The Lords Prayer advert now banned in cinemas.

Sadly, most of your sentences seem superfluous this days, just carriers for insults like 'Creationist' 'Fairy Tale' etc along with a variety of excremental derivatives.

Creationist is an insult? That's news to me, I thought it was a belief. Fairy Tale being an insult is stretching it as well tbh George, seeing as the definition for Fairy Tale is

a : a story (as for children) involving fantastic forces and beings (as fairies, wizards, and goblins) —called also fairy story

b : a story in which improbable events lead to a happy ending

Which pretty accurately describes it really.
It wouldn't be the first time the Abrahamic faiths stole somebody else's fairy tale and tried to pass it off as Dogma now would it?
Sadly, most of your sentences seem superfluous this days, just carriers for insults like 'Creationist' 'Fairy Tale' etc along with a variety of excremental derivatives.

Pretty much all the stories found within religious books, certainly within the bible, will have a basis in actual events that happened. I have no doubt that, at some point a few thousand years ago, there was a major flood event in the middle eastern area. Floods are commonplace, we get them yearly in the UK, and the same seems to be the case for Europe, and elsewhere. However that doesn't mean that I accept the premise that there was a man called Noah who had a premonition, built a boat, filled it with a load of animals, and road out the flood whilst those around him died. Maybe there's a kernel of truth to some of it, it's feasible that a farmer/fisherman saw the flood waters were getting bad, happened to have a decent sized boat to hand, shoved his family and livestock on it, and survived the flood. The same with other stories, take Lazarus for example. Dead man risen. But was he really? Given our far greater understanding of the human body, and medicine/disease these days is it really likely this happened? Maybe he wasn't actually dead in the first place, he could have been in a coma, how accurate were the methods for telling if someone was dead thousands of years ago? You hear stories of people waking up in morgues from time to time so, even now, we don't always get it right.
Pretty much all the stories found within religious books, certainly within the bible, will have a basis in actual events that happened. I have no doubt that, at some point a few thousand years ago, there was a major flood event in the middle eastern area. Floods are commonplace, we get them yearly in the UK, and the same seems to be the case for Europe, and elsewhere. However that doesn't mean that I accept the premise that there was a man called Noah who had a premonition, built a boat, filled it with a load of animals, and road out the flood whilst those around him died. Maybe there's a kernel of truth to some of it, it's feasible that a farmer/fisherman saw the flood waters were getting bad, happened to have a decent sized boat to hand, shoved his family and livestock on it, and survived the flood. The same with other stories, take Lazarus for example. Dead man risen. But was he really? Given our far greater understanding of the human body, and medicine/disease these days is it really likely this happened? Maybe he wasn't actually dead in the first place, he could have been in a coma, how accurate were the methods for telling if someone was dead thousands of years ago? You hear stories of people waking up in morgues from time to time so, even now, we don't always get it right.

I think if you steal and adapt a story that's already been passed down in Oral tradition for over 2000 years then it could quite accurately said to have no basis in fact. Maybe Folk Tale would have been a better description than Fairy Tale, but either way the only difference between the Banshee and Noah is that Noah got the publishing contract and the big venues while the Banshee stayed on the fireside circuit.
Why do people get so uptight over this sort of thing? The CoE trying to get me to buy into their script is no different to Coke trying to sell me their sugar loaded shit, or McD's trying to convince me that their produce is in fact delicious and not the box of fried shite I tend to think it is.
Eat shit or don't, drink shit or don't, pray to one God or another or don't. Fuck's sake.
I'm puzzled that you think possibly the greatest mathematician and logician to have ever lived was irrational but, to repeat myself, I don't think there is an irrefutable proof for the existence of God. Talk of sky fairies and flying spaghetti monsters etc in this context is pretty infantile and quite unfriendly actually.
There go those unfriendly atheists again making fun and blowing themselves up in theatres.

Oh hang on.
Didn't they ban the Pearl and Dean advert for being to Patriarchal?
Why do people get so uptight over this sort of thing? The CoE trying to get me to buy into their script is no different to Coke trying to sell me their sugar loaded shit, or McD's trying to convince me that their produce is in fact delicious and not the box of fried shite I tend to think it is.
Eat shit or don't, drink shit or don't, pray to one God or another or don't. Fuck's sake.
I think it's very different. Unless of course Coke have now adopted the position that their's should be the only one true drink, and if you drink, worship or enjoy anything but Coke, you're going to hell for eternity?

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