The Lords Prayer advert now banned in cinemas.

Right, but that's not what happened with the synoptic gospels and the Pauline letters. There are manuscripts were recording parts of those sources as early as 57AD.

Parts? So did they just fill in the spaces then? An altered source is not a reliable one.
Parts? So did they just fill in the spaces then? An altered source is not a reliable one.
I think there's a bit more to it than that:
"According to the majority viewpoint the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, collectively referred to as the Synoptic Gospels, are the primary sources of historical information about Jesus and of the religious movement he founded.[1][22][23] The fourth gospel, theGospel of John, differs greatly from the first three gospels. Historians often study the historical reliability of the Acts of the Apostleswhen studying the reliability of the gospels, as Acts was seemingly written by the same author as the Gospel of Luke.
I think there's a bit more to it than that:
"According to the majority viewpoint the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, collectively referred to as the Synoptic Gospels, are the primary sources of historical information about Jesus and of the religious movement he founded.[1][22][23] The fourth gospel, theGospel of John, differs greatly from the first three gospels. Historians often study the historical reliability of the Acts of the Apostleswhen studying the reliability of the gospels, as Acts was seemingly written by the same author as the Gospel of Luke.

as a primary source not that reliable though
2 more churches near me got signs up now that they are gonna get done into flats and such, saw them taking all the churchy stuff out and lobbing it into the back of a skip/haulage type truck. I don't remember seeing anyone near here in their sunday best of to church so i can see why, just no demand for churches near here.
Poor old Bertrand, his halitosis was so bad he was virtually a hermit for most of his life. Nobody could be in a room with him for more than a few minutes without gagging. Probably why he thought the rest of the world was feeble and contemptible.

is that it, insult someone who can't respond in a way you constantly complain about rather than address the point made

nothing new there i suppose, i'll keep trying
2 more churches near me got signs up now that they are gonna get done into flats and such, saw them taking all the churchy stuff out and lobbing it into the back of a skip/haulage type truck. I don't remember seeing anyone near here in their sunday best of to church so i can see why, just no demand for churches near here.
According to Peter Brierley in his UK Church Statistics 2: 2010-2020 the actual number of churches increased between 2008-2013 and is expected to continue to do so between 2013 and 2020.
  • 2008 total number of churches 49,727
  • 2013 total number of churches 50,660
  • 2020 estimated number of churches 51,275
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is that it, insult someone who can't respond in a way you constantly complain about rather than address the point made
nothing new there i suppose, i'll keep trying
Well if he goes about calling virtually everybody else 'feeble and contemptible' sympathy for his affliction is quite gracious.
I did read the article you linked, here's its punchline: "Conclusion - The New Testament is mostly fiction based on myths, unsubstantiated legends and out right lies. Its hero, Jesus of Nazareth, is a mythological figure who in all probability never existed." I'm not surprised you find that stirring stuff.
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Maybe it is to cut costs then ? i can imagine old churches being rather expensive to maintain. Probably selling them and putting up these new types you see, the ones that do not actually look like churches but average buildings.

Just remembered about the church in Standish a few years back, needed repairs and used some old law to make some poor fucker have to pay it haha.
Seriously they used some proper old law to try and force some random family to cough up 300k to fix the roof of the church saying it was their duty xD
I can't remember the exact tale, i will see if i can find the article online, there was a right old kerfuffle in the village over it haha, proper wallace and gromit stuff.

Not the exact story but it was that law they used and only one family had a house on what once was old church land so they got the full bill themselves lol, tbh i would have rammed it down some buggers neck. In fairness i believe teh church was kinda told to use this old law or something.
I know the vicar in Standish is a nice man and Standish born and bred so seems right he would not do it of his own back.
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Maybe it is to cut costs then ? i can imagine old churches being rather expensive to maintain. Probably selling them and putting up these new types you see, the ones that do not actually look like churches but average buildings.

Just remembered about the church in Standish a few years back, needed repairs and used some old law to make some poor fucker have to pay it haha.
Seriously they used some proper old law to try and force some random family to cough up 300k to fix the roof of the church saying it was their duty xD
I can't remember the exact tale, i will see if i can find the article online, there was a right old kerfuffle in the village over it haha, proper wallace and gromit stuff.

Not the exact story but it was that law they used and only one family had a house on what once was old church land so they got the full bill themselves lol, tbh i would have rammed it down some buggers neck. In fairness i believe teh church was kinda told to use this old law or something.
I know the vicar in Standish is a nice man and Standish born and bred so seems right he would not do it of his own back.
I smiled at one of the comments:
"Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide,
The scripture assures us, the Lord will provide"

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