The Labour Government

Calling it now: Kier Starmer privatises the NHS in an "unavoidable" consequence of years of mismanagement of Tory rule but the priority is an NHS that wors for the British public. £22bn black hole eradicated. White Wine Spritzers at Starmers gaff to celebrate.

Labour are the only ones who could privatise it without outrage on mass scale! They have been using the private section last 10 years anyway
Calling it now: Kier Starmer privatises the NHS in an "unavoidable" consequence of years of mismanagement of Tory rule but the priority is an NHS that wors for the British public. £22bn black hole eradicated. White Wine Spritzers at Starmers gaff to celebrate.
Odd situation really considering the extra £350m a month they got after brexit...
Looking clear that Labour has killed the recovery to growth of 6% predicted back in June. - The economy has flattened since the election.
O wonder if Reeves is a Kwarteng style idiot or just incompetent?
Still, record Capital Gains tax receipts will paper over the cracks for now (till they fall off a cliff after the budget).
You can't say that at this stage, a month isn't long enough. Their economic policies need to be judged after a minimum 6 to 9mths, and certainly after next month's budget. Reeves has a difficult balancing act to do, she is counting on economic growth to allow her to spend. So she has to encourage private investment and growth.
I wonder how many of the dozen work in local government and what proportion are councillors!!!!!

And if the Council tax is irrelevant I wonder if this is the reason why many councillors don't cough up, but still continue as councillors!!!!!
It's largely irrelevant as it does not reflect the efficiency of the Council or the quality of service delivered. It's almost a random figure.

For many years, Westminster had a very low Council tax and was held up as an exemplar. No one mentioned that due to various factors it got a huge government grant. As a parallel, imagine I was given 100k a year by the state. Would my standard of living reflect my hard work or prudence? Could I look at people on 20k and call them dossers? Or would it just be completely random?

Everyone is bound by law to pay Council tax and if they don't, councillors or otherwise, they are open to prosecution.

Like I said, very few people understand the full complexities of the system. Those that do probably work in the Treasury. The average punter has no chance at all of understanding. Not unless they are prepared to do a shit ton of research. (I don't mean ten minutes on the internet reading the Daily Mail and picking out the cliches.)
The thing is I sort of agree with Starmer about the NHS needing reform and I suspect he is correct. What is uncomfortable though is if I were shown the quote in isolation and asked to guess who said it I would probably have gone for farage or Jacob Rees mogg.
I think sadly the NHS has been set up to fail by previous Tory governments and also TBF Blair was just kicking the financial can down the road with PFI.
Put down the glue. No politician, no matter their affiliation, will ever destroy the soul of the NHS; it's literal career suicide.
It will always be called the NHS but if you want to fundamentally change the way it works you do it little by little, bat away the questions once in a while and then one day everyone realises its too far along the road, there's no going back and its gone.

Even if Labour didn't add more private entities within the system its only delaying it until the Tories come back around.

They could be radical with the NHS and social care but I don't think this administration have a radical bone in their bodies.

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