The Liverpool Thread

corky1970 said:
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
corky1970 said:
you know when you have a simmering hatred for a bunch of people. not just the fans but the whole area.

i know hate is awful , but im biting my lip at these utter idiots.

a complete sense of entitlement, delusion and false hope is in their very essence.

i know liverpool is a good night out and we have good liverpool mates etc. but im talking about the group mentality of these utter fucktards, clueless in every regard about other clubs but seem to think that their word is respected.

yes they had a great team in the eighties and early nineties, but fuck me i wish they would get a grip.

ok they dont read the SUN but they still spout SUN related shit about our club as if it was gospel.

and the accent and the amazing ability to make our manchester scallies look posh.

a lost , dirty deluded bunch of scummy dicks , the scurge of england.

by the way scousers , if your readimng this , why would our owners get bored if they are investin billions in the region....think about it .............if your capable you thick horrible cunts

you say you have mates there and it's a good night out. nice attitude to have no wonder you enjoy liverpool. would never dream of disrespecting people i class as friends in such a way.
I liked the line "If scousers are so funny how come when Liverpool got named the City of Culture they didn't get the fucling joke".

Made me laugh anyway (in parts)
I found it funny, mainly because it's true on the most part. Been in Scouse for a while now, no matter how much they regenerate/redesign/pat themselves on the back it'll be pointless, because there'll always be scousers in Liverpool...
stony said:
RAWK provides so many gifts that gems like this can sometimes be overlooked.

Liverpool fans were discussing other fans opinions of Suarez being a cheating, diving, buck toothed ****, and this was posted.

Deluded dipper 1 said:
Every fan in the country except Liverpool fans are pretty much fucking clueless.
The rest of the world would say the same - Suarez was on the longlist for the Ballon D'or this year, Balotelli wasn't, although he did some zany things which makes him really hilarious, or something.

and the response from this fella is just beyond the pale.

Deluded dipper 2 said:
Basically this. We have a more mature fanbase because of our success in the 70's and 80's. We have the best fanzines, the best blogs and the best podcasts. Because of our *** boycott our opinions are less influenced by tabloids and more by analysis and wisdom.

For all the examples of Suarez's so-called diving I could name almost as many instances of times he's stayed on his feet and got nothing or of other players in the league committing worse offences. The fact they would even compare Balotelli and the Copa America MVP is laughable.

By far the funniest part of City fans though, is their surprise that the media and establishment wants them to fail. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that if they'd been bought in 2010 instead of 2007, all their "squad-building" would be outside of the rules. They're a travesty of a club, and when the Sheikh inevitably loses interest like Abramovich did, they'll lose half their fanbase.

Words actually fail me......

Me too. Anyway, I must've missed it but when did Abramovich chuck the towel in at Chelsea? Last time I looked, he was still their owner and was planning on moving to a new stadium. That doesn't sound like someone who has lost interest to me.
just about sums king kenny up - He got so annoying in his Newcastle days that after the umpteenth time of telling a reporter his question was stupid or irrelevant a Geordie Journalist stood up and told him he'd been a journalist for years and was sick of the rubbish Dalglish talked and the condescending way he treated journos, the guy got a standing ovation from the other press.
shackattack said:
just about sums king kenny up - He got so annoying in his Newcastle days that after the umpteenth time of telling a reporter his question was stupid or irrelevant a Geordie Journalist stood up and told him he'd been a journalist for years and was sick of the rubbish Dalglish talked and the condescending way he treated journos, the guy got a standing ovation from the other press.

Toon fans hate him with a passion.
stony said:
RAWK provides so many gifts that gems like this can sometimes be overlooked.

Liverpool fans were discussing other fans opinions of Suarez being a cheating, diving, buck toothed ****, and this was posted.

Deluded dipper 1 said:
Every fan in the country except Liverpool fans are pretty much fucking clueless.
The rest of the world would say the same - Suarez was on the longlist for the Ballon D'or this year, Balotelli wasn't, although he did some zany things which makes him really hilarious, or something.

and the response from this fella is just beyond the pale.

Deluded dipper 2 said:
Basically this. We have a more mature fanbase because of our success in the 70's and 80's. We have the best fanzines, the best blogs and the best podcasts. Because of our *** boycott our opinions are less influenced by tabloids and more by analysis and wisdom.

For all the examples of Suarez's so-called diving I could name almost as many instances of times he's stayed on his feet and got nothing or of other players in the league committing worse offences. The fact they would even compare Balotelli and the Copa America MVP is laughable.

By far the funniest part of City fans though, is their surprise that the media and establishment wants them to fail. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that if they'd been bought in 2010 instead of 2007, all their "squad-building" would be outside of the rules. They're a travesty of a club, and when the Sheikh inevitably loses interest like Abramovich did, they'll lose half their fanbase.

Words actually fail me......

I didn't believe you so I went and checked and yes quotes from rawk.... but you missed one

They still don't 'matter'. Their owner will be dragged through some sort of financial court case / meltdown in a couple of years and city will be back where they belong - in the Championship.

Can't wait for our owner to be dragged though a 'financial court case'
smudgedj said:
They still don't 'matter'. Their owner will be dragged through some sort of financial court case / meltdown in a couple of years and city will be back where they belong - in the Championship.

Can't wait for our owner to be dragged though a 'financial court case'

I wonder if we'll matter when we knock them out of the CC and beat them at home in the league.

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