The only way to get around Platini's anti-City stance

kramer said:
Cobwebcat said:
Yes, I know I've posted this on the Platini thread on the main board but I make no apology for a new thread here because this is really important and people seem to think everything will be ok and we will be fine.


Guys I think you all need to actually read the proposal because every "get out" that has been put forward will not be permitted.

The idea that we can sponsor ourselves etc is not allowed. We will not be able to get around this with obvious back door tricks. Neither can we loan the money to ourselves.

The rule is specifically aimed at us. Do you think UEFA don't know the loopholes? They have 9 months to close every one of them.

We will go from the most powerful club in the world back down to about 20th (see link)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ball_clubs</a>

Clubs like United and Real Madrid are not in trouble in fact they are laughing. It's nothing to do with debt It's purely football generated turnover and being able to spend a percentage of that.

I've also seen some posters think we will be OK because we will have spent loads by then so don't have to buy anyone else. Wrong! We will always need to replace people and as the years go by we will not be allowed to get to the better players. Also wage cost count as expenditure. We are already paying over £100 million a year and players contracts have to be honoured over the next 5 years or whatever the contract lengths are.

In short we are fecked unless something can be done that's way different to the ideas put forward so far.

The only one I can come up with is that (luckily) The Premiership don't agree with UEFA and we can spend what we like for them. So we have to be prepared to go on spending and do as well as we can in the Prem but if/when we get into the top four we have to be accept that we will not be allowed in the CL.... but that's not the end of the story.

Other than to protect the status quo UEFA want to control our spending so we don't artificially inflate prices but if we ignore this, despite the ban, then UEFA's threat doesn't work. The clubs that need the CL reduce their spending but we don't and snap up the best players. Eventually UEFA will have to come up with something else.

The only way to win in the long term is to carry on spending before and after we get into the top 4 and accept in the short term we can't play in Europe.

Questions for you
What is counted as turnover?
How will the differences in exchange rates be catered for?
How will the differences in tickets prices between countries be calculated?
How will regional variations in tickets prices be calculated?
Couldn't city just have the owner rent a VIP box each season for 100m?
DontLookBackInAnger said:
kramer said:
Questions for you
What is counted as turnover?
How will the differences in exchange rates be catered for?
How will the differences in tickets prices between countries be calculated?
How will regional variations in tickets prices be calculated?
Couldn't city just have the owner rent a VIP box each season for 100m?
that could actually work!
So the Clubs that rip off fans with sky high Prices top 4 + Spurs will be better of because of that, give it a rest Twatini. ADUG have been great with reducing prices kids for £99 etc but for some reason they dont want to look at things like this. Biased C**ts.
It would be against European Law anyway what he's trying to bring in. What other company trading in Europe would have such restrictions placed on them. Football club or not we as a company still have to obey English and European company law. I just can't see it coming in ever. IMO it's just wanktini trying to show FIFA that he would cut the mustard as FIFA President when Blatter steps down!
Oh, how many fucking times has Platini pissed and moaned and schemed to undermine English football. He can talk about it but he's dreaming if he thinks he can stop it.... which is why people aren't really talking about it except on this forum. His proposals are against EU law, ffs.
No offense Cobwebcat, but I think you are being overly paranoid. Platini's proposal will cause such a backlash I can't ever see it actually happen.

That proposal would make the Status Quo permanent, no other club will ever get into the top 4 in the Premier League, let alone win it and I truly believe that will be the case in every league. I sincerely doubt that the majority of the clubs will NOT agree to this.

I also sincerely doubt that the EU have agreed to this, sorry, I think you're just making assumptions here.

Besides, come 2012 we should be established enough not to have to buy more than 1-2 players per window and I pretty sure our turnover will be much higher than it is now as well. I honestly think even IF this rule would actually come true - which I don't believe it will - we will be fine.
what the nob can;t get into his head is that City have not been given 200mil.We haven;t a penny of it.Other in the shit teams have it.

we just have their best player for it...LOL
Another point that hasn't been discussed it that such a move would take a significant amount of value out of football. Salaries will be less. Transfers would be less. And ultimately clubs will not be worth as much. Try selling that idea to Messrs Glazer and Hicks/Gillette.

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