The Media Against Pep?

They're certainly trying to make as big a mountain over a moody press conference as possible. Paul Wilson in the Guardian today:

Based on his performance on the BBC, it is not too early to begin wondering if Guardiola will still be here by [next Christmas]

Already suggesting he might walk, and he's not the first.

The biggest arsehole by far is Savage.

"Pep needs to show respect to journalists".

Hes one who should be banned immediately-we shouldn't be pandering to fucking no marks like him-hes not fucking fit to even mention Peps name in any capacity.

The club need to come out and back themselves now its going too far-a marker needs putting down-United do it we should do it.
They're certainly trying to make as big a mountain over a moody press conference as possible. Paul Wilson in the Guardian today:

Based on his performance on the BBC, it is not too early to begin wondering if Guardiola will still be here by [next Christmas]

Already suggesting he might walk, and he's not the first.

To be fair mate, there are fucking idiots on here that have said the same thing in the past two days.
Just be safe in the knowledge that they are know nothing fucking guttersnipes and ignore them.
To be fair mate, there are fucking idiots on here that have said the same thing in the past two days.
Just be safe in the knowledge that they are know nothing fucking guttersnipes and ignore them.

Look on the bright side, looks like his cough has cleared up! :-)
It's the same every game we win. We have to apologise for it. They find an angle to make it feel as if we have done something wrong

Imo that's because of fear. They are trying to destabilise us because they know how far we could go, even this season, if it clicks together.

If they can stir up enough shit they think it might derail us so we can't come on strong at the death. Unfortunately a decent number of our fans are falling for it & worrying about the defeats & following their script, rather than celebrating the wins.
Journalists, pundits and presenters having a script and a plan? I think we give them far to much credit sometimes and I actually think it's far simpler than that. Most of them really are thick as a very thick milkshake that has had thickener added to it! They don't seem to have understood him parodying them and other managers in his interview. "I didn't see it", "yes, I made a mistake" (if you say so!). The last one completely bypassed M. Owen as he thinks Pep 'admitting he made a mistake not starting with Kun, will undermine Nacho' (whose going backwards under Pep, apparently!).
The ability of ex-footballers to do nuance is probably understandable but the fact that most journalists can't do nuance says all you need to know about them and their levels of understanding.
The only thing managers aren't supposed to talk about are referees. First question to Pep, Klopp, Bilic yesterday, all about the referee. They have no ability to reflect that Wenger, Klopp, Mourinho, and Pep have all lost it with journalists. I wonder why?
I just read Paul Wilson's column in the Guardian in full, thought I'd pull out a few snippets.

To judge by their last couple of games City cannot be certain of a Champions League place at the end of the season, let alone first place
We've won 4 of the last 5 games. 2 points off 2nd.
Guardiola, on the other hand, appears to be getting stuck on the idea that everything in England is set up so that a gleeful public can rejoice in his failure.
A week ago he was revelling in telling journalists at his pre match press conference how much he and his family were enjoying it here, and how much he was enjoying the challenge here.
Against Chelsea, City had been out of control, their inability to stay with the leaders spilling over into petulant spite once the match had been won.
Does anyone think that reflects how the game was?
Based on his performance on the BBC, it is not too early to begin wondering if Guardiola will still be here by [Next Christmas].
1 moody interview and he's leaving already! The rags and pundits will be so happy.
At Barcelona and Bayern Munich, dominant teams in their leagues, his players always appeared to do exactly what their coach wanted. At least that was the impression from outside and one can only assume that was what City thought they were buying into. Yet City’s players seem in some way resistant to Guardiola’s ideas and influence. This group of players does its own thing, often to the evident frustration of the coach on the sidelines.
I don't even know what to make of this - the players have always carried out his plans and it's individuals who've made costly mistakes - hardly the whole group ignoring him.

I'm sure this will just be the first of many similar articles now he's offended the press.
As expected Durham on Talkshite is on the wind up with his thick Yorkshire side kick. Pep is not good enough apparently

They all said he wouldn't be able to do it over here. Now seen as though we are not 10 points clear, these fucking idiots are using that to justify their own opinion

If they don't get it in now, there is a chance, they never will because we could be great later this season and into next season. They are bullies that have clearly been told by their editors/producers to go for him

All the top sides are winning, so they have no legitimate reason to write negative stories about anyone - so they make it up.

Paul Hayward - 'Pep is losing the battle against Mourinho'. He's probably had that headline written since August, but now only feels safe and secure putting it out there
So, lets see, our next game is Friday so we can expect "Peps lost the dressing room", "Pep spotted close to Manchester Airport", "Pep considering selling house", "City players in drunken all-night orgy (animals involved)", "Pep caught shopping for a new suitcase" etc etc etc in Friday morning's newspapers. I truly despair at this country when I think of how many people buy / read and believe the bollocks from Murdoch's disgusting media outlets.

Worth remembering that the pish printed in today's newspapers becomes tomorrows fish and chip wrappers.

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