The Labour Government

I wonder if they will look at council tax, saw an itv article about how it’s cheaper in Kensington than Blackpool, the poorest areas have the highest rates because the burden on those councils is more, why can’t they come up with a system which is universal and then allocated around the country? If they try to redo the valuations then how the hell do they do that it would be some undertaking, I don’t know how they did it in 91.
Local Government funding is so complex that I doubt that more than a dozen people in the country fully understand it.

Government grants are largely based on an exceedingly complicated formula that supposedly considers a whole range of factors. How many miles of road are maintained, for example. The problem is, when it was first set up historic funding was taken into account. This is why Bury, which was always a Scrooge-like organisation at best, receives an absurdly low amount.

What the punters pay in Council tax is largely irrelevant; it has almost no connection to how efficient a council is or how much it spends. The gearing means that even a small cut in government grants means an infeasible increase in Council tax to maintain services. Hence many years of cuts to services, especially since Cameron and his clique started to slash the grants to ribbons. In addition, they give specific grants that can only be spent on certain things - e.g. cycle lanes. This angers the punters who see this money as being spent on non-priority schemes and blame the Council. Was this a deliberate plan? Nothing would surprise me.

It's a familiar tale of people wanting European levels of service for USA levels of tax. But Council tax is a lousy tax. It's just that no one has come up with a better alternative.
Agree with all of that. Legal immigration is the problem and it has been WAY too high for way too long. The negative impact upon some of our communities - lack of GP appointments, overcrowded schools, over-stretched and under-funded local authorities, unemployment, low wages etc - is huge. And then you have the less common, but extremely emotive issue of grooming gangs and the like, which only adds fuel to racists' fire.

A very big problem indeed, is that I think Starmer doesn't really recognise all of this, and if he had his way would probably sign us up to Schenghen. I don't think his heart is set on reducing immigration at all. He's all for multiculturalism and anyone can come in, I think. And is paying lip service to the idea that something must be done.

Future voters, bigger welfare state, low cost workforce, more consumers.

Labour and the Tories love a lot of immigration just for different reasons.

Keeps the pyramid scheme rolling on, it would collapse without it and let's face it most seem happy for it continue it's destructive course within their lifetime.

It's the beauty of a pyramid scheme its fucking gold if you get in early enough.
I wonder if they will look at council tax, saw an itv article about how it’s cheaper in Kensington than Blackpool, the poorest areas have the highest rates because the burden on those councils is more, why can’t they come up with a system which is universal and then allocated around the country? If they try to redo the valuations then how the hell do they do that it would be some undertaking, I don’t know how they did it in 91.
No system would be totally fair but I guess average house price + occupants would be workable off the top of my head.
Well, yes, but that’s a minority of pensioners. The query was why most pensioners vote Tory. But the best point made (in terms of the politics of the cut to wfa) is that the 2 million are more likely to be Labour voters than the "top half" pensioners.

It's the Tory outrage that's so misplaced. Their freezing tax thresholds means that many of the same 2 million are now paying tax when they weren't before.

It’s 2 million people. And you’re ok with that?
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Local Government funding is so complex that I doubt that more than a dozen people in the country fully understand it.


What the punters pay in Council tax is largely irrelevant; .............
I wonder how many of the dozen work in local government and what proportion are councillors!!!!!

And if the Council tax is irrelevant I wonder if this is the reason why many councillors don't cough up, but still continue as councillors!!!!!
Calling it now: Kier Starmer privatises the NHS in an "unavoidable" consequence of years of mismanagement of Tory rule but the priority is an NHS that wors for the British public. £22bn black hole eradicated. White Wine Spritzers at Starmers gaff to celebrate.
Calling it now: Kier Starmer privatises the NHS in an "unavoidable" consequence of years of mismanagement of Tory rule but the priority is an NHS that wors for the British public. £22bn black hole eradicated. White Wine Spritzers at Starmers gaff to celebrate.
Put down the glue. No politician, no matter their affiliation, will ever destroy the soul of the NHS; it's literal career suicide.

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