The Lords Prayer advert now banned in cinemas.

No it doesn't. Do you respect paedophiles opinions?
So I take it you do not respect any Muslim, considering all the Muslim rapist gangs in UK or terrorist acts committed by muslims, or anyone from the BBC considering all those years of covering up for rapists.

It is amusing how the likes of you roll out the "it's wrong to blame all muslims for the acts of some individuals" while happily labelling all Christians as paedophiles.

That's why I have as little respect for atheists as I have for organised religion. They are as bad in terms of intolerance and hypocrisy, but with an added holier than thou stance.
So I take it you do not respect any Muslim, considering all the Muslim rapist gangs in UK or terrorist acts committed by muslims, or anyone from the BBC considering all those years of covering up for rapists.

It is amusing how the likes of you roll out the "it's wrong to blame all muslims for the acts of some individuals" while happily labelling all Christians as paedophiles.

That's why I have as little respect for atheists as I have for organised religion. They are as bad in terms of intolerance and hypocrisy, but with an added holier than thou stance.
No, you fail to follow my logic which that just because someone has an opinion or belief does mean that one has to respect that belief, as you suggest.

I don't for one minute think all Christian are paedophiles nor have I ever suggested that. That's your warped interpretation of my point.

Show me my hypocrisy, I'll be waiting. You'll also be pleased to note that I have no interest in your respect for me nor other atheists and I certainly won't be indoctrinating any children in my personal beliefs nor scaring them with stories and warnings of hell and damnation for thinking for themselves and not adhering to my beliefs.
No, you fail to follow my logic which that just because someone has an opinion or belief does mean that one has to respect that belief, as you suggest.

I don't for one minute think all Christian are paedophiles nor have I ever suggested that. That's your warped interpretation of my point.

Show me my hypocrisy, I'll be waiting. You'll also be pleased to note that I have no interest in your respect for me nor other atheists and I certainly won't be indoctrinating any children in my personal beliefs nor scaring them with stories and warnings of hell and damnation for thinking for themselves and not adhering to my beliefs.
Look, I completely agree with you about the irrationality, stupidity and closed mindedness of religion.
I just think most people have foibles, and we may not agree with them, but we have to respect them. My wife doesn't eat meat because if her religion but we cook meat in the home and I eat whatever I want. She has a prayer room and I respect her wish not to wear shoes. Just mutual give and take.

And apologies if I misunderstood, but I strongly believe within religions UK or north European Christianity is relatively benign, and should not be judged by a few paedophiles in the church.
Now Christianity in the US, that's pure bonkers, absolute nutters. Any group that denies women the right to abortion even when that's the outcome of rape. Now that's evil.
Look, I completely agree with you about the irrationality, stupidity and closed mindedness of religion.
I just think most people have foibles, and we may not agree with them, but we have to respect them. My wife doesn't eat meat because if her religion but we cook meat in the home and I eat whatever I want. She has a prayer room and I respect her wish not to wear shoes. Just mutual give and take.

And apologies if I misunderstood, but I strongly believe within religions UK or north European Christianity is relatively benign, and should not be judged by a few paedophiles in the church.
Now Christianity in the US, that's pure bonkers, absolute nutters. Any group that denies women the right to abortion even when that's the outcome of rape. Now that's evil.
So you think religion is irrational, stupid and closed-minded and look on your wife's religious beliefs and practices as foibles eh?
She must be having a ball with an enlightened husband like you.
I believe this was your earlier mark

You make up anything you like apparently.

Different point George: that did not refer to your passive-aggressive manner. Get your facts straight.

Interesting how you recalled that but still haven't managed to answer my questions about christianity's "absolute values". Very selective.
Different point George: that did not refer to your passive-aggressive manner. Get your facts straight.
Interesting how you recalled that but still haven't managed to answer my questions about christianity's "absolute values". Very selective.
If you append your outraged utterances to the wrong quote it's entertaining but essentially foolish.
As is, if I may say so without causing offence, your inability to grasp your own position that if we are all the products of a random cosmic accident there can be no absolute values. Random - comprende?
What's random about the Big Bang?
It's a/the Big Bang, there wasn't anything before it, therefore there's no randomness in it's inception, it just was/happened. Mind boggling I know, but logically (however mathematically incomprehensible to the layman - myself) explainable.

However, chaos theory (or whatever similar mathematics applied at the initial outset of the Big Bang - consult a cosmologist/physicist, not me) produced the initial randomness of what became the entire cosmos, as minor quantum differences occurred and their effect spread throughout the dark initial cosmos. Without the quantum randomness, a uniform distribution of the initial plasma would mean a very boring dark , 'lifeless' cosmos forever.

To also suggest there are no absolute values in the universe... What? How the F do you think you are attempting to communicate on this Forum? The amount of science and mathematics (with added absolutes) involved in getting your drivel visible to a wider audience .... Geeez, please go back to the 2000 year old myth level of subsidence you attempt to comprehend and follow, and stop leeching off the hard work of logical, scientific and mathematicaly minded humans.
If you append your outraged utterances to the wrong quote it's entertaining but essentially foolish.
As is, if I may say so without causing offence, your inability to grasp your own position that if we are all the products of a random cosmic accident there can be no absolute values. Random - comprende?

OK George, you win, I give up. Not because you're right but because your unceasing determination to avoid or misinterpret questions is juvenile & tedious.

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