The *OFFICIAL* Hughes Poll

Where do you stand on the issue?

  • Hughes In

    Votes: 542 49.4%
  • Hughes Out

    Votes: 359 32.7%
  • On the Fence

    Votes: 197 17.9%

  • Total voters
Re: Dead man walking?

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Let's look at Saturday's result. Just the result. Not the performance. Hull had effectively one shot on goal - the penalty.

Fair Play in the Telegraph yesterday pointed to the fact that Hunt had tugged at SWP and we didn't get our pen.

The Observer thought that Joleoninho had committed the 'foul', not Kolo.

Micah informs us on OS that the ref said it was for the 'handball' that hit Joloeninho's hip. At the end of the match he has changed his mind.

Probert should not have awarded a penalty because no penal offence was committed. We had been done over with another fictitious penalty. (Is it our 'turn' for one tomorrow or Saturday?)

So, they don't score and we win 1-0.

There is then no need to call in all the points about team selection, player performance, subs used and when, luck or the absence of it, or any of the other ten thousand variables that might affect a result. Mind you it wouldn't stop some folk insisting MH get the Edward II treatment.

We win - completely different mindset. The performance becomes almost irrelevant. We win - three points.
That Lee Probert, the Wenger hater, is a really disgraceful referee. He just wants to be the main attraction and spends inordinate amounts of time pawing players trying to emphasise his great understanding of the game.
Uber Blues said:
We have to stick with him...STABILITY.. STABILITY... STABILITY Is what we need right now. We need to prove we can come through bad patches together, not rip the place apart like the old days. I, for one have had enough of that shit. If we can get out of this drawing streak and start some winning, this period may prove to be a good thing In the end for club and fans alike. It would at least prove that the old panic sackings, and panic hirings of the past are gone for ever,not to mention some supporter patience. With what we have put up with over the decades this challenge should be a walk In the park!

Sometimes keeping a manager in place for stability's sake can destabilise a club. Have a look at the almost 1/3 split above (at the time of writing obviously). I'm on the fence for the moment but the stability argument doesn't wash with me.
m27 said:
Uber Blues said:
We have to stick with him...STABILITY.. STABILITY... STABILITY Is what we need right now. We need to prove we can come through bad patches together, not rip the place apart like the old days. I, for one have had enough of that shit. If we can get out of this drawing streak and start some winning, this period may prove to be a good thing In the end for club and fans alike. It would at least prove that the old panic sackings, and panic hirings of the past are gone for ever,not to mention some supporter patience. With what we have put up with over the decades this challenge should be a walk In the park!

Sometimes keeping a manager in place for stability's sake can destabilise a club. Have a look at the almost 1/3 split above (at the time of writing obviously). I'm on the fence for the moment but the stability argument doesn't wash with me.

Yeah, I'm with you on this one, stability is all well and good, but only if the incumbent looks like having the promise to achieve things.

Taking the "stability" argument out of the equation I'd ask the Hughes In people what it is they've seen in Hughes that leads them to believe he can take us to the Champion's League and to win trophies? What is Hughes doing that is "right" and gives you hopes for the future? I simply can't see how Hughes is any different from a host of mediocre managers, he's spent a fortune on players which, even if he was the worst manager in the World, would have seen us improve, and not done much else. Defensively we've struggled, offensively we've struggled, the style of play has been too slow and deliberate, all in all I can't see where the positives are. Anyone enlighten me?
Back on the fence,calmed down after Hull.
But he simply can't keep getting "Waterloo" games we have to win,then having XYZ number of reasons why it didn't happen.
No problems with the players he's brought in (RSC apart),I just wonder about his ability to lead them to victory at the top level.

Eventually results on the pitch will tell their own story.
I want what's best for City and in my opinion, Mark Hughes isn't that man. So, it's out for me.


I've never liked the style of football Hughes has employed previously. Many say that he used this style as he didn't have the players to do any different so he was playing to thier strengths. Whilst I agree with this to some extent, he now does have a different class of player but from what we have seen (except for the odd occasion), but he insists on playing the same style of football that he always has. This to me shows up severe limitations in his ability on the footballing side. If he isn't telling the team to use these tactics but his players still are then that shows up a weakness in his managerial ability as they are clearly not listening to him. The fact that on occasions we do produce some lovely football just annoys me more as these players are clearly capable of doing it.

I fail to see where he has proved in previous employment that he is a decent manager. He did OK with Wales, I will say that, but many say he did well at Blackburn which I disagree with. His record with them was only as good as Souness (infact, Souness actually won something with them!), and who would say he is a decent manager??? I feel that many people have fallen for the media hype about Hughes being the next great British manager. I just don't see where the actual evidence is for this assumption.

Overall, how many players have actually improved since Hughes took over? Sure, Stevie had a great season last year (and by most accounts this was down to his own hard work), but it's now that matters & even Superman seems to have gone back to his old ways.

"We need stability" seems to be the main argument in favour of keeping him. Again, I agree that stability is a good thing, but only if you have the right people in place in the first case. Keeping the wrong people in place for longer than necessary is totally counter-productive.

I get the feeling (and this is only a feeling - I have no real evidence of this) that he has one style of management, ie, the autocratic "Do it my way or go". Whilst discipine is needed of course, in any profession people respond to different styles of leadership. Really good leaders adapt their style to each individual under them, they don't adopt the same approach to everyone. Sometimes the arm around the shoulder approach works better than the boot thrown at the face!

There must be something wrong when one person can divide the fans as much as Hughes has done. Sure there's always been disagreements over the abilities of players & managers ,but I've never seen City fans at each others throats like they are over this issue. This cannot be good for us & the club.

I don't expect us to win the league, but what I did expect was tangible signs of real progression. We do have one of the best squads in the Premier & I just feel that there are many managers out there who could get more out of this crop of players.

Anyway, just my opinion. Please feel free to rip apart as you see fit :-)
Cheesy said:
I want what's best for City and in my opinion, Mark Hughes isn't that man. So, it's out for me.


I've never liked the style of football Hughes has employed previously. Many say that he used this style as he didn't have the players to do any different so he was playing to thier strengths. Whilst I agree with this to some extent, he now does have a different class of player but from what we have seen (except for the odd occasion), but he insists on playing the same style of football that he always has. This to me shows up severe limitations in his ability on the footballing side. If he isn't telling the team to use these tactics but his players still are then that shows up a weakness in his managerial ability as they are clearly not listening to him. The fact that on occasions we do produce some lovely football just annoys me more as these players are clearly capable of doing it.

I fail to see where he has proved in previous employment that he is a decent manager. He did OK with Wales, I will say that, but many say he did well at Blackburn which I disagree with. His record with them was only as good as Souness (infact, Souness actually won something with them!), and who would say he is a decent manager??? I feel that many people have fallen for the media hype about Hughes being the next great British manager. I just don't see where the actual evidence is for this assumption.

Overall, how many players have actually improved since Hughes took over? Sure, Stevie had a great season last year (and by most accounts this was down to his own hard work), but it's now that matters & even Superman seems to have gone back to his old ways.

"We need stability" seems to be the only argument in favour of keeping him. Again, I agree that stability is a good thing, but only if you have the right people in place in the first case. Keeping the wrong people in place for longer than necessary is totally counter-productive.

I get the feeling (and this is only a feeling - I have no real evidence of this) that he has one style of management, ie, the autocratic "Do it my way or go". Whilst discipine is needed of course, in any profession people respond to different styles of leadership. Really good leaders adapt their style to each individual under them, they don't adopt the same approach to everyone. Sometimes the arm around the shoulder approach works better than the boot thrown at the face!

There must be something wrong when one person can divide the fans as much as Hughes has done. Sure there's always been disagreements over the abilities of players & managers ,but I've never seen City fans at each others throats like they are over this issue. This cannot be good for us & the club.

I don't expect us to win the league, but what I did expect was tangible signs of real progression. We do have one of the best squads in the Premier & I just feel that there are many managers out there who could get more out of this crop of players.

Anyway, just my opinion. Please feel free to rip apart as you see fit :-)

I saw him give Micah a joyful hug once but Hughes has always been a Billy No Mates as a player and as a manager. I understand he is a very decent man and loyal but it seems, as you say, he has trouble adapting.
That's why we have RSC I think.
A couple of more bad results and it'll be Wicker time

Should Inter fail to qualify from the group stages of the Champion's League (a definite possibility, they need to win at home to Rubin Kazan to be certain of this, a result Barca failed to achieve in either of their games against the Russians) then it seems certain Mourinho will be fired. Were this scenario to happen then I would be looking to give Hughes December to "prove himself", by which I mean a HUGE improvement in both performances AND results. Fail to achieve this and in early January I'd be looking to try and convince Mourinho that a spell at City would be the right way to go.

In fact, even if Mourinho retains his job at Inter, I'd be looking for a similar level of improvement from Hughes during December to keep him in the job much longer.
Hughes In for me.

Just looking at table, 3pts behind 4th position, even if we lose game in hand. As long as we are in touch I have no problem, normally so used to counting how many more for the magical 40pts mark.
I know with the amount of money spent, people/media expect instant success.

Already the next two games are allegedly HUGE, Q-Final against Arsenal, then Home to Chelsea.
Would our season be over if we lost both, if so, why?

I believe that the results will come, hopefully this week to start with and then everyone will be happy, until we draw or lose again!

Everyone of us are passionate about our club and all have an opinion, lets not bicker with each other we are all blue.

Good Luck to all inners, outers and on the fencers, we will speak again i'm sure.

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