The OFFICIAL moan about the Adebayor song thread [MERGED]

Re: Words to Ade song at Pompey?

Robbo. said:
samharris said:
Ade said on MOTD 2 last night thats he's happy to be at a club where the fans love him, well this song should be nipped in the bud right now...

Im sure we can all come up with different words to this song as the present song is unacceptable to say the least..

Adebayor rhymes with score so theres a great song out there ready to be made for him so lets put our ideas together and find it..

what do you say ??

totally agree...we neeed to show more respect to him.

Totally disagree - he feels loved and has heard that song in evey game he has played.

Think he is fine with it.
Re: FAO: Fans that went to pompey RE: Adebayor chant

Well, as i say the club aren't happy with OUR OWN FANS singing what can be VIEWED BY SOME as RACIST BEHAVIOR. The club want this to stop now, sure if it carries on the cretins that persist on singing it will be punished. Its embarrassing.
Re: FAO: Fans that went to pompey RE: Adebayor chant

SouthStand211 said:
forevercity said:
neither of which are racist

The RACIAL stereotype is that all Black(afro-caribbean) men have massive cocks. So stop pretending it isn't racial.

Yepp, it is racist. Simple as that
Re: Words to Ade song at Pompey?

Bossman Blue said:
shadygiz said:

Unless you have seen him without his clothes on it makes a statement about the size of his dick that can only be linked to the stereotyping that says all black men have large ones. A stupid assumption that dates from days when racism was accepted as it abused a 'lower class' of person.

How much did joining the Manchester 1st PC Brigade cost? Did you get a uniform when you signed up?
Re: FAO: Fans that went to pompey RE: Adebayor chant

Fanny Fart said:
Adebayor, Adebayooooor,
Costs less than berbatov
And scores a lot more!

The other one is shite!

I was looking for this on the other thread, this is the one i'll be singing, even if i'm on my own ;)
Re: Words to Ade song at Pompey?

Bossman Blue said:
shadygiz said:

Unless you have seen him without his clothes on it makes a statement about the size of his dick that can only be linked to the stereotyping that says all black men have large ones. A stupid assumption that dates from days when racism was accepted as it abused a 'lower class' of person.

How much did joining the Manchester 1st PC Brigade cost? Did you get a uniform when you signed up?
Re: FAO: Fans that went to pompey RE: Adebayor chant

SouthStand211 said:
forevercity said:
neither of which are racist

The RACIAL stereotype is that all Black(afro-caribbean) men have massive cocks. So stop pretending it isn't racial.
I take it you are one of the fucking numpties that sing it then forevercity ? You will soon be picked up on by the club as they want this stamped out and now.
Re: FAO: Fans that went to pompey RE: Adebayor chant

Is it racist or isn;t it.That question doesn;t matter IMO.If there is a even a hint that it may be,then it;s easyer just to change the song.It isn;t giving in to the p.c crowd if you think it;s not racist.All it does by changing the chant is show respect to the player and his family..Those who belive it;s not racist can still say that after,no problem with that.But change it anyway,I think that is common sense.He is one of ours now and if we say to him"it wasn;t intended to be racist but we are changing it anyway as a great number of fans are offended" that would speek volumes in respect to the type of fans we are..Come on chaps lets not argue on this one,its too close to the bone,,,no pun intended.
Re: FAO: Fans that went to pompey RE: Adebayor chant

bluejimmines said:
Fanny Fart said:
Adebayor, Adebayooooor,
Costs less than berbatov
And scores a lot more!

The other one is shite!

I was looking for this on the other thread, this is the one i'll be singing, even if i'm on my own ;)

This is the one i sing, usually on my own.

For the uneducated saying the other song isnt racist, this is the official defination of racism from the oxford dictionary


• noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race. 2 discrimination against or antagonism towards other races.

So the belief that all black men have big cocks IS racist

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