The Labour Government

Calling it now: Kier Starmer privatises the NHS in an "unavoidable" consequence of years of mismanagement of Tory rule but the priority is an NHS that wors for the British public. £22bn black hole eradicated. White Wine Spritzers at Starmers gaff to celebrate.
Calling it now. You will be nowhere to be seen to say you got it wrong when proven so.
Calling it now: Kier Starmer privatises the NHS in an "unavoidable" consequence of years of mismanagement of Tory rule but the priority is an NHS that wors for the British public. £22bn black hole eradicated. White Wine Spritzers at Starmers gaff to celebrate.

It's been hidden in plain sight for months. Robot Reeves should disclose if she's working for any of the above firms. All have donated heavily to the election fund and won't be doing it out of charity.
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You think? I doubt it.
The state pension is bad enough as it is compared to what you put in.
This policy is evil.
May tried to make the allowance taxable back in the day - but the outrage from Tory back benches Killed that attempt.
Have you bothered to calculate how much you actually do "put in"?
Someone on Average salary pays around £1400 NI per year, so over let's say 45 years that's £63000. At today's rates that's less than 6 years' worth of pension.

It's highly likely that most will actually put in less as it takes time to get to average salary but it's a good guide as to what we pay and get. It's not an opinion. it's just counting.

FWIW my opinion is, it's not enough, but without an increase in what goes in, i don't see how what comes out can be significantly increased. And don't forget, NI is what people generally consider to be their "buy in" to the scheme, and this was cut earlier this year.

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