The Labour Party

There's a lot of 'managerial' stuff that can be done at modest or no cost. It won't set the world on fire, but it will bring about improvements.

The underlying problem is that our trade with our most important partners has been devastated - destroying many small and medium-sized businesses along the way - and Labour is only proposing to tinker around the edges and will not grasp the nettle. The country can only survive on delusion for so long.
Pretty sure New Labour were also "business as usual", but actually did quite a lot for education and the NHS, with large increases in education spending, and significant reductions in NHS waiting lists. There were large drops in child and pensioner poverty. The Tories had spent years taking apart any low wage protections, but the Minimum Wage is now so well established that even the Tories compete to increase it.

Business as usual is exactly what the Tories want us to think - just because Labour is centre-left, rather than hard left, it's ridiculous to suggest they won't be a lot better for the poorer/more vulnerable members of society than the Tories.
Well time will obviously tell. We are now operating in a different environment since they were last in power.
Labour have already said they cannot commit to more spending on the NHS and as anyone who ever uses it there are massive problems.
Trying to bring changes to a workforce that is the second biggest employer in the world after the Chinese Army and is so set in its ways is going to be a mammoth task.
It's not a difficult question though is it, Simple Yes or No. I mean mines a No for what it's worth.
Who would I vote for, I don’t want to sound like a politician but I will genuinely listen to all the policies nearer the time.
I won’t vote Green, Liberal or Independent..
I am at an age where none of them can do me real damage and financially I will be better off under Labour particularly if they hold their word on things like Council Tax.
It will be something like animal rights, very close to my heart, dare I say control of immigration, without offending, or law and order that will swing me to either Labour or Conservative.
What will definitely put me off a Party if they put someone like Angela Rayner on and she shouts down those nasty Tories as soon as they start to say something.
I don’t want mob rule and I am quite capable of making my own mind up Thankyou.
This ‘All the same‘ is wearing thin. So, you believe that Labour, or any of the other major parties, will act like the recent Tory party has?

The Tories will be remembered for lies, cronyism, parties, wrecking the economy, COVID deaths, and so much more. They’re not all the same and I’d like to think that other MPs would act with honesty and integrity, something the Tories just do not possess, the self-serving cunts.

As for continuing to support their way of doing business, people are either mad or are making something out of it. You know which that is.
You see you cannot get your points over without reverting to foul language.
Don’t you think words like self serving cunts has a bit of a mob rule about it.
There will be a lot of floating voters that will need to be convinced that Labour deserve a chance and rhetoric like Tory Scum, cunts etc just sows the seed of doubt in voters minds.
You’re the Tories best friend in an Election Campaign
Well time will obviously tell. We are now operating in a different environment since they were last in power.
Labour have already said they cannot commit to more spending on the NHS and as anyone who ever uses it there are massive problems.
Trying to bring changes to a workforce that is the second biggest employer in the world after the Chinese Army and is so set in its ways is going to be a mammoth task.
But that's a completely different argument to the one I replied to.

You were suggesting the Tories and Labour were the same, and suggested they wouldn't help the "working classes" (not sure that's a particularly useful term these days, but assume you mean those on lower incomes etc.)

That's totally different to being constrained financially (although Starmer has said recently "Yes, money is part of the answer and the NHS is always better funded under Labour). Under Blair, who many dismiss as Thatcher Lite, Labour clearly prioritised making a difference to people's everyday lives. After 13 years of Tory government, it's hard to list any real achievements, or even any underlying philosophy, beyond protecting the very wealthy, and staying in power.
If you think the very wealthy will not exist under a Labour Government ..they will.
The NHS is a bottomless pit, it will always demand more funds.
I am just not sure where the money is coming from to do anything radical and potential voters will want more than “we can’t do any worse than the last lot”
If you think the very wealthy will not exist under a Labour Government ..they will.
The NHS is a bottomless pit, it will always demand more funds.
I am just not sure where the money is coming from to do anything radical and potential voters will want more than “we can’t do any worse than the last lot”

Are you not rich enough to be able to afford Bupa?
The next general election in my opinion will be the lowest ever turn out. Nothing between Tory and Labour that I can see
You see you cannot get your points over without reverting to foul language.
Don’t you think words like self serving cunts has a bit of a mob rule about it.
There will be a lot of floating voters that will need to be convinced that Labour deserve a chance and rhetoric like Tory Scum, cunts etc just sows the seed of doubt in voters minds.
You’re the Tories best friend in an Election Campaign
Thanks for using the get out clause and confirming your continued intention.

By the way, I don’t give a fuck who you vote for but now I know what your tendency is then at least I know now to debate it with you.

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