The Labour Government

They tend to teach you not to refer to people as scum.
The tories are scum though, actions speak louder than words

And liars , corrupt, lawbreaking , heartless, uncaring, nasty , do i need to go on ? They ran for the election telling lie after desperate lie , the public saw through it all , you cant defend them
With regards to the shortage in affordable housing, yes, we need to increase the numbers of houses we build, but the husband, wife and 2.4 children model is far outdated, but new builds are still based on this outdated model.
Instead of continuing to build three and four bedroom houses, start building more one and two bedroom houses, publicly built and publicly owned.
This will reduce the cost of Housing Benefit, allow the elderly to downsize, freeing up property for married couples with young children, and those who are unmarried or separated can have smaller homes, with smaller heating bills.
It will also mean that a brownfield site could house 100 properties rather than 50.
Almost nobody can even agree on what intellect means or looks like, so the point is moot. Ultimately, if you're a politician who achieved high office and are a well known public figure then there's SOME skillset there.

Moreover, you're smart enough to know what's going on with politicians. There are 50 different groups all pulling in different directions on every single issue. Ranging from industry to lobbyists to local groups to political infighting to constituency issues to backers to everybody else. You say the wrong thing and you can blow up your carefully managed position which is why politicians worldwide (generally) try to say nothing at all while sounding like they've said something. Because politics is won and lost in committees and amendments and all that stuff that 99% of people barely seem to understand happens let alone pays attention to. Speaking to the media can only really damage you outside of the odd Goldilocks moment. So I'm not sure it's really a fair way to judge whatever intellect is.

Look at Diane Abbott. She's one of the most accomplished politicians of the 21st century, and now Mother of the House and millions of people think she's a halfwit. She went Oxbridge too.
Firstly, I don’t think Truss is stupid, for some of the reasons you’ve outlined, but I don’t think she’s intelligent through the prism of my own perspective and experience. I agree that different people have different optics when it comes to what constitutes intelligence (and that it is, of course, relative) but that doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to subjectively evaluate Truss’ based on my own.

I’ve not limited my perspective to the reasons I’ve cited (although they form a significant part) but even based on the justification you’ve provided for her responses to journalistic questioning she’s significantly less nimble on her feet than (for example) Cleverly or Hunt at not answering the question that’s put to her.

Judgement is a great barometer of intelligence, imo. It requires an ability to absorb information, weigh it up, and arrive at a decision that is likely to provide a desired (or at least desirable) outcome. It doesn’t necessarily avoid a taking of risk, sometimes great risk if the circumstances dictate, but it requires an ability to read a room intelligently and make effective decisions. Truss’ judgement has proven conspicuously and spectacularly wrong on numerous occasions, and that is accentuated by her terrible people skills, lack of emotional intelligence and complete absence of empathy. That cocktail manifests itself in a deficit of intelligence in my view.

So if I was going to pigeon hole her, I’d say academically quite bright (most likely) but so lacking in other aspects that could objectively represent intelligence that render her to be of very ordinary intellect at best. Certainly less intelligent than Abbott. I think she’s also probably a sociopath, but a relatively dim one. I did consider describing her as an ineffective one, but that would ignore the office she held, which would be unfair.

She clearly has something about her to rise as far as she did, but it isn’t intelligence, at least not from where I’m stood.
Not sure the word scum is limited to use by ones social structure or education.
Mark is having a big problem with her looks , dress sense, language and accent . It is weird the tories hate her , even getting the police to investigate her , boris saying she tried to put him off at pmq's by crossing her legs . They tried to bully her in front of everyone , well look where she is now compared to the tory scum
Interesting reading that Blair has advised Starmer to bring in the identity cards as a way of controling immigration. Something that he tried to bring in but was unable to.

Presumably the idea is to use the ID cards as a way of firstly seeing if a person has a right to reside within the UK and possibly also controlling access to benefits so only those that are entitled to them receive them?

To use ID cards as a means of controlling immigration surely they would have to be compulsory and secondly you would have to have Border Force and immigration official checks much more frequently.

I'm not against ID cards, but I fail to see how bringing them in will control immigration. We are currently unable to deter people from coming to the UK or remove people from the UK so not sure how this would change?
Interesting reading that Blair has advised Starmer to bring in the identity cards as a way of controling immigration. Something that he tried to bring in but was unable to.

Presumably the idea is to use the ID cards as a way of firstly seeing if a person has a right to reside within the UK and possibly also controlling access to benefits so only those that are entitled to them receive them?

To use ID cards as a means of controlling immigration surely they would have to be compulsory and secondly you would have to have Border Force and immigration official checks much more frequently.

I'm not against ID cards, but I fail to see how bringing them in will control immigration. We are currently unable to deter people from coming to the UK or remove people from the UK so not sure how this would change?
It wouldnt control immigration , just cost billions of quid and annoy everyone , i like tony but sticking his oar in already is out of order and not required
Interesting reading that Blair has advised Starmer to bring in the identity cards as a way of controling immigration. Something that he tried to bring in but was unable to.

Presumably the idea is to use the ID cards as a way of firstly seeing if a person has a right to reside within the UK and possibly also controlling access to benefits so only those that are entitled to them receive them?

To use ID cards as a means of controlling immigration surely they would have to be compulsory and secondly you would have to have Border Force and immigration official checks much more frequently.

I'm not against ID cards, but I fail to see how bringing them in will control immigration. We are currently unable to deter people from coming to the UK or remove people from the UK so not sure how this would change?
Easier to set up processing centres in France, where finger prints can be taken as part of the process. Then, if they try to reapply, we already have their details and they can be dismissed straight away.

Stops the need for channel crossings and we can set our asylum law anywhere that is within international law, whether that be more lax or more stringent.

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