The Labour Government

Bed blocking has been a thing since i started my training in '79 , it is nothing new , the tories promised to sort out social care but didnt touch it , that is the key , that and seeing your dr and physio more easier , there is not one problem to solve

I am very lucky as i have a trust that works really well, i have had to use them a lot recently and a couple of times or so through the cancer two week pathway and everything worked perfectly and within the two week target every time , it can be done so why is the national picture so bad
Your last phrase is so telling. Patchy is the word for nhs treatment, efficiency
etc. I have not worked for the nhs for years but there was then no evidence of benchmarking, so huge differences between good performance and bad were not identified. Do they do it now?
When you say the tories didn’t touch the problem of bed blocking that is part of the problem. It should be entirely the responsibility of the nhs, not the DoH. This requires major reform: briefly, the nhs should have a clear annual plan agreed with the DoH (because the taxpayer pays) and should then get on with it, unencumbered by ministers. Revolutionary! Reforms should come from within.
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Of course the issues are to be laid at the tories door, for 14 yrs they cut every budget to the bone , the nhs staff are running on fumes , the austerity has decimated public services , they cut the pandemic planning to the bone and allowed millions of items of ppe go out of date hence the scrabble to get out ridiculous contracts to get some to the staff wearing bin bags as ppe . As i understand it every country has to do pandemic planning and obama warned there was a pandemic loaming large

The tories always talk about covid and ukraine and never admit to being in charge for ten years before covid , their choices are going to be felt for years , ask those with mortages

Of course the 10 years before COVID were all plain sailing. Nothing at all to do with the country being flat broke when they took over. Nothing at all. Brown handed over an economy absolutely thriving and those naughty Tory rascals spoiled everything.

How silly of the voters to not see that and keep re-electing them.
I get that there are problems to fix, but I wonder how long we are going to hear the excuse that it is down to the last Government.

Apparently they can't pay postmasters and the delay is down to the last government?

Its getting a bit tedious already. The buck now stops with you Starmer, you need to own it.
I get that there are problems to fix, but I wonder how long we are going to hear the excuse that it is down to the last Government.

Apparently they can't pay postmasters and the delay is down to the last government?

Its getting a bit tedious already. The buck now stops with you Starmer, you need to own it.
It’s politics! Drives me insane.
I get that there are problems to fix, but I wonder how long we are going to hear the excuse that it is down to the last Government.

Apparently they can't pay postmasters and the delay is down to the last government?

Its getting a bit tedious already. The buck now stops with you Starmer, you need to own it.

Party you voted for couldn't solve f@ck all in 14 years ..... yet you expect the incoming party to solve all the shit left behind in 5 weeks .... you're a joke.
You really are a simpleton arnt you. I was quite open about who I voted for and it was Labour.

You couldnt even google your answers correctly yesterday when I and others were discussing the future of the steel industry. You just but in and bore everyone to death with your anti tory rhetoric in every post. You actually arnt bright enough to debate a thing with. So you're on ignore from now on.

thank god ..
I get that there are problems to fix, but I wonder how long we are going to hear the excuse that it is down to the last Government.

Apparently they can't pay postmasters and the delay is down to the last government?

Its getting a bit tedious already. The buck now stops with you Starmer, you need to own it.
Agree with you. My concern is that the ‘fix the NHS’ narrative will be used as a justification for tax increases in the budget when it would seem that it’s really a question of productivity, waste, and unnecessary management structures…

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