The Liverpool Thread

Re: Andy Carroll blowing his chance- Martin Samuel

quiet_riot said:
Is it his aim to become England's starting No 9, while leading the line at the most rapidly improving club in the Premier League;

Stopped reading here.

same, what a load of fucking bollocks.

it's laughable.

Thaksinssoldier said:
Some of us posted for years on rivals/teamtalk forums etc before finding this site so it's a silly point.

Dippers have absolute hatred for us because we exposed them to be the weakest of the so called big four,on and off the pitch.

The poor thing for them is Kenny has them looking convincing enough that it will only be end of season that they realise they aren't as good as they think.

I take issue with this.
I understand, you are a decent club with mostly decent fans, you are excited about the future, but please lets keep a sense of perspective here.
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up. You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.
And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.
All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?
It remains to be seen, and whilst its been a great start for you lets wait and see how it all pans out.

-- Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:12 am --

Skashion said:
Who's going to be to blame when they come nowhere near winning the title? They've got the best players, the best manager and their owner is giving the best manager the funds to buy the best players. Who're those scousers going to scapegoat?
no one is suggesting we will win the title yet.<br /><br />-- Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:15 am --<br /><br />
shackattack said:
he said it was a decision he made which was beneficial to him and it was the first time in 20 yrs of football he had done this.
i think the stress of hillsborough helped him make the decision, and not the fact they drew 4-4 with everton in the fa cup.... yet surprisingly he joined blackburn as their manager later that year !

The man needed time out, he was under a lot of stress dealing with Hillsborough.
He would of liked to return to LFC but we appointed Souness before asking him.
Not the best decision by our club.

shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
Some of us posted for years on rivals/teamtalk forums etc before finding this site so it's a silly point.

Dippers have absolute hatred for us because we exposed them to be the weakest of the so called big four,on and off the pitch.

The poor thing for them is Kenny has them looking convincing enough that it will only be end of season that they realise they aren't as good as they think.

I take issue with this.
I understand, you are a decent club with mostly decent fans, you are excited about the future, but please lets keep a sense of perspective here.
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up. You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.
And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.
All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?
It remains to be seen, and whilst its been a great start for you lets wait and see how it all pans out.

Yeah we will have to take criticism for spending money. It's like water off a ducks back. La

And just like you say la we had to, just to catch up because 4 teams had been getting ridiculous sums from CL for the past 10 years.

mcmanus said:
shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
Some of us posted for years on rivals/teamtalk forums etc before finding this site so it's a silly point.

Dippers have absolute hatred for us because we exposed them to be the weakest of the so called big four,on and off the pitch.

The poor thing for them is Kenny has them looking convincing enough that it will only be end of season that they realise they aren't as good as they think.

I take issue with this.
I understand, you are a decent club with mostly decent fans, you are excited about the future, but please lets keep a sense of perspective here.
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up. You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.
And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.
All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?
It remains to be seen, and whilst its been a great start for you lets wait and see how it all pans out.

Yeah we will have to take criticism for spending money. It's like water off a ducks back. La

And just like you say la we had to, just to catch up because 4 teams had been getting ridiculous sums from CL for the past 10 years.
water off a ducks back it may well be, although I suspect its not as you wouldn't of replied with the attempt of mocking me with the 'la' references.
But my point stands and you can pretend it didnt help but it did and has.

And I thought you scousers had the best sense of humour in the world ;)

We had to watch 4 teams cream up to 30mil a year off CL for a decade plus the mega extra millions from the worldwide publicity and sponsorship. Did you not spend this money on players and wages whilst we and other 15 teams had fuck all.

Swing and roundabouts

mcmanus said:
And I thought you scousers had the best sense of humour in the world ;)

We had to watch 4 teams cream up to 30mil a year off CL for a decade plus the mega extra millions from the worldwide publicity and sponsorship. Did you not spend this money on players and wages whilst we and other 15 teams had fuck all.

Swing and roundabouts

We spent relatively little before Jan and the summer in the past few years.
And havent been in the CL for two of those. We were in it from 04-09.

mcmanus said:
And I thought you scousers had the best sense of humour in the world ;)

We had to watch 4 teams cream up to 30mil a year off CL for a decade plus the mega extra millions from the worldwide publicity and sponsorship. Did you not spend this money on players and wages whilst we and other 15 teams had fuck all.

Swing and roundabouts

I think some would argue that the CL money comes off of earning a spot in the competition while the sugar daddy money is simply handed to the club. Doesn't say that on any trophies though so it's pointless.

shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
Some of us posted for years on rivals/teamtalk forums etc before finding this site so it's a silly point.

Dippers have absolute hatred for us because we exposed them to be the weakest of the so called big four,on and off the pitch.

The poor thing for them is Kenny has them looking convincing enough that it will only be end of season that they realise they aren't as good as they think.
I take issue with this.
I understand, you are a decent club with mostly decent fans, you are excited about the future, but please lets keep a sense of perspective here.
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up. You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.
And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.
All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?
It remains to be seen, and whilst its been a great start for you lets wait and see how it all pans out.
-- Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:12 am --

The simple fact is that money spent has no correlation with team spirit or lack thereof. There's no reason why it should do, there's no reason why Liverpool or anyone else should have a better team spirit than us. Not one single Liverpool player would still be at the club if they were told tomorrow their wages were being cut by 50%. Everyone is firmly on the same boat on that score.

So unless you're frantically asking the ''will we have a team spirit/togetherness'' question of yourselves, it's a bit baseless to be asking it of us.

And to be blunt the 'tinged with the fact that you spent loads of money' assumes that we care what the average shitmuncher/punter thinks. When you get successful you pull up the drawer bridge and its siege mentality time, there's you and the enemy and nothing in between, that's the way I see it.

Many of us couldn't give a toss about this back-slapping 'respect' of other fans we'll supposedly lose - in an era where most football fans are myopic, biased, whingy children it's all fake, contrived and ultimately self-serving anyway. A circle jerk between a fanbase and another fanbase that is no threat to them. We know about that one only too well.

Instead, let me tell you about the kind of respect that does matter and that we will get, if not already have - it's the kind of 'respect' that causes you not to punch a grizzly bear in the nose, because if you do you're getting fucked. That's the only kind of respect that matters. And you don't get a choice as to whether you confer it or not, that choice is taken for you.

Good luck for the season though, ''all good PR for the Northeastern US no doubt'' but...<br /><br />-- Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:43 am --<br /><br />
Gar said:
mcmanus said:
And I thought you scousers had the best sense of humour in the world ;)

We had to watch 4 teams cream up to 30mil a year off CL for a decade plus the mega extra millions from the worldwide publicity and sponsorship. Did you not spend this money on players and wages whilst we and other 15 teams had fuck all.

Swing and roundabouts

I think some would argue that the CL money comes off of earning a spot in the competition while the sugar daddy money is simply handed to the club. Doesn't say that on any trophies though so it's pointless.

Yeah the point is that while the first CL spot may be 'earned' the rest are achieved with assistance of the CL money which makes it a self-perpetuating monopoly and a long term place in it 'illegitimate'. This meant that clubs with 'sugar daddies' spending money to redress that illegitimate inbalance were always justified, to be commended in fact.

But frankly, as sad it is to have to say this, it isn't changing any time soon and the important thing from that point of view is that we are now at least part of that monopoly. It may sound cynical but it's just reality, if you can't beat the system you have to work with it.

shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
mcmanus said:
And I thought you scousers had the best sense of humour in the world ;)

We had to watch 4 teams cream up to 30mil a year off CL for a decade plus the mega extra millions from the worldwide publicity and sponsorship. Did you not spend this money on players and wages whilst we and other 15 teams had fuck all.

Swing and roundabouts

We spent relatively little before Jan and the summer in the past few years.
And havent been in the CL for two of those. We were in it from 04-09.

If you think that City winning trophies and titles bought and and paid for puts a "tinge" on things then you really are posting on the wrong forum..I seem to remember Dippers forums getting all excited at the prospect of a possible D.I.C takeover and the money it would bring in...On the FA cup this year it says " winners 2011 Manchester City". To City fans,thats all that matters.

shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up.

so what? we're not the first & won't be the last club to use serious financial muscle to improve our lot.

You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.

complete nonsense. do the rags feel their trophies are tinged because they spent mega millions on players to get them to the top & keep them there, breaking the transfer record 7 times on the way? does your kenny feel his premier league title at blackburn, won as a result of jack walker's open cheque book, is tinged? of course not.

And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.

i think we can live with the outbursts of rag loving/londoncentric journalists or jealous & hypocritical fans who would have welcomed our owners with open arms if their club had been chosen.

All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?

aah! the old team spirit argument as bandied about last season by any number of washed up, agenda driven media hacks. we see our team week in & week out so trust me when i tell you there's team spirit in abundance here.

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