The next attack on City?

How does signing an African player and loaning him out to a Scandinavian club for 3 years hinder the development of an English player?
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.

In regards to this new rule, is anyone else sick of people trying to change football in some way shape or form? You can't have this many players or not allowed to spend this amount of money, can only players at certain times of the year etc... Football is becoming less and less fun.
citytilidie85 said:
In regards to this new rule, is anyone else sick of people trying to change football in some way shape or form? You can't have this many players or not allowed to spend this amount of money, can only players at certain times of the year etc... Football is becoming less and less fun.

And, given your opening paragraph, why do you think people are suddenly so anxious to impose restrictions ? Of course it's directly linked to what we do. Why do you think prominent rag and former united director Greg Dyke, of all people in the world was chosen to head up this "brains trust" ? Why do you think, of all the retired footballers in the world with an iota of intelligence, Rio Ferdinand is on the committee ? Why do you think Dyke talks about stopping young African youngsters coming over not 6 months after we signed 3 players from Nigerian Youth World Cup winning squad ? Dear oh dear !
Pigeonho said:
Is t the sole aim of it, reading between the lines, to encourage clubs to develop and purchase young English players? Isn't it just a case of a hapless FA looking to be seen to do something about it's even more hapless national team?

I know you're not averse to a bit of head burying, but if you think that a commission headed by an ex-rag director, and also featuring one of the thickest, bitterest, snide, rag c**ts of all time (Camelgob), doesn't have nobbling City fairly high up on its (dare I use the 'a' word? - I dare!) agenda, then you can't be helped. I'll give you a clue. Who's just built the finest academy in world football, and just recruited half the Nigerian U18's World Cup winning squad, including young Iheanacho? And no chance of a work permit by the sounds of it! Crooked bastards
And I will make a prediction that the very next restrictions imposed by UEFA, closely followed by our own Premier League's version, will concern ownership of clubs in different countries by one group. At a guess, it will involve restrictions on;

a) transfers/loans involving players between "connected" clubs
b) multiple sponsorship deals across "connected" clubs
c) financial dealings such as loans between "connected" clubs

And still there will be people claiming it's a coincidence.
pfazz said:
So instead of say 100 players coming in from all countries 40 are refused because they are not from EU countries. The 60 that are allowed in are going to be in far greater demand and as a consequence their value is going to increase among the number of clubs that can still afford them, making an even greater divide. Sounds good from aFFP point of view. Theses twats are just staggering around in the dark making up rules as they go along.

But this is the major characteristic of football governance at national, continental and world levels. No vision, highlight a problem and come up with a knee jerker!

Wonder if MANUre will be opening a fast-track passport office at The Swamp?
Wreckless Alec said:
And I will make a prediction that the very next restrictions imposed by UEFA, closely followed by our own Premier League's version, will concern ownership of clubs in different countries by one group. At a guess, it will involve restrictions on;

a) transfers/loans involving players between "connected" clubs
b) multiple sponsorship deals across "connected" clubs
c) financial dealings such as loans between "connected" clubs

And still there will be people claiming it's a coincidence.

Yup to all of those. As discussed before, they will systematically target every single aspect of our set up that they perceive might give us a financial or footballing advantage. City's presence in the top 4 deprives one of the old guard of not just £50m a year in Chimps League money, but leaves them needing to spend at least another £100m to try and buy their way back in. Gill, Dyke, even Camelgob, they are all in their respective roles/places for a reason, and I'm astonished that there are City fans on here that can't see it staring them in the face. I wonder if they'll wake up when Iheanacho's work permit request gets turned down by the anonymous and unaccountable DWP footballing advisory panel, put in place for precisely the purpose of rubber stamping deals for the rags and the Arse?
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Wreckless Alec said:
And I will make a prediction that the very next restrictions imposed by UEFA, closely followed by our own Premier League's version, will concern ownership of clubs in different countries by one group. At a guess, it will involve restrictions on;

a) transfers/loans involving players between "connected" clubs
b) multiple sponsorship deals across "connected" clubs
c) financial dealings such as loans between "connected" clubs

And still there will be people claiming it's a coincidence.

Yup to all of those. As discussed before, they will systematically target every single aspect of our set up that they perceive might give us a financial or footballing advantage. City's presence in the top 4 deprives one of the old guard of not just £50m a year in Chimps League money, but leaves them needing to spend at least another £100m to try and buy their way back in. Gill, Dyke, even Camelgob, they are all in their respective roles/places for a reason, and I'm astonished that there are City fans on here that can't see it staring them in the face. I wonder if they'll wake up when Iheanacho's work permit request gets turned down by the anonymous and unaccountable DWP footballing advisory panel, put in place for precisely the purpose of rubber stamping deals for the rags and the Arse?
I'm struggling to think of a bigger indictment on the state of our national game than the inclusion of Ferdinand in this process. He is utterly stupid. He is quite possibly a moron, in the clinical sense. Furthermore, the notion that he would place the interests of the English game above united is utterly comical.
This smacks of 1960s politics, when we would have slapped import taxes on goods rather than get our industry into efficient shape.

It's totally arbitrary and fails to tackle any underlying cause.

More fodder for our very own candle-lighters though.

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