The Liverpool Thread


shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
mcmanus said:
shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
I take issue with this.
I understand, you are a decent club with mostly decent fans, you are excited about the future, but please lets keep a sense of perspective here.
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up. You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.
And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.
All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?
It remains to be seen, and whilst its been a great start for you lets wait and see how it all pans out.

Yeah we will have to take criticism for spending money. It's like water off a ducks back. La

And just like you say la we had to, just to catch up because 4 teams had been getting ridiculous sums from CL for the past 10 years.
water off a ducks back it may well be, although I suspect its not as you wouldn't of replied with the attempt of mocking me with the 'la' references.
But my point stands and you can pretend it didnt help but it did and has.

No one in the world thinks we would be where we are without the money, in fact due to our last owner the human rights activist we would of been totally fucked without our current owner. The problem is though that money breeds money and after a couple of seasons in the CL the top 4 were years ahead of the rest and City had to spend massive amounts to catch up. It also doesn't help that everyone in the first 18 months took advantage of us but that was the position we were in, its not like no one in club realised we were paying well over the odds for players but now we in a better position we can control the money spent on deals as people know we will walk away from stupid prices. I know the money has brought us success but it wont ever ruin us winning something as it was a necessity to get on a level playing field

rassclot said:
shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up.

so what? we're not the first & won't be the last club to use serious financial muscle to improve our lot.

You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.

complete nonsense. do the rags feel their trophies are tinged because they spent mega millions on players to get them to the top & keep them there, breaking the transfer record 7 times on the way? does your kenny feel his premier league title at blackburn, won as a result of jack walker's open cheque book, is tinged? of course not.

And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.

i think we can live with the outbursts of rag loving/londoncentric journalists or jealous & hypocritical fans who would have welcomed our owners with open arms if their club had been chosen.

All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?

aah! the old team spirit argument as bandied about last season by any number of washed up, agenda driven media hacks. we see our team week in & week out so trust me when i tell you there's team spirit in abundance here.

....and maybe Shelovesyouyeayea...should watch a re-run of the FA Cup Final and the 5-1 mauling of Spurs last week, before spouting crap re team spirit. If that is what we can do without team spirit, I pity the rest of the league when we do get this 'mythical' team spirit!

I feel we should give all our money back and leave the top four to Liverpool, Arsenal Chelsea & United to win all the silverware, by not spending more money than everybody else, just like they have always done, it has always been done by team spirit and hard work, there had my say.

shelovesyouyehyehyeh said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
Some of us posted for years on rivals/teamtalk forums etc before finding this site so it's a silly point.

Dippers have absolute hatred for us because we exposed them to be the weakest of the so called big four,on and off the pitch.

The poor thing for them is Kenny has them looking convincing enough that it will only be end of season that they realise they aren't as good as they think.

I take issue with this.
I understand, you are a decent club with mostly decent fans, you are excited about the future, but please lets keep a sense of perspective here.
You have spent hundreds of millions just to catch up. You can afford that but IF you do start to bring in trophies on the scale of them lot and of us in the past, it will always be tinged with the fact that you spent HUGE amounts of money. Not massive amounts like some have done but HUGE amounts.
And whilst that will seem irrelevant at the time of winning all of these trophies, you'll have to deal with that criticism.
All great PR for Abu Dhabi no doubt but do you/will you have a team spirit ?
Will you have the togetherness in the team and the players fighting for each other ?
It remains to be seen, and whilst its been a great start for you lets wait and see how it all pans out.

-- Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:12 am --

Skashion said:
Who's going to be to blame when they come nowhere near winning the title? They've got the best players, the best manager and their owner is giving the best manager the funds to buy the best players. Who're those scousers going to scapegoat?
no one is suggesting we will win the title yet.

-- Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:15 am --

shackattack said:
he said it was a decision he made which was beneficial to him and it was the first time in 20 yrs of football he had done this.
i think the stress of hillsborough helped him make the decision, and not the fact they drew 4-4 with everton in the fa cup.... yet surprisingly he joined blackburn as their manager later that year !

The man needed time out, he was under a lot of stress dealing with Hillsborough.
He would of liked to return to LFC but we appointed Souness before asking him.
Not the best decision by our club.

The question you should ask youself is why a club has to spend 100's of millions of pounds just to catch up.

As for your team spirit argument, as rascclot has said we watch our team every week and I think any City fan will tell you that team spirit is not an issue. I would go on to say that the team spirit here, now that the fifth columnists have (mainly!!) been removed, is as strong as any squad in the Premier League with the possible exception of utd, regrettably.

It is nothing inherrant to City, it is just human nature. Put a load of young men together, pay them a lot of money, and make them feel, quite rightly, that they are part of something new, exciting and iconoclastic and the capacity for togetherness manifests itself very quickly.

It is clear to anyone who cares to use their eyes, rather than see what they want to see, that this group of players has a togetherness now that I believe will be there for years to come.

Their thread on Luis Suarez is just fantastic. Some guy (and a few others agree) honestly believes he is better than Messi but is surrounded by lesser players. Messi lacks the drive of Suarez don't you know. Thankfully a few slap him down.

I have a read of RAWK now and again to give myself a good laugh.

Are Liverpool lecturing us on team spirit?

Last i saw, we all looked pretty together, no one had hit anybody with a golf club, no DJ's were assaulted and bar Mario Barwuah Ballotelli taking over the world one step at a time, we seemed a decently knit squad.

Money doesn't equal success. Money doesn't equal automatic individuality either.

I'd guess if you added the sums spent by the clubs who have been successfull over the years and translated that in to 'toaday's currency value' you'd find we're not HUGE amounts of money away.

So 'massive' spending for decades, as Liverpool have done, is perfectly fine.
But HUGE spending over three years, as City have done, is the death of football.
You really couldn't invent this stuff. Dear me. Terms like 'hypocrisy', 'self-interest' and 'deluded sense of entitlement' don't even begin to cover it.
As for team spirit, I think most blues are happy with City's spirit based on the hard evidence of last lesson's results, rather than Liverpool's two successive seasons of decline, glossed over with a new manager's honeymoon period once the pressure was off and success in real terms was unattainable.

gordondaviesmoustache said:
The question you should ask youself is why a club has to spend 100's of millions of pounds just to catch up.

To me this is the key question. Football as a serious contest was destroyed when the Premier Greed and the European Champions League were established at the request/demand of certain greedy clubs who essentially wanted to keep all almost all the cash to themselves to the exclusion of the other clubs. Now these same greedy clubs are complaining that somehow 'it isn't fair' because another club has been funded sufficiently to compete with them. You couldn't make it up!

Imagine a casino where four of the punters had found a way to rig the roulette wheel. Then win every night, and the only snag is that for the system to work they have to stake more than they can really afford. However as they almost always win this doesn't matter. Anther punter might have the odd night of success, but overall only the four make money.

Then along comes a new punter who has so much money he doesn't care how much he loses. The system is rigged in a way that means that because of his big stakes he's bound to win in the end and at least one of the four wheel riggers will lose.

Shock, horror, complain to the maangement! This rich guy is cheating!

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