The many faces of controversial striker Craig Bellamy

remoh said:
SWP's back said:
What's the point remoh? You're in the minority and would simply call me names. It's more fun to just watch you spin around shouting at people and confusing yourself.

Grrrr Mancini bad, bellamy good, Ade good, Ireland good, no doubt robinho good and hitler would have been an amazing addition at left back if only Mancini had left him out.

Whether or not I'm in the minority, or just in that position on this forum at this moment, is impossible to prove, but I do accept that once a player is out of the team and out of favour with the manager, then he is very quickly condemned by many on the Forum. It is called fickleness.
As for name-calling and shouting, try going back a page or two and checking who started that (It wasn't me)
As I said earlier, Mancini has done some admirable things for us - that's checkable,too; it's on one of my previous posts.
I admired Bellamy, Adebayor and Ireland, and so did many of those who now condemn them, I believe.
I despised Robinho and believe that Adolph only ever played in mid-field - though he had a tendency to stray into other territories, so I'm told.

Fascism began in Italy, by the way. I'm sure Bellers knows that now.

I'll happily accept your apology.
Didsbury Dave said:
remoh said:
and believe that Adolph only ever played in mid-field - though he had a tendency to stray into other territories, so I'm told.

He was an out and out attacker mate...

I agree with your other points though.

Wow there's a surprise, DD siding with someone else that's completely wrong.

Firstly remoh, as has been stated, Hughes got rid of Dunne simple mistake to make, only 6 months out.
Now the fact that Mancini cost Adebayor his City career, I maybe wrong but was Mancini not a man who stood by Ade, and did give him game time until Ade starting fighting with our own players on the pitch? Is that what you want to see, do you endorse Adebayor squaring up to Kompany on the pitch? Should Mancini allow this? Should we keep Adebayor over Kompany? Oh and Mancini gave Ireland plenty of opportunity to prove himself, he couldn't, he even made him captain on the pre season tour of America. Ireland had one good season, and was a stand out player in a side that finished 9th, that's right 9th. Ireland's career is not one that anyone could base an anti Mancini argument on. Ireland himself blames Hughes, "The last six months under Mark Hughes was very frustrating for me,' says Ireland. 'I was being played out of position. Maybe as a holding midfielder, left wing, right wing. It is not me. 'You have to adjust and think 'I have to do it' but if you want the best out of me you have to play me in my best position. Then I can be myself because the chains are off.' Would you prefer Ireland to Silva?
Ireland is another player like Bellamy who seems to point a finger at everyone else but himself. Just type 'Steven Ireland blasts' into Google, and you will find articles blasting, Pearce, Keegan, Sven, Trapattoni, Hughes, Mancini, Houllier, Robinho anyone but himself really.
To question Mancini on any of these players is just daft, really really daft. Ireland, Bellamy & Adebayor are players that have had very average careers, and to my knowledge have achieved very very little in the game.
It seems that people will grasp at any straw available to criticise Mancini. This is just wrong. If you actually read Bellamy's comments they are indefensible unless you have a agenda against his employers, which I would hope you don't as said employers are MCFC.
Other players have not be thought good enough for the current squad, and the difference is, they have just worked hard and waited for their chance. SWP awful as he is, worked hard, kept his head down, despite his fathers constant moronic articles, thus keeping him onside with the fans, and Mancini rewarded him with game time in the semi final, a touch which I'm sure all City fans respected as no doubt Shaun did.
Some players,, generally crowd favourites from when we were not good enough, Dunne, SWP, Ireland and Bellamy are just not good enough to play in a side looking to win honours, and compete for the title and the Champions League, yet fans have an affiliation with said players and can't except that they simple aren't good enough. The fact that top sides are not interested in the aforementioned would indicate they are not good enough for us regardless. I mean I even heard on here people wanting Weiss to be igven a chance, my god he wasn't any good in the SPL, what possible help could he be to us?

I would ask if those pro Bellamy, Mancini out mongers if they simply think its a coincidence that after the January 2011 transfer window and the removal of the last of the dead wood, especially the dead wood with too much to say that our team looked far better and team unity seemed to be very apparent in some very big games. A sight until March, April & May we had not witness under any manager for the past 30 years?
Credit Mancini or just a fluke?
We all know these players aren't good enough now, but they helped us on our way. They gave us "moments" in some dark times and I guess that's why they have a spot in our hearts. What upsets/galls is the shite spouted as toys get slung from perambulators. So, cheers Bellers but as with Carlos, don't treat us as idiots and hide behind your charity; that really is pretty low.
schfc6 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
remoh said:
and believe that Adolph only ever played in mid-field - though he had a tendency to stray into other territories, so I'm told.

He was an out and out attacker mate...

I agree with your other points though.

Wow there's a surprise, DD siding with someone else that's completely wrong.

Firstly remoh, as has been stated, Hughes got rid of Dunne simple mistake to make, only 6 months out.
Now the fact that Mancini cost Adebayor his City career, I maybe wrong but was Mancini not a man who stood by Ade, and did give him game time until Ade starting fighting with our own players on the pitch? Is that what you want to see, do you endorse Adebayor squaring up to Kompany on the pitch? Should Mancini allow this? Should we keep Adebayor over Kompany? Oh and Mancini gave Ireland plenty of opportunity to prove himself, he couldn't, he even made him captain on the pre season tour of America. Ireland had one good season, and was a stand out player in a side that finished 9th, that's right 9th. Ireland's career is not one that anyone could base an anti Mancini argument on. Ireland himself blames Hughes, "The last six months under Mark Hughes was very frustrating for me,' says Ireland. 'I was being played out of position. Maybe as a holding midfielder, left wing, right wing. It is not me. 'You have to adjust and think 'I have to do it' but if you want the best out of me you have to play me in my best position. Then I can be myself because the chains are off.' Would you prefer Ireland to Silva?
Ireland is another player like Bellamy who seems to point a finger at everyone else but himself. Just type 'Steven Ireland blasts' into Google, and you will find articles blasting, Pearce, Keegan, Sven, Trapattoni, Hughes, Mancini, Houllier, Robinho anyone but himself really.
To question Mancini on any of these players is just daft, really really daft. Ireland, Bellamy & Adebayor are players that have had very average careers, and to my knowledge have achieved very very little in the game.
It seems that people will grasp at any straw available to criticise Mancini. This is just wrong. If you actually read Bellamy's comments they are indefensible unless you have a agenda against his employers, which I would hope you don't as said employers are MCFC.
Other players have not be thought good enough for the current squad, and the difference is, they have just worked hard and waited for their chance. SWP awful as he is, worked hard, kept his head down, despite his fathers constant moronic articles, thus keeping him onside with the fans, and Mancini rewarded him with game time in the semi final, a touch which I'm sure all City fans respected as no doubt Shaun did.
Some players,, generally crowd favourites from when we were not good enough, Dunne, SWP, Ireland and Bellamy are just not good enough to play in a side looking to win honours, and compete for the title and the Champions League, yet fans have an affiliation with said players and can't except that they simple aren't good enough. The fact that top sides are not interested in the aforementioned would indicate they are not good enough for us regardless. I mean I even heard on here people wanting Weiss to be igven a chance, my god he wasn't any good in the SPL, what possible help could he be to us?

I would ask if those pro Bellamy, Mancini out mongers if they simply think its a coincidence that after the January 2011 transfer window and the removal of the last of the dead wood, especially the dead wood with too much to say that our team looked far better and team unity seemed to be very apparent in some very big games. A sight until March, April & May we had not witness under any manager for the past 30 years?
Credit Mancini or just a fluke?

Well you've given me a lot of work to do but here I go:-
It's true that Ade squared up to Kompany and it was an act born of frustration at our dismal, slow, approach play which was leading to few chances up front.
These things can happen among passionate players. To suggest that Mancini had to chose between the two players is a false and desperate piece of logic.
It is a fact that the only 'forward' who got a decent supply until the last couple of months of the season was Tevez, who only did so because he came deep constantly so as to make his own chances, knowing that if he left it to our midfield, the ball would rarely reach him. Ade's mistake was to object louder than most.

As for Ireland's opportunities, how many times did he play him in his best position, rather than out wide or holding midfield, captain or not?
Ireland did not just have one good season, by the way, he had one GREAT season. It is now clear that Mancini set out from the word go to play Italian style, without conventional wingers or a mid-field playmaker such as Ireland (and which would also explain his antipathy towards Bellamy and Adebayor) Without that approach, we may have won the League.
You are right in saying that the rot started for Steve under Hughes, but it then continued under Mancini, owing to his tactics.

You complain of Ireland's negative comments. Well, he's human, isn't he. If you yourself went from crowd idol to pariah in a short space of time despite constantly shining in training - according to Onouha, who had no axe to grind for him - perhaps you would moan a bit, yourself. Similar with the others who were given no fair chance.
Do I have to choose between Ireland and Silva? They don't play in the same style or position in my view and even if they did, we need two good players for every position.

You claim that these players who I quoted have had 'average' careers. Well, Irelands has been set back with us, but he still has time to make his way. If Mcleish has studied his playing history and builds his team around him, all you Ireland knockers may yet eat your words.
Adebayor was played and wanted by Mourinho and only money prevented him from going to Madrid. Average player?

If you were watching City when Bellamy was ripping defences to bits and still claim that he is average, Lord help your eyesight.
Going from memory, Bellamy's negative comments have been aimed at the manager, not the Sheikh and with good reason.

As you say, Mancini has worked with certain players; his improvement of Richards is notable and deserves credit, but he has wasted far more talent than he boosted.

Ade, Bellamy and Ireland not wanted by top teams? As I've said , Madrid wanted Ade and Liverpool, Bellamy. Ireland was traded out in a part-exchange deal, not liked by a failing manager, Houllier, then injured throughout his time with Newcastle; his time may come. This is not only a bad point but a dishonest one.

It was never the removal of 'dead wood' that put us in with a chance towards the end of the season,by the way. It was Mancini's late realisation that he was getting it all wrong and wasting a lot of very expensive talent by using the wrong tactics. Since he seems to be learning some (late) lessons, I am no longer a Mancini outer and won't be as long as he gets the best out of our lads.

None of our managers over the last 30yrs, has had any of Mancini's cash advantages or anything like his quality of playing staff . Team spirit comes easier with top quality players , so, again, you're putting forward a fake point.

Re: Dunne. Despite my earlier 'hands up' on this one, you saw the need to bring it up again. As I say, you put forward desperate arguments to try to make your case.
remoh said:
schfc6 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He was an out and out attacker mate...

I agree with your other points though.

Wow there's a surprise, DD siding with someone else that's completely wrong.

Firstly remoh, as has been stated, Hughes got rid of Dunne simple mistake to make, only 6 months out.
Now the fact that Mancini cost Adebayor his City career, I maybe wrong but was Mancini not a man who stood by Ade, and did give him game time until Ade starting fighting with our own players on the pitch? Is that what you want to see, do you endorse Adebayor squaring up to Kompany on the pitch? Should Mancini allow this? Should we keep Adebayor over Kompany? Oh and Mancini gave Ireland plenty of opportunity to prove himself, he couldn't, he even made him captain on the pre season tour of America. Ireland had one good season, and was a stand out player in a side that finished 9th, that's right 9th. Ireland's career is not one that anyone could base an anti Mancini argument on. Ireland himself blames Hughes, "The last six months under Mark Hughes was very frustrating for me,' says Ireland. 'I was being played out of position. Maybe as a holding midfielder, left wing, right wing. It is not me. 'You have to adjust and think 'I have to do it' but if you want the best out of me you have to play me in my best position. Then I can be myself because the chains are off.' Would you prefer Ireland to Silva?
Ireland is another player like Bellamy who seems to point a finger at everyone else but himself. Just type 'Steven Ireland blasts' into Google, and you will find articles blasting, Pearce, Keegan, Sven, Trapattoni, Hughes, Mancini, Houllier, Robinho anyone but himself really.
To question Mancini on any of these players is just daft, really really daft. Ireland, Bellamy & Adebayor are players that have had very average careers, and to my knowledge have achieved very very little in the game.
It seems that people will grasp at any straw available to criticise Mancini. This is just wrong. If you actually read Bellamy's comments they are indefensible unless you have a agenda against his employers, which I would hope you don't as said employers are MCFC.
Other players have not be thought good enough for the current squad, and the difference is, they have just worked hard and waited for their chance. SWP awful as he is, worked hard, kept his head down, despite his fathers constant moronic articles, thus keeping him onside with the fans, and Mancini rewarded him with game time in the semi final, a touch which I'm sure all City fans respected as no doubt Shaun did.
Some players,, generally crowd favourites from when we were not good enough, Dunne, SWP, Ireland and Bellamy are just not good enough to play in a side looking to win honours, and compete for the title and the Champions League, yet fans have an affiliation with said players and can't except that they simple aren't good enough. The fact that top sides are not interested in the aforementioned would indicate they are not good enough for us regardless. I mean I even heard on here people wanting Weiss to be igven a chance, my god he wasn't any good in the SPL, what possible help could he be to us?

I would ask if those pro Bellamy, Mancini out mongers if they simply think its a coincidence that after the January 2011 transfer window and the removal of the last of the dead wood, especially the dead wood with too much to say that our team looked far better and team unity seemed to be very apparent in some very big games. A sight until March, April & May we had not witness under any manager for the past 30 years?
Credit Mancini or just a fluke?

Well you've given me a lot of work to do but here I go:-
It's true that Ade squared up to Kompany and it was an act born of frustration at our dismal, slow, approach play which was leading to few chances up front.
These things can happen among passionate players. To suggest that Mancini had to chose between the two players is a false and desperate piece of logic.
It is a fact that the only 'forward' who got a decent supply until the last couple of months of the season was Tevez, who only did so because he came deep constantly so as to make his own chances, knowing that if he left it to our midfield, the ball would rarely reach him. Ade's mistake was to object louder than most.

As for Ireland's opportunities, how many times did he play him in his best position, rather than out wide or holding midfield, captain or not?
Ireland did not just have one good season, by the way, he had one GREAT season. It is now clear that Mancini set out from the word go to play Italian style, without conventional wingers or a mid-field playmaker such as Ireland (and which would also explain his antipathy towards Bellamy and Adebayor) Without that approach, we may have won the League.
You are right in saying that the rot started for Steve under Hughes, but it then continued under Mancini, owing to his tactics.

You complain of Ireland's negative comments. Well, he's human, isn't he. If you yourself went from crowd idol to pariah in a short space of time despite constantly shining in training - according to Onouha, who had no axe to grind for him - perhaps you would moan a bit, yourself. Similar with the others who were given no fair chance.
Do I have to choose between Ireland and Silva? They don't play in the same style or position in my view and even if they did, we need two good players for every position.

You claim that these players who I quoted have had 'average' careers. Well, Irelands has been set back with us, but he still has time to make his way. If Mcleish has studied his playing history and builds his team around him, all you Ireland knockers may yet eat your words.
Adebayor was played and wanted by Mourinho and only money prevented him from going to Madrid. Average player?

If you were watching City when Bellamy was ripping defences to bits and still claim that he is average, Lord help your eyesight.
Going from memory, Bellamy's negative comments have been aimed at the manager, not the Sheikh and with good reason.

As you say, Mancini has worked with certain players; his improvement of Richards is notable and deserves credit, but he has wasted far more talent than he boosted.

Ade, Bellamy and Ireland not wanted by top teams? As I've said , Madrid wanted Ade and Liverpool, Bellamy. Ireland was traded out in a part-exchange deal, not liked by a failing manager, Houllier, then injured throughout his time with Newcastle; his time may come. This is not only a bad point but a dishonest one.

It was never the removal of 'dead wood' that put us in with a chance towards the end of the season,by the way. It was Mancini's late realisation that he was getting it all wrong and wasting a lot of very expensive talent by using the wrong tactics. Since he seems to be learning some (late) lessons, I am no longer a Mancini outer and won't be as long as he gets the best out of our lads.

None of our managers over the last 30yrs, has had any of Mancini's cash advantages or anything like his quality of playing staff . Team spirit comes easier with top quality players , so, again, you're putting forward a fake point.

Re: Dunne. Despite my earlier 'hands up' on this one, you saw the need to bring it up again. As I say, you put forward desperate arguments to try to make your case.


its exactly the opposite.
remoh said:
SWP's back said:
What's the point remoh? You're in the minority and would simply call me names. It's more fun to just watch you spin around shouting at people and confusing yourself.

Grrrr Mancini bad, bellamy good, Ade good, Ireland good, no doubt robinho good and hitler would have been an amazing addition at left back if only Mancini had left him out.

Whether or not I'm in the minority, or just in that position on this forum at this moment, is impossible to prove, but I do accept that once a player is out of the team and out of favour with the manager, then he is very quickly condemned by many on the Forum. It is called fickleness.
As for name-calling and shouting, try going back a page or two and checking who started that (It wasn't me)
As I said earlier, Mancini has done some admirable things for us - that's checkable,too; it's on one of my previous posts.
I admired Bellamy, Adebayor and Ireland, and so did many of those who now condemn them, I believe.
I despised Robinho and believe that Adolph only ever played in mid-field - though he had a tendency to stray into other territories, so I'm told.

Fascism began in Italy, by the way. I'm sure Bellers knows that now.

I'll happily accept your apology.


Fickleness and two-faced are words that go hand in hand when talking about football fans and this thread is evidence if ever i saw it.

There's a thread in the transfer forum called "I thought he was dead!" where an ex player (Michael Ball) is getting his ringpiece licked by a lot of posters and here we have a player that still has a contract with the club and getting slated, bizarre to say the least?

He's got beef with the manager, so fucking what?, maybe it's me and i can see a bit of myself in him as he speaks his mind i don't know?

One thing is for sure, nobody can slag him for not giving 100% whilst wearing the shirt, that's one thing that really pisses me off!
If I promise to give a charity 100k a week, do you reckon my employers would be obliged to pay me no less than the 100k?

Or does Bellamy live in a fantasy world in which fast players who can run fast and are Welsh and therefore more important than the rest of us?

Hiding behind charity to try to explain your own personal greed is pretty fucking low.

Sure most would agree if it was Ade crying that 'I must earn 200k a week because I like to give it all to charity'.

High five, Craig...or is that just for Redknapp?
Mancio said:
remoh said:
schfc6 said:
Wow there's a surprise, DD siding with someone else that's completely wrong.

Firstly remoh, as has been stated, Hughes got rid of Dunne simple mistake to make, only 6 months out.
Now the fact that Mancini cost Adebayor his City career, I maybe wrong but was Mancini not a man who stood by Ade, and did give him game time until Ade starting fighting with our own players on the pitch? Is that what you want to see, do you endorse Adebayor squaring up to Kompany on the pitch? Should Mancini allow this? Should we keep Adebayor over Kompany? Oh and Mancini gave Ireland plenty of opportunity to prove himself, he couldn't, he even made him captain on the pre season tour of America. Ireland had one good season, and was a stand out player in a side that finished 9th, that's right 9th. Ireland's career is not one that anyone could base an anti Mancini argument on. Ireland himself blames Hughes, "The last six months under Mark Hughes was very frustrating for me,' says Ireland. 'I was being played out of position. Maybe as a holding midfielder, left wing, right wing. It is not me. 'You have to adjust and think 'I have to do it' but if you want the best out of me you have to play me in my best position. Then I can be myself because the chains are off.' Would you prefer Ireland to Silva?
Ireland is another player like Bellamy who seems to point a finger at everyone else but himself. Just type 'Steven Ireland blasts' into Google, and you will find articles blasting, Pearce, Keegan, Sven, Trapattoni, Hughes, Mancini, Houllier, Robinho anyone but himself really.
To question Mancini on any of these players is just daft, really really daft. Ireland, Bellamy & Adebayor are players that have had very average careers, and to my knowledge have achieved very very little in the game.
It seems that people will grasp at any straw available to criticise Mancini. This is just wrong. If you actually read Bellamy's comments they are indefensible unless you have a agenda against his employers, which I would hope you don't as said employers are MCFC.
Other players have not be thought good enough for the current squad, and the difference is, they have just worked hard and waited for their chance. SWP awful as he is, worked hard, kept his head down, despite his fathers constant moronic articles, thus keeping him onside with the fans, and Mancini rewarded him with game time in the semi final, a touch which I'm sure all City fans respected as no doubt Shaun did.
Some players,, generally crowd favourites from when we were not good enough, Dunne, SWP, Ireland and Bellamy are just not good enough to play in a side looking to win honours, and compete for the title and the Champions League, yet fans have an affiliation with said players and can't except that they simple aren't good enough. The fact that top sides are not interested in the aforementioned would indicate they are not good enough for us regardless. I mean I even heard on here people wanting Weiss to be igven a chance, my god he wasn't any good in the SPL, what possible help could he be to us?

I would ask if those pro Bellamy, Mancini out mongers if they simply think its a coincidence that after the January 2011 transfer window and the removal of the last of the dead wood, especially the dead wood with too much to say that our team looked far better and team unity seemed to be very apparent in some very big games. A sight until March, April & May we had not witness under any manager for the past 30 years?
Credit Mancini or just a fluke?

Well you've given me a lot of work to do but here I go:-
It's true that Ade squared up to Kompany and it was an act born of frustration at our dismal, slow, approach play which was leading to few chances up front.
These things can happen among passionate players. To suggest that Mancini had to chose between the two players is a false and desperate piece of logic.
It is a fact that the only 'forward' who got a decent supply until the last couple of months of the season was Tevez, who only did so because he came deep constantly so as to make his own chances, knowing that if he left it to our midfield, the ball would rarely reach him. Ade's mistake was to object louder than most.

As for Ireland's opportunities, how many times did he play him in his best position, rather than out wide or holding midfield, captain or not?
Ireland did not just have one good season, by the way, he had one GREAT season. It is now clear that Mancini set out from the word go to play Italian style, without conventional wingers or a mid-field playmaker such as Ireland (and which would also explain his antipathy towards Bellamy and Adebayor) Without that approach, we may have won the League.
You are right in saying that the rot started for Steve under Hughes, but it then continued under Mancini, owing to his tactics.

You complain of Ireland's negative comments. Well, he's human, isn't he. If you yourself went from crowd idol to pariah in a short space of time despite constantly shining in training - according to Onouha, who had no axe to grind for him - perhaps you would moan a bit, yourself. Similar with the others who were given no fair chance.
Do I have to choose between Ireland and Silva? They don't play in the same style or position in my view and even if they did, we need two good players for every position.

You claim that these players who I quoted have had 'average' careers. Well, Irelands has been set back with us, but he still has time to make his way. If Mcleish has studied his playing history and builds his team around him, all you Ireland knockers may yet eat your words.
Adebayor was played and wanted by Mourinho and only money prevented him from going to Madrid. Average player?

If you were watching City when Bellamy was ripping defences to bits and still claim that he is average, Lord help your eyesight.
Going from memory, Bellamy's negative comments have been aimed at the manager, not the Sheikh and with good reason.

As you say, Mancini has worked with certain players; his improvement of Richards is notable and deserves credit, but he has wasted far more talent than he boosted.

Ade, Bellamy and Ireland not wanted by top teams? As I've said , Madrid wanted Ade and Liverpool, Bellamy. Ireland was traded out in a part-exchange deal, not liked by a failing manager, Houllier, then injured throughout his time with Newcastle; his time may come. This is not only a bad point but a dishonest one.

It was never the removal of 'dead wood' that put us in with a chance towards the end of the season,by the way. It was Mancini's late realisation that he was getting it all wrong and wasting a lot of very expensive talent by using the wrong tactics. Since he seems to be learning some (late) lessons, I am no longer a Mancini outer and won't be as long as he gets the best out of our lads.

None of our managers over the last 30yrs, has had any of Mancini's cash advantages or anything like his quality of playing staff . Team spirit comes easier with top quality players , so, again, you're putting forward a fake point.

Re: Dunne. Despite my earlier 'hands up' on this one, you saw the need to bring it up again. As I say, you put forward desperate arguments to try to make your case.


its exactly the opposite.

No: real top-quality players are not selfish. How much better would Tevez be if he was more of a team player? No team can afford more than one such player imo.
Tevez gives 100% for the shirt. It is what both he and Bellamy are paid handsomely to do.

It does not make them less twattish though does it.

As for Bellamy speaking his mind, that's not always a good thing is it. Infact I can't stand the pricks you see on reality TV auditions saying "One thing about me is I always speak my mind...blah blah blah". It simply makes those people childish in the extreme. Imagine if everybody spoke their mind 100% of the time. Fuck me, imagine the arguments.
remoh said:
schfc6 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
He was an out and out attacker mate...

I agree with your other points though.

Wow there's a surprise, DD siding with someone else that's completely wrong.

Firstly remoh, as has been stated, Hughes got rid of Dunne simple mistake to make, only 6 months out.
Now the fact that Mancini cost Adebayor his City career, I maybe wrong but was Mancini not a man who stood by Ade, and did give him game time until Ade starting fighting with our own players on the pitch? Is that what you want to see, do you endorse Adebayor squaring up to Kompany on the pitch? Should Mancini allow this? Should we keep Adebayor over Kompany? Oh and Mancini gave Ireland plenty of opportunity to prove himself, he couldn't, he even made him captain on the pre season tour of America. Ireland had one good season, and was a stand out player in a side that finished 9th, that's right 9th. Ireland's career is not one that anyone could base an anti Mancini argument on. Ireland himself blames Hughes, "The last six months under Mark Hughes was very frustrating for me,' says Ireland. 'I was being played out of position. Maybe as a holding midfielder, left wing, right wing. It is not me. 'You have to adjust and think 'I have to do it' but if you want the best out of me you have to play me in my best position. Then I can be myself because the chains are off.' Would you prefer Ireland to Silva?
Ireland is another player like Bellamy who seems to point a finger at everyone else but himself. Just type 'Steven Ireland blasts' into Google, and you will find articles blasting, Pearce, Keegan, Sven, Trapattoni, Hughes, Mancini, Houllier, Robinho anyone but himself really.
To question Mancini on any of these players is just daft, really really daft. Ireland, Bellamy & Adebayor are players that have had very average careers, and to my knowledge have achieved very very little in the game.
It seems that people will grasp at any straw available to criticise Mancini. This is just wrong. If you actually read Bellamy's comments they are indefensible unless you have a agenda against his employers, which I would hope you don't as said employers are MCFC.
Other players have not be thought good enough for the current squad, and the difference is, they have just worked hard and waited for their chance. SWP awful as he is, worked hard, kept his head down, despite his fathers constant moronic articles, thus keeping him onside with the fans, and Mancini rewarded him with game time in the semi final, a touch which I'm sure all City fans respected as no doubt Shaun did.
Some players,, generally crowd favourites from when we were not good enough, Dunne, SWP, Ireland and Bellamy are just not good enough to play in a side looking to win honours, and compete for the title and the Champions League, yet fans have an affiliation with said players and can't except that they simple aren't good enough. The fact that top sides are not interested in the aforementioned would indicate they are not good enough for us regardless. I mean I even heard on here people wanting Weiss to be igven a chance, my god he wasn't any good in the SPL, what possible help could he be to us?

I would ask if those pro Bellamy, Mancini out mongers if they simply think its a coincidence that after the January 2011 transfer window and the removal of the last of the dead wood, especially the dead wood with too much to say that our team looked far better and team unity seemed to be very apparent in some very big games. A sight until March, April & May we had not witness under any manager for the past 30 years?
Credit Mancini or just a fluke?

Well you've given me a lot of work to do but here I go:-
It's true that Ade squared up to Kompany and it was an act born of frustration at our dismal, slow, approach play which was leading to few chances up front.
These things can happen among passionate players. To suggest that Mancini had to chose between the two players is a false and desperate piece of logic.
It is a fact that the only 'forward' who got a decent supply until the last couple of months of the season was Tevez, who only did so because he came deep constantly so as to make his own chances, knowing that if he left it to our midfield, the ball would rarely reach him. Ade's mistake was to object louder than most.
I would agree that passion is good in players, but publicly remonstrating with your own team mates on a match day would indicate an ego a selfishness that belies his ability. This slow plan that you seemed to have picked up on, the same slow play that was roundly criticized by the media, was actually a fictional anomaly. We were out scoring all but Arsenal, Chelsea & United. Just weeks before we had brushed better sides away with great attacking verve and pace. The fact is Adebayor's conduct was not good for the team. Ade didn't seem to object to negative tactics when he was used as a player just to foul Barcelona players in a system that was designed to draw 0-0.
I was there and Adebayor should have scored 4 in the first 15 minutes, is it Mancini's fault he didn't?
As for Ireland's opportunities, how many times did he play him in his best position, rather than out wide or holding midfield, captain or not?
Ireland did not just have one good season, by the way, he had one GREAT season. It is now clear that Mancini set out from the word go to play Italian style, without conventional wingers or a mid-field playmaker such as Ireland (and which would also explain his antipathy towards Bellamy and Adebayor) Without that approach, we may have won the League.
You are right in saying that the rot started for Steve under Hughes, but it then continued under Mancini, owing to his tactics.
Name me Ireland's other good seasons... Ireland was a decent player in an awful side, and had one good season as a good player in a good side. You say it yourself, Ireland wanted everything to be built around him, why would any top manager build a side round someone who was mentally fragile and had no track record of consistency. Ireland say's it himself, he needs a side to be built around him, you can have Ireland I'll take Silva. That's right Silva, the archetypal play maker, the type of play makers you say Italian's don't have. Ireland will never ever be a top 4 playmaker, I think you know that.
You complain of Ireland's negative comments. Well, he's human, isn't he. If you yourself went from crowd idol to pariah in a short space of time despite constantly shining in training - according to Onouha, who had no axe to grind for him - perhaps you would moan a bit, yourself. Similar with the others who were given no fair chance.
Do I have to choose between Ireland and Silva? They don't play in the same style or position in my view and even if they did, we need two good players for every position.
I wouldn't complain, I'd work my socks off to play where ever. I'd prefer to be a integral cog in a great side rather than the preverbal big fish in a small pond, an attitude that you seem to support. I personally prefer Zabaleta's mentality to that of Ireland, again, you can have Ireland. He was given every opportunity to prove himself, he couldn't. Not anyone's fault but his own. He couldn't adapt thus was effectively redundant to City.
You don't have to choose between Silva and Ireland, but you reading your pro Ireland anti Mancini thoughts, you would suggest that Mancini had to make that choice, as it's not fair on Ireland not to build a side around him. Silva and Ireland are very similar. Although Silva has the mentality to play his free role, or play left or right, whatever suits the side, Ireland doesn't.

You claim that these players who I quoted have had 'average' careers. Well, Irelands has been set back with us, but he still has time to make his way. If Mcleish has studied his playing history and builds his team around him, all you Ireland knockers may yet eat your words.
Adebayor was played and wanted by Mourinho and only money prevented him from going to Madrid. Average player?
If you were watching City when Bellamy was ripping defences to bits and still claim that he is average, Lord help your eyesight.
Going from memory, Bellamy's negative comments have been aimed at the manager, not the Sheikh and with good reason.
Yes average careers. Bellamy has won no major honours in his whole career. Not one. I did watch him have some good games, I also watched him cost us the Derby at Home, be absolutely awful against Liverpool once he'd been kicked, be dreadful against Spurs at home make the worst debut I've ever seen against Wolves, he had as many bad games as good games, but most romantics are unable to remember that. His ball retention and in ability to stay onside would have made him a laughing stock in our current side.
Adebayor, isn't really wanted by Madrid, and was pretty average in his time there. Again a player who has won nothing of note despite playing for top clubs. Ireland's career is all but over, even if he regains some form, it will never lead to honours or any real success due to his mental fragility.

As you say, Mancini has worked with certain players; his improvement of Richards is notable and deserves credit, but he has wasted far more talent than he boosted.
Improved the careers of Richards, Zabaleta, De Jong, Kompany, Lescott and Tevez to name a few. Wasted the talents of Bellamy, Adebayor and Ireland. I know which list I prefer. No one in all honest could claim they thought that any of the talent you claim to be wasted by Mancini would ever have been world class.
Bellamy, limited talent, 9 clubs in 13 seasons, and last seasons loan at his 'dream club' with no notable success, is he really that talented? Ireland has talent, but nothing else, certainly not what is needed to be a consistent top 4 performer and Adebayor, talent yes, sustainable no. He again has performed with no real consistency throughout his career and is disliked immensely in football.

Ade, Bellamy and Ireland not wanted by top teams? As I've said , Madrid wanted Ade and Liverpool, Bellamy. Ireland was traded out in a part-exchange deal, not liked by a failing manager, Houllier, then injured throughout his time with Newcastle; his time may come. This is not only a bad point but a dishonest one.
As I say, Real agreed a deal in principal for Ade, but don't want him, hence him still being at City. Bellamy, Stoke maybe want him, as do Celtic and Cardiff, sums him up really. Ireland will be moaning soon that 'Big Eck' is not giving him a fair chance. Clubs are hardly falling over themselves for any of them are they, hardly a lie.
It was never the removal of 'dead wood' that put us in with a chance towards the end of the season,by the way. It was Mancini's late realisation that he was getting it all wrong and wasting a lot of very expensive talent by using the wrong tactics. Since he seems to be learning some (late) lessons, I am no longer a Mancini outer and won't be as long as he gets the best out of our lads.
Coincidence then that with all the moaning dead wood gone we did better, oh ok. You see if you could form your own opinions rather than just echoing those opinions in the media, you would realise that once Mancini had the players under his control, playing his way, with no sniping, moaning or disharmony and all fit that what we witness come the spring was inevitable.
You see when talkshite and the Sun and other idiots were saying we'd go nowhere because of Mancini's stifling our talents, those with a brain could see that it indeed it would take time, players getting to grips with the league, the tactics and their own fitness. If you really though that Mancini changed due to the media, you or Didsbury Dave you really are delusional.
I would put it down to a combination of players getting fit, finding their feet and creating a team, something that the likes of Bellamy and adebayor were obviously obstructing. A man who signs, Balotelli, Silva et al in my opinion had no intension of being negative, dull, Italian or what ever derogative you, talkshite, or anyone else could throw at him.

None of our managers over the last 30yrs, has had any of Mancini's cash advantages or anything like his quality of playing staff . Team spirit comes easier with top quality players , so, again, you're putting forward a fake point.

Hughes had more! team spirt is far harder to mould with top players, can't believe you think otherwise. Building a team spirit or how difficult it could be to do so was the one thing in the media I agreed with. The fact that you think it's easier to build spirit amongst stars than amongst under dogs is laughable.

Re: Dunne. Despite my earlier 'hands up' on this one, you saw the need to bring it up again. As I say, you put forward desperate arguments to try to make your case.

I brought this up again because it indicated your general level of observation and basically discredits all you say. If you can make a mistake as basic as this it indicates that without extensive research you know very little. By your arguments that we'd be better off with 3 very inconsistent yet proven trouble makers with no track record of any real success would indicate this to most anyway.

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