The National Anthem At Wembley

IIRC the English athletics team use Land of Hope and Glory at the Commonwealth Games.

I don't see why the rest of the English sporting sides get stuck with the dirge that is God Save the Queen when the rest of the UK get to use their own "unofficial" anthems (Flower of Scotland, Land of my Fathers etc)
The anthem is definetly English, (for our scottish fans please see verse 6) but because we choose to sing only the first verse it has been adopted as the British national anthem. I personally prefer Jeruselem but if I can get a ticket (fingers crossed) I would stand to attention and sing it, rather have the Queen than President Blair.

1. God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen

2. O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all

3. Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen

4. Not in this land alone
But be God's mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
And form one family
The wide world over

5. From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O'er her thine arm extend
For Britain's sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen

6. Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the King
Rammyblues said:
The anthem is definetly English, (for our scottish fans please see verse 6) but because we choose to sing only the first verse it has been adopted as the British national anthem. I personally prefer Jeruselem but if I can get a ticket (fingers crossed) I would stand to attention and sing it, rather have the Queen than President Blair.

1. God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen

2. O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all

3. Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen

4. Not in this land alone
But be God's mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
And form one family
The wide world over

5. From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O'er her thine arm extend
For Britain's sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen

6. Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the King
FFS Rammy we wiould get slaughtered if we sang that at Wembley,the daily mirror would have a 12 page pullout on it.
Will not be singing seeing as how the person we wish the deity to save thinks Manchester is (and I quote) "...not a nice place is it?"

She can kiss my big hairy, yellow butt. Up yours Liz.

-- Tue May 03, 2011 6:28 pm --

pml79 said:
ha ha it'll be like naked gun scene when he sings national athem on baseball pitch
Enrico Pallazzo!!

(he's our new fitness coach)<br /><br />-- Tue May 03, 2011 6:28 pm --<br /><br />
BoyBlue_1985 said:
lancs blue said:
Which is what I'll be doing, I've no time for the monarchy. The national anthem should be about the country not one person.

Yeah but a song about fish and chips and fight outside nightclubs would be pretty embarrasing
"Sleep Well Tonight" by Gene anyone?
lancs blue said:
Berkovic_blue said:
If you don't want to sing the anthem then just stand there in silence for 60 seconds, not difficult

Which is what I'll be doing, I've no time for the monarchy. The national anthem should be about the country not one person.

Fair enough, at least you'll be respecting those who do want to sing it, good man. If I had a hope of getting a ticket I'd be there singing along :)
Ricster said:
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!

Yeah, it is because you're scattish. Its the English National Stadium. Its two English based sides playing. Its a Royal event. I will be singing the national anthem as its part and parcel of the day- you, of course needn't, bloody misery - but it is,afterall, celebrating YOUR Queen.......................(wait for it).<br /><br />-- Tue May 03, 2011 6:58 pm --<br /><br />
bluemanc said:
Rammyblues said:
The anthem is definetly English, (for our scottish fans please see verse 6) but because we choose to sing only the first verse it has been adopted as the British national anthem. I personally prefer Jeruselem but if I can get a ticket (fingers crossed) I would stand to attention and sing it, rather have the Queen than President Blair.

1. God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen

2. O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all

3. Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen

4. Not in this land alone
But be God's mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
And form one family
The wide world over

5. From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O'er her thine arm extend
For Britain's sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen

6. Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the King
FFS Rammy we wiould get slaughtered if we sang that at Wembley,the daily mirror would have a 12 page pullout on it.

That sixth verse needs to be promoted........................But, This is THEIR Queen too don't forget.
Rammyblues said:
The anthem is definetly English, (for our scottish fans please see verse 6) but because we choose to sing only the first verse it has been adopted as the British national anthem. I personally prefer Jeruselem but if I can get a ticket (fingers crossed) I would stand to attention and sing it, rather have the Queen than President Blair.

1. God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen

2. O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all

3. Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen

4. Not in this land alone
But be God's mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
And form one family
The wide world over

5. From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O'er her thine arm extend
For Britain's sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen

6. Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the King
Oh my god QE2 didn't pass away between 5th and 6th verse did she can't find it on teletext anywhere, if she did then long live Charles
Oh my god QE2 didn't pass away between 5th and 6th verse did she can't find it on teletext anywhere, if she did then long live Charles

I think Culloden had something to do with it. :-)
uwerosler28 said:
theres already a set of fans who disrepect england hate it when their players get called up love it when the national team loses and disrespects the anthem and i wouldnt want us in the same bracket as them .
Oh you mean Paul Scholes!!!

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