As a matter of interest, do people realise that to claim pension credit, both a husband AND wife living together have to be over pension age to even claim it.

So e.g. a 70 year old pensioner with a very modest £10k per year pension, married to a 60 year old spouse with no pension, cannot even claim it for the next 7 years until the spouse reaches state retirement age. How on earth people like that are supposed to manage, I have no idea.
I've read most of the postings on here, got extremely depressed, withdrew from BM for 4 or 5 days entirely (what do you mean you didn't miss me!!!) came back and it was still the same old, same old.
None of us are running the country, because we haven't had the guts to stand for Parliament. I would think/hope that the people who did are doing the best they can. They can't do any worse than the last lot of scoundrels anyway.

However I have decided that I am just going to be selfish and acknowledge that there's nowt to be done by me. I shall cut my cloth according to what money I get and the rest of the world can go hang. It isn't my usual philosophy, I try to be supportive, eg when people are raising money for charities etc.. Plus the 3 charities I pay a monthly donation to have had to be cancelled.

I've fought the good fight, as they say, during my life, now it is time to batten down the hatches and look after number one. Moi.

(I bet it lasts about a month and then I'll be back to normal.) :-)

We can't change anything so we might as well stop raising our blood pressure and relax. IMHO
I've read most of the postings on here, got extremely depressed, withdrew from BM for 4 or 5 days entirely (what do you mean you didn't miss me!!!) came back and it was still the same old, same old.
None of us are running the country, because we haven't had the guts to stand for Parliament. I would think/hope that the people who did are doing the best they can. They can't do any worse than the last lot of scoundrels anyway.

However I have decided that I am just going to be selfish and acknowledge that there's nowt to be done by me. I shall cut my cloth according to what money I get and the rest of the world can go hang. It isn't my usual philosophy, I try to be supportive, eg when people are raising money for charities.

I've fought the good fight, as they say, during my life, now it is time to batten down the hatches and look after number one. Moi.

(I bet it lasts about a month and then I'll be back to normal.) :-)

We can't change anything so we might as well stop raising our blood pressure and relax. IMHO
Good attitude eccles , i do hope labour do a u turn though
It's like the **** has got a hard on for pensioners.

As a demographic they don’t vote for him so fuck them is the mentality.

To be fair, Tories pretty much the opposite and don’t target the younger vote for the same reasons.

Regardless, it isn’t right nor defensible whoever does it.
To be honest Schengen would be a step too far but some level of freedom of movement with Europe would be good. All that has happened since Brexit is we've shut-off the tap to the market next door and seemingly that has required us to open the floodgates to the rest of the world. The Tories know this and it's why they did nothing about it.

The Reform folk meanwhile want the impossible, they want perfectly functional public services, economic growth and no immigration but they don't understand that this is physically impossible. If I own a shop and want to improve my business by 5% then I need 5% more customers and I also need 5% more staff.

The Reform argument or lie is to reduce effective growth to 0% and even -% in the name of removing brown people. The Brexit vote was somewhat similar, folk seemed to care less about growth and more about removing their Polish neighbours.

I'm not overly arsed about multiculturalism because that's a different argument but I am certainly now more pro-immigration because we need people and we need skilled people and there aren't enough of them to sustain everything.
I used to think exactly the same. I was all in favour of free movement and I certainly saw (and continue to see) the need for immigration, not just of skllled Labour - which is what they always seem to bang on about - but also unskilled labour. We need people to do the low paid jobs that not enough Brits for whatever reason seem unprepared to do; work in care homes; pick crops; clean hotel rooms; wait in restaurants etc. Without immigrants many "industries" would collapse.

But I was oblivious to the social impact mass immigration has had in certain areas, since there is none of it where I live. I have come to realise that it is causing enormous problems, as I have listed above previously. We need to build a town the size of Bristol every year just to house the people coming in. Our house-building target is only half that, and we have never actually hit the target. This is clearly unsustainable.
It’s interesting how Starmer continues to misquote and misrepresent the OBR’s comments on the public finances, specifically the fabricated £22bn black hole. Did it again today at PMQs.

It really is very poor form.
Did he also mention his dad was a toolmaker and he’s the fucking tool
I used to think exactly the same. I was all in favour of free movement and I certainly saw (and continue to see) the need for immigration, not just of skllled Labour - which is what they always seem to bang on about - but also unskilled labour. We need people to do the low paid jobs that not enough Brits for whatever reason seem unprepared to do; work in care homes; pick crops; clean hotel rooms; wait in restaurants etc. Without immigrants many "industries" would collapse.

But I was oblivious to the social impact mass immigration has had in certain areas, since there is none of it where I live. I have come to realise that it is causing enormous problems, as I have listed above previously. We need to build a town the size of Bristol every year just to house the people coming in. Our house-building target is only half that, and we have never actually hit the target. This is clearly unsustainable.
Rayners target is 300,000 new homes a year. We currently achieve around 160,000.
We simply don’t have enough skilled labour to build that amount.
lapping up the headline are you.

Reeves: "We've committed to those bus passes, to free TV licenses for those entitled, and free prescriptions.

"But we've also committed to the triple lock, not just for one year, but for the duration of this Parliament.

"That means that pensions will continue to rise by whichever is higher, two and a half per cent inflation or average earnings. That means that pensioners have £900 more this winter, and likely another £460 from next April."
Lapping it up? How Ironic.

According to Martin Lewis, a man not known to be a Tory supporter nor for telling lies, says that pensioners will be £500 worse off this winter. £300 because no-one is getting the universal fuel subsidy of £300, another £300 worse off because of no WFA. So £600 down in terms of money coming in. But energy prices are around £100 lower. So they will "only" be £500 worse off.

I'll take Martin Lewis' word for this not some lying twat from the Labour party of lies.

Further, the quoted figures for how much better off people will be due to the triple lock are also lies. First of all, they only apply to people with the *new* state pension. Anyone on the old - pre 2016 - state pension only gets half the increase. Second, the figures apply only to people getting the *full* state pension and many people do not. Once again the government seeking to pull the wool over peoples' eyes quoting figures that in many cases are wholly unrepresentative.

It is you who needs to open your eyes mate, and stop believing everything your beloved Labour cronies keep feeding you.
Rayners target is 300,000 new homes a year. We currently achieve around 160,000.
We simply don’t have enough skilled labour to build that amount.
Plenty of illegals here let them help out cos they are getting more help the pensioners
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Rayners target is 300,000 new homes a year. We currently achieve around 160,000.
We simply don’t have enough skilled labour to build that amount.
I know. And it's reckoned we need 500,000 every year to house the immigrants. We cannot possibly continue like this.
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