The Media Against Pep?

Funny this thread wasn't around when we'd won 10 on the bounce and Pep was getting positive press virtually everywhere.

The way I see it the press fit into 3 categories (they're still mostly weasels):

1) Anti-City, use the Pep won't hack it in the Premier League, had it easy elsewhere narrative
2) Neutral, most want Pep to succeed as he fills paper columns and add the the global appeal of the Premier League
3) Pro-City/Pep or both

Now everything ain't 100% rosy, group 1 are rubbing their hands together with "they told us so" shite and are filling column inches. Some of group 2 will be disappointed with the last 15 or so games and have doubts putting this to print.

When the results start flowing again group 1 will disappear and dissenter in group 2 will be back on message.

Please do not be so reasonable cookster.....we want a riot !!
Funny this thread wasn't around when we'd won 10 on the bounce and Pep was getting positive press virtually everywhere.

The way I see it the press fit into 3 categories (they're still mostly weasels):

1) Anti-City, use the Pep won't hack it in the Premier League, had it easy elsewhere narrative
2) Neutral, most want Pep to succeed as he fills paper columns and add the the global appeal of the Premier League
3) Pro-City/Pep or both

Now everything ain't 100% rosy, group 1 are rubbing their hands together with "they told us so" shite and are filling column inches. Some of group 2 will be disappointed with the last 15 or so games and have doubts putting this to print.

When the results start flowing again group 1 will disappear and dissenter in group 2 will be back on message.

Have you forgotten how every win was written offing the first 2 months.

Every week it was, Oh that's nothing, just wait until he has a proper test next week.

And then we'd win again and it was the same, just wait until next week.

There were articles about how fake the run was, how we'd beaten no one and how we'd got incredibly lucky.

Your group 1 has been there all along, they were just drowned out by the rest.
Shame that is, as much as I disagreed with you, everyone is entitled to an opinion and yours was yours. You cant be wrong, as its a fucking opinion.

Free the franksinatra one!!!!

Cheers. I always enjoyed the debate and in the main it was always good natured. But the forum is changing now.
That City fan who phoned in to lay into Robbie Savage was spot on, I've seen Klopp being more than a little tetchy with an interviewer post match before now, I can't remember which game it was but he was swigging his water visibly angry refusing to make eye contact and came out with "You know, I would reaaaally like to have your job..." sarcastically and nobody in the media said a fucking thing about it, I never saw any of this "Is the pressure of the PL getting to him?" bollocks.

More recently(sorry if already posted):

Having said that I guess that does go to show the media just like to get reactions out of managers, we've seen a lot of managers lose it with them over the years. They seem to make far more of anything they get from City's side though and I've don't recall them playing the "he was out of order saying that me" card with Klopp or Wenger and the like.
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They're certainly trying to make as big a mountain over a moody press conference as possible. Paul Wilson in the Guardian today:

Based on his performance on the BBC, it is not too early to begin wondering if Guardiola will still be here by [next Christmas]

Already suggesting he might walk, and he's not the first.

Paul Wilson a very bitter Everton fan and a complete tosser.
Have you forgotten how every win was written offing the first 2 months.

Every week it was, Oh that's nothing, just wait until he has a proper test next week.

And then we'd win again and it was the same, just wait until next week.

There were articles about how fake the run was, how we'd beaten no one and how we'd got incredibly lucky.

Your group 1 has been there all along, they were just drowned out by the rest.

You might have noticed the word "virtually". The likes of Ragden, Ducker etc. are never going to be Pro-City.

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