The Labour Government

Your y button is broken.
I am not even sure he's right.


You can get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if all of the following apply to you:
You must also be under State Pension age if you’ve not received PIP before.

I don't see anywhere where says you must have paid NI. And anyway, I didn't say my mother-in-law had never worked and never paid NI, so somewhat irrelevant.
I completely 100% agree with you on this.

Often people see things through the eyes of those they support. But sometimes a line is crossed and you just have to call it out, irrespective of your political views or who you support.

For me this is one such situation. It CANNOT be justified taking £500 off people earning like £12k per year or even less. I don't care what the supposed reasons are, or pretend justifications. It's just totally wrong, and it doesn't matter who has proposed it.

I think it's shameful that some on here are trying to skirt around it or pretend it is somehow OK.

They aren't working are they?
I get that there are problems to fix, but I wonder how long we are going to hear the excuse that it is down to the last Government.

Apparently they can't pay postmasters and the delay is down to the last government?

Its getting a bit tedious already. The buck now stops with you Starmer, you need to own it.
Well bearing in mind the tories were still blaming the Blair/Brown administration for some stuff during the run up to the election I think it's got a while to run yet. It may be getting tedious for you but tough,we had 14 years of bollocks and you're moaning after less than 70 days.

As for the postmasters:

"A new UK-wide compensation scheme has been announced for sub-postmasters with overturned convictions.
Around 900 people will qualify for the scheme, which applies to everyone who was exonerated by a law introduced in May.
Two compensation routes will be available, including one that offers £600,000 as a final settlement and another route for sub-postmasters who think they are owed more.
Regardless of the route chosen, those who qualify for compensation will be given an immediate £200,000 payout."

This was announced 3 weeks into the Labour government, so it does feel as if they're "owning it". One thing we do want is due diligence to be carried out to ensure the right people get the right amounts. A bit like the Tories did with PPE during C19-only in the correct way this time.
If the proposed scrapping of the council tax discount is actually announced in the budget then I can see that being a biggie.
Almost as popular as the WFA scrappage. Today's poll in the MIrror, "Should Labour have scrapped winter fuel payments for millions of OAPs?"


Close call.

"And where we show that politics can be
about serving the country.

I know some people will roll their eyes at this last
sentence. Yet serving our country is the only reason I
came into politics. The defining purpose of my Labour
leadership has been to drag my party away from the
dead end of gesture politics and return it once more

to the service of working people."

Keir Starmer - June 2024
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Well bearing in mind the tories were still blaming the Blair/Brown administration for some stuff during the run up to the election I think it's got a while to run yet. It may be getting tedious for you but tough,we had 14 years of bollocks and you're moaning after less than 70 days.

As for the postmasters:

"A new UK-wide compensation scheme has been announced for sub-postmasters with overturned convictions.
Around 900 people will qualify for the scheme, which applies to everyone who was exonerated by a law introduced in May.
Two compensation routes will be available, including one that offers £600,000 as a final settlement and another route for sub-postmasters who think they are owed more.
Regardless of the route chosen, those who qualify for compensation will be given an immediate £200,000 payout."

This was announced 3 weeks into the Labour government, so it does feel as if they're "owning it". One thing we do want is due diligence to be carried out to ensure the right people get the right amounts. A bit like the Tories did with PPE during C19-only in the correct way this time.
What's this we stuff? Are you somehow separate to me? FYI I loathed the last government when they did it and the one before that and the one before that. It's a personal observation that I posted on a forum, you don't have to agree, no-one does, many don't. It's called having a different opinion, it's not moaning.

Many will happy clap every Labour announcement for the next five years regardless of how poor they could be? The same people would have been jumping up and down if it had been announced by the Torys. I try and be balanced in my approach to politicians. I have big hopes for this government, a governement I voted for, I will judge them on their record. I have said that several times on this forum. I'm just not a fan of slopey shoulders.

In conclusion, can I sugest if you're having trouble understanding or agreeing with my view just scroll by, dont get angry or offensive. Some on here struggle with that. I did yesterday and got annoyed by one poster, which I regret as it was ridiculous, my only defence was yesterday I was struggling with some very bad personal news and sadly I let that affect my mood. Anyway have a good day.

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