The Lords Prayer advert now banned in cinemas.

The point is that it's all or nothing. If the C of E is allowed to advertise next thing you'll be seeing ads for the local Jehovah's Witnesses or the Church of Scientology or the Alpha Course.

If the cinema was to show ads for the local mosque then we'd be seeing rants from the RWNJs.

Personally I'd allow them to show it, but only before showings of Life of Brian,
none of his axioms can be proved to be true

i would also add he starts from a base of being a committed christian which from my perspective slants his view. i.e. he isn't starting with an open mind, you may well disagree

I've been trying to explain to George that no Ontological argument is even vaguely convincing unless you start from a position of complete faith for a while now, he doesn't get it. He's already brought in the infinite university and infinite possiblities argument and Anselm's argument of nothing greater (that Anselm himself rejected and admitted was a load of shite), I'm expecting him to come out with the Thomistic argument next. Hopefully one of these days he'll realise they teach first year Philosophy students the Ontological arguments because it's an easy way for them to learn to refute a really bad argument.
As well? I'd say it was the primary inspiration, seeing as it put the idea in his head of genetic variation caused by selective breeding, whereas Noah's Ark probably just reminded him he was stuck on a fucking boat.
Darwin, like you and I, was a creature of his time. It's hardly surprising the Bible stories influenced his thinking, he did after all go up to Cambridge to study to be an Anglican clergyman. I think reading Malthus perhaps had an even greater effect on the early development of his ideas. The Flood Story was around long before Genesis by the way, more than 2500 years before the Torah it was found in written
form in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Not hundreds of years old stories represented as cold stone fact, thousands of years old ! Most upsetting for you I'm sure but history is a such a slippery slope for scientism.
I've been trying to explain to George that no Ontological argument is even vaguely convincing unless you start from a position of complete faith for a while now, he doesn't get it. He's already brought in the infinite university and infinite possiblities argument and Anselm's argument of nothing greater (that Anselm himself rejected and admitted was a load of shite), I'm expecting him to come out with the Thomistic argument next. Hopefully one of these days he'll realise they teach first year Philosophy students the Ontological arguments because it's an easy way for them to learn to refute a really bad argument.
Is that what you've been trying to do? No need, I'm grateful for your efforts but I've told you many, many times I don't think there is an irrefutable proof for the existence of God. The various philosophical issues raised by traditional God arguments are indeed the stuff of undergraduate philosophy courses but also continue as a lively source of controversy among the greatest philosophers alive. I appreciate you are trying to summarise the academic debate in an entertaining way for BM but sadly the main casualty of your vigorous approach is coherence and accuracy.
Darwin, like you and I, was a creature of his time. It's hardly surprising the Bible stories influenced his thinking, he did after all go up to Cambridge to study to be an Anglican clergyman. I think reading Malthus perhaps had an even greater effect on the early development of his ideas. The Flood Story was around long before Genesis by the way, more than 2500 years before the Torah it was found in written
form in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Not hundreds of years old stories represented as cold stone fact, thousands of years old ! Most upsetting for you I'm sure but history is a such a slippery slope for scientism.

The Bible stories that put forth Creationism inspired him? Maybe because he recognised that they were so preposterous that they had to be a load of shite. Yet again, religion trying to take credit from it's detractors.
The Flood Story was around long before Genesis by the way, more than 2500 years before the Torah it was found in written
form in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Not hundreds of years old stories represented as cold stone fact, thousands of years old ! Most upsetting for you I'm sure but history is a such a slippery slope for scientism.

It wouldn't be the first time the Abrahamic faiths stole somebody else's fairy tale and tried to pass it off as Dogma now would it?

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