The Labour Government

Almost as popular as the WFA scrappage. Today's poll in the MIrror, "Should Labour have scrapped winter fuel payments for millions of OAPs?"

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Close call.

"And where we show that politics can be
about serving the country.

I know some people will roll their eyes at this last
sentence. Yet serving our country is the only reason I
came into politics. The defining purpose of my Labour
leadership has been to drag my party away from the
dead end of gesture politics and return it once more

to the service of working people."

Keir Starmer - June 2024
If they cancel the CT discount it would effect me. I'm on a 20k yearly income and rent from a private landlord.
I certainly don't mind "doing my bit" but I'm sick of the "normal working person" getting shafted.
I am not even sure he's right.


You can get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if all of the following apply to you:
You must also be under State Pension age if you’ve not received PIP before.

I don't see anywhere where says you must have paid NI. And anyway, I didn't say my mother-in-law had never worked and never paid NI, so somewhat irrelevant.
My Mrs was turned down 3 days after submitting her claim form because of a 3 year gap in NI contributions according to hmrc records. Took us 4 months appealing until tax office admitted they had 'lost' her records.
My Mrs was turned down 3 days after submitting her claim form because of a 3 year gap in NI contributions according to hmrc records. Took us 4 months appealing until tax office admitted they had 'lost' her records.
Interesting. I was not aware of this. Anyway, doesn't matter. I said my mother-in-law was in receipt of a boat load of benefits, and that I wasn't sure which ones exactly but that her bank balance kept increasing because she was receiving far more in benefits than she was actually spending. All of which is true.
What's this we stuff? Are you somehow separate to me? FYI I loathed the last government when they did it and the one before that and the one before that. It's a personal observation that I posted on a forum, you don't have to agree, no-one does, many don't. It's called having a different opinion, it's not moaning.

Many will happy clap every Labour announcement for the next five years regardless of how poor they could be? The same people would have been jumping up and down if it had been announced by the Torys. I try and be balanced in my approach to politicians. I have big hopes for this government, a governement I voted for, I will judge them on their record. I have said that several times on this forum. I'm just not a fan of slopey shoulders.

In conclusion, can I sugest if you're having trouble understanding or agreeing with my view just scroll by, dont get angry or offensive. Some on here struggle with that. I did yesterday and got annoyed by one poster, which I regret as it was ridiculous, my only defence was yesterday I was struggling with some very bad personal news and sadly I let that affect my mood. Anyway have a good day.
It was generic "we" meaning the electorate.

I'm sorry about your personal news. have a good weekend.
They have taken away pensioners money that helps heat their homes at winter during a time when gas and electricity bills are through the roof.

It’s literally cash that means the difference between life and death for some of them and you’re trying to deflect, rambling on about fucking pixels?

Had the tories done this you would have rightfully been up in arms about it ffs.

Fuck me.

Blueuntrue in dishonesty shocker:-)
I suppose it's logical that the "loveless landslide" produces the shortest "honeymoon period" in recent decades.

Obviously plenty of time to turn it around but they seem intent on pissing off as many people as possible.


Defenders of these idiots may be tempted to believe it's all part of a cunning plan to get the crap out of the way early. That would make sense actually, and I suspect that is part of their thinking. But that could explain and/or excuse "tough decisions". It does not explain or excuse moronic decisions, of which there have been, er, all of them.
I am already pissed off about the wfa , not the idea of it but not reforming the pension credit system so poor pensioners dont fall down the cracks and also starting next winter not this

If they take away the single person council tax thing i will be in deep shit and i will truely be pissed off , they are springing things on us that i certainly didnt vote for

They have banged on for years about windfall taxes , tax loopholes and making rich people pay their tax , where is that starmer ?
Off topic but make sure you're savvy about how you draw down to minimise tax implications, how you combine any ISAs you may have and tax free part of the draw down can make you thousand better off in the long run particularly at the point when state pension kicks in.
Done that pal, drawing down the first 12,570 this tax year but as I draw my SP in May there's only about a grand left tax free pa.

We have max ISA's and fixed terms bonds at decent interest rates with Nationwide and Rasin, the former with max amount on an 18 month bond that is 5.5% so effectively 8.25% after the term.

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