The Liverpool Thread

Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

People always said they hated Bellamy but would like him in their side. It's because he's argumentative, feisty and puts in a lot of effort. Suarez is completely different. He's just a cynical diving cheat. I wouldn't want him anywhere near City. I remember Berkovic years ago behaving like that and getting slagged off by us for it. Liverpool fans seem to be turning a blind eye to it. The sooner we have a panel that scrutinises blatant cheating the better. Instant 3 match ban. It would clean the whole thing up within a month
Best thing to do is keep chanting "cheat, cheat, cheat" whenever he touches the ball in the return game at the Etihad.
Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

Tevez City said:
waspish said:
Think he's one of these players if he's in your side you'd love him


Can't read your posts because your name makes me physically sick - please change it....................its the kind of offensive material we want stamping out on this site!
Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

If you're ever trying to convert non-football following people, don't show em a Liverpool game...GRADE A TWATS :)
Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

Officials in the Italian town of pizza have officially renamed their famous leaning tower the 'Suarez Tower'.. this being due to the fact that if any premiership players should come near it,it will definately fall over.
Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

What do you expect from the guy who pulled that stunt against Ghana in Wcup last year?

his reaction when they missed the penalty aswell...
i had to go on rawk to see the reaction, and this post nearly made me spit my tea out (had i been drinking any at the time)

Thae's the great thing about cups. Imagine being a Cardiff or Palace supporter and facing Liverpool at Wembley. I sort of envy them the experience, even as losers.

the level of condescension is incredible!

the ultimate tragedy of the liverpool fan - never experiencing the honour of having your team beaten by liverpool fc in a cup final.
DirtyEddie said:
i had to go on rawk to see the reaction, and this post nearly made me spit my tea out (had i been drinking any at the time)

Thae's the great thing about cups. Imagine being a Cardiff or Palace supporter and facing Liverpool at Wembley. I sort of envy them the experience, even as losers.

the level of condescension is incredible!

the ultimate tragedy of the liverpool fan - never experiencing the honour of having your team beaten by liverpool fc in a cup final.

Oh man that is just...just, That is just the poorest form i have ever seen in text. Call them cnuts/twats whatever but that is just cringeworthy in the extreme.

Condescension does not do that pile of bollocks justice.

Good spot though Eddie, As it is my head is spinning on rag cafe due to the shear amount of posts pouring in. Give it a read when your done mate its a cracking meltdown on their right now. I'll have a ganders at rawk later as rag cafe is just awesome atm.
moomba said:
I wonder what it is about Liverpool that has the majority of the press conned into thinking they are just around the corner from big things.

While I have no pain in the rags copping it on this occasion I thought this paragraph was interesting.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... sfeed=true</a>

This time the competition is much stronger, with Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool powerfully resurgent, and the evidence suggests United have not improved. In their past eight league matches they have managed a meagre nine goals while City and Spurs have, in dressing‑room parlance, been scoring for fun.

It was written after the rags drew with Newcastle and before our game against them.

In their last eight league matches (mentioned in the above paragraph).

United - 15 points for, 9 goals scored, 9 against.
Liverpool (before our match) - 15 points for, 10 goals scored, 8 against

Resurgent City (22 points, +19 gd) and Spurs (22 points, +11 gd) I can understand, but Liverpool? Chelsea are supposed to be in crisis and at the time the article was written they had as many points from their last 8 matches as United and Liverpool.

Many other examples of this, it just continues to baffle me.

Its doesn't baffle me at all Moomba , should City be successful this year in particular win the title the press will harp on the fact it has been paid for by oil and bricks and mortar.

They do not like a new kid on the block especially one not from London and they certainly begrudge Man City having any success on the field at the expense of the likes of Liverpool and Manure for example.

They will criticise our inability to reach the next stage of the Chumps League should that eventuate to the max and be hoping we fall short of the title this year.

Good news stories about City don't sell many papers but they will find out that bad news stories about City don't sell many more.

You would think that a new force in the premiership would be welcomed with open arms if not for the novelty and relief of boredom if nothing elese however with very few exceptions this is not what the media want.
Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

looks familiar ?

Re: Suarez You Are A Disgrace

Gah i was chilled them MSP you bastard haha.

This fucker makes my blood boil. I am kind of oldskool in this way. To many people just accept it as "the modern game" i will never bow to this train of thought and have come to blows more than once over it.
If your a good player you don't need to do this crap and i would personally scrag the **** by his collar and drag him up (one of the very few things that really winds me up).

p.s. he is a ****

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