The most important signing left is to keep Tevez

Reason said:
Yes, in an average team. The problem here is that Mancini is trying to turn City into a great team.

I find it funny how "obedient to the leader" the self proclaimed supporters of the club which Tevez held hostage for a couple of years now really are.

In psychology, it's called "the Stockholm syndrome". In football supporter terms its an indication of being a supporter of a small club, happy picking up the crumbs.

Well, the times they are a-changing.
bit of a twat for me ,never liked the guy never will but he"s a top top pro.He's going nowhere so lets keep him sweet,he's the perfect player to allow Sergio to settle in and just maybe he'll look around at our squad and change his mind a little bit and learn to love us ... that really would piss utd off
JoeMercer'sWay said:
BlueJill said:
lee-mcfc said:
You bellend.

Thats nice.


You have your opinion; I have mine. A player takes a shit on the club I love then that player is dead to me. I assume you would have Rooney or Van Persie on the squad if you thought it would bring wins. For me some things are more important than winning.
Dax777 said:
I am in a happy place. If he stays, I'm cool. If he leaves, I'm just as cool. He can't do anything to shake me now. ANd I think he now realizes it.

I remember how shaky his wish to move was last season. Now I am like errhh! He makes the bench, cool. He doesn't cool. He starts, cool. He doesn't cool.

I am spoiled :)
yeah same as,i was spending all my time trying to pick my team ,chumps league ,top sides shite sides then i realised doesn't fuckin matter,whatever side Bob puts out i'm cool with it... we're gonna be fuckin Ace
BlueJill said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
BlueJill said:
Thats nice.


You have your opinion; I have mine. A player takes a shit on the club I love then that player is dead to me. I assume you would have Rooney or Van Persie on the squad if you thought it would bring wins. For me some things are more important than winning.

sorry but no.
The issue isn't who is better. The issue is that Tevez in the squad demands a formation and style that is completely the opposite of what Aguero-Dzeko allows. Both systems work. I don't think you can play Tevez well with another striker at this point.
The only important issue is whether we have a better chance of success with Tevez in the side or otherwise.

For me the rest of the Tevez story is irrelevant.

No doubt a fit and firing Tevez makes us harder to beat.
Tevez can piss off at this point. He did great things for this club, but he has been nothing but a headache and a distraction. He made his be, by begging to be moved multiple times, now he needs to lie in it. Use guys who actually want to be here and are committed to the club. This guy can't leave fast enough for me after all the crap he's pulled.
BJ needs to learn some manners for this forum. He needs to lose the aggression. Nasty piece of work :(

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