The little things about Sunday that you love!

Not managed to scroll thru every thread so fear i may be repeating other's opinion but my abiding memory (after watching the goal a hundred times) is the movement of Vinny in the box as Mario is about to make the pass...just that one step to create the space for makes Taiwo(?) go with him and then have to readjust and slip...Vinny doesn't do that and Taiwo is in a much better position and has his balance.

Little things.

(King Geedorah had mentioned this yesterday so apologies for the plagiarism)
Aguero wheeling away after he's put his foot through the ball, the little twist to stay on his feet as he tears off around the pitch.
Couldn't get a ticket so watched the game in the pub ....

worst bit was just after QPR's second , delirious rags moved from their own half of the pub to behind the deflated City fans chanting 'United' .... at that moment all appeared lost , and it certainly wasn't good ... it was all i could do to restrain myself from turning around and smackin' the nearest one !

Best bit came after Agueros last gasp rocket , City fans totally elated , arms in the air , hugging , kissing , groping , the full repotoire !

Furious rags ran straight out of the pub , and just vanished into thin air!
Not been mentioned yet but as QPR kick-off after Aguero's goal watch Silva, he's so keen to press the forwards that he's well within the centre circle by the time Dean blows his whistle. It didn't matter in the end because QPR weren't bothered as they were up but I thought it was fantastic.
vamps said:
johnbmcr said:
any substance to the reports he's pocketed £1,000,000 for losing the game?

Could be, depends on his old contracts terms which we don't know. Van Gaal will get a nice wad of cash if Bayern win the CL final, but then again he's still "employed" till the end of his contract.

Has been reported that Hughes was set to collect £1m bonus off Fernandes if he kept QPR in the Premiership.
Winning the title in "fergie- time",,,Foolishly invading the pitch [at 49 years of age],,,Bunging the coach driver so we could drink Champagne on the journey home,,,and best of all "smiling pleasantly" at all the rag's in my local when i finally arrived home,,,Ha Ha Ha ,,,CTID
leithblue said:
that within seconds of Aguero's goal, half of us were thinking "there's still enough time for us to cock this up" so the sight of QPR showing no interest in crossing the halfway line was just brilliant
Ha ha, this ^^^

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