The people who refuse to sit !

Lordeffingham said:
Scottyboi said:
Moronic thugs lmfao get a grip you big jessy.

Firstly standing up for those less fortunate shouldn't imply in any way, what I'm like as a person, and I can assure you if you met me face to face the term "Big Jessie" wouldn't eminate from your lips.

But more importantly, if you want to jump on that Bully's bandwaggon, use some common sense and look at his previous comment, which would suggest quite clearly the guy is quite happy to act and behave in the manner of a thug, maybe you'd like to clarify your views further?

Too say you want another blue to get paralysed is sick and not on. I hope you get a ban or at least a warning.
Lordeffingham said:
mrt4919 said:
God save me from the arse hole's like you, a complete health and safety buffoon with a bit of luck you might find yourself in a real world where grown ups make a decision without morons wringing thier hands in pretend dismay.
Pity an idiot like you needs an adult to hold your hand but there again I dont give a shit what you think

Is that the best you can come up with?

Jesus, you are nothing but an ASBO and a Bully, bet you have a few domestics in your house (or maybe caravan) anyway couldn't give a shit what moranic thugs like you and your brood think, have a feeling there's a large slice of rag in you somewhere.

LOL you tart!
city stew said:
I am a steward on level 3 so it's not me who tells anyone to sit down on level 1 . The thing is the council have allowed for the away fans and the blocks next to the away fans to stand and that is it, for safety reasons . Now the fact that people refuse to sit is gonna start causing problems as the council will fine the club for breach of health and safety . Yes I know there are double standards but these are the rules . So stop giving stewards shit as it's not our fucking rule and it's not pissing them off but fellow fans as we have had complaints from fellow blues who sit when suppose to . (not saying stay sat when we score chant etc )

rant over
Get a fucking life<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:52 am --<br /><br />
Lordeffingham said:
It all boils down to being reasonable and understanding that not all fans have the same ability to stand for long periods, stand at all, or to see whether they can stand or not.

Too many people are so self centred and selfish that they couldn't give a fuck if they cause other peoples enjoyment to be spoiled or not.

I know most will feel if someone is not as capable of getting a fair view of the game, that it's that individuals problem and tough shit, but it's just another example of society's intollerance and general neglect for others not so: young, fit, tall, hard, able, and in fairness is not the type of behaviour I have come to expect from City fans in the many decades I have been watching our great club perform.

I enjoyed standing in the Kippax more than at any other time as a blue, so completely understand how good the experience of standing at games is, but now suffer for days with back pain if I have to stand for a prolonged period, so at Old Trafford last year I had a nightmare, and subsequently won't be following City away again.

Ok, so I don't have any problems in my seat in 304, but can see how difficult it is for others with similar afflictions in the blocks in question, and feel in the times we live in sometimes we put too much emphasis on our own experience and without even reasonable thought for others less fortunate.

I'm sure that those selfish enough to think the situation I describe is tough titty, would maybe change their tune if the Harlem Globetrotters were sat or stood in the row in front of them, or if they took their kids to the Odeon to watch the latest blockbuster and St Helens rugby league team stood throughout the film directly blocking their family's view, but hey, I bet they would as is often the case in such situations, keep stum, grin and bear it, certainly in the case of the Rugby lads!

Have some tollerance and show at least a little courtesy, it's not the fault of the kids, dissabled, elderly or those short in stature that they don't allow for supporters to stand at Premier League games, and they shouldn't have to pay for your thoughtless and often inconsiderate behaviour.
boo fucking hoo,
there is a disabled section.
Are the seating areas for the disabled in such a place that the view is obstructed by standing people? If so the areas need to be moved as it is inevitable that people will stand up at certain times of the game and consequently affect the view of the disabled spectators.

It can't be that hard to sort a section out for people with disabilities. The club has made a large part of the ground family friendly - couldn't it sort out a non standing area where standing is not tolerated at all so that the elderly/disabled/ too fat to get up (!) people can watch a game without missing the best bits when everyone else stands up? Maybe put some sort of seat belt or cage such as the ones on rollercoasters to stop the carers jumping up?

Look forward to the posts on here when the club move a couple of blocks of people out of their seats to initiate the sitting only areas!
If the guy infront of me stands up and I can't see, I'll stand up too thanks. If you stewards can't control the person infront of me, I'm not going to be controlled either. Sounds like I'm being a dick really but it's just life, I don't pay money to watch the back of some bloke's head.
Re: The who refuse to sit !

Bluemoon115 said:
FletcherMoss said:
I've said it before - just move the wheelchair section to another place. COMs is one of the best stadiums in the country for disabled access so there are plenty of other places where they could go. Same with the kids - theres a whole stand now for the kids. Its a simple solution to a simple problem. Just increase the size of the standing section and problem solved - the stewards can all chill the fcuk out, those that want to stand can stand. Bythe way I sit in CB level 3 so I don't have a personal interest in this.
Move them to where?

use all that space the club have created in thne family stand
Lordeffingham said:
It all boils down to being reasonable and understanding that not all fans have the same ability to stand for long periods, stand at all, or to see whether they can stand or not.

Too many people are so self centred and selfish that they couldn't give a fuck if they cause other peoples enjoyment to be spoiled or not.

I know most will feel if someone is not as capable of getting a fair view of the game, that it's that individuals problem and tough shit, but it's just another example of society's intollerance and general neglect for others not so: young, fit, tall, hard, able, and in fairness is not the type of behaviour I have come to expect from City fans in the many decades I have been watching our great club perform.

I enjoyed standing in the Kippax more than at any other time as a blue, so completely understand how good the experience of standing at games is, but now suffer for days with back pain if I have to stand for a prolonged period, so at Old Trafford last year I had a nightmare, and subsequently won't be following City away again.

Ok, so I don't have any problems in my seat in 304, but can see how difficult it is for others with similar afflictions in the blocks in question, and feel in the times we live in sometimes we put too much emphasis on our own experience and without even reasonable thought for others less fortunate.

I'm sure that those selfish enough to think the situation I describe is tough titty, would maybe change their tune if the Harlem Globetrotters were sat or stood in the row in front of them, or if they took their kids to the Odeon to watch the latest blockbuster and St Helens rugby league team stood throughout the film directly blocking their family's view, but hey, I bet they would as is often the case in such situations, keep stum, grin and bear it, certainly in the case of the Rugby lads!

Have some tollerance and show at least a little courtesy, it's not the fault of the kids, dissabled, elderly or those short in stature that they don't allow for supporters to stand at Premier League games, and they shouldn't have to pay for your thoughtless and often inconsiderate behaviour.

If said people cannot stand for sufficient periods of time, said people should relocate. I'm not advocating standing in all parts of the stadium. In fact, it's a very small part of it, one additional block to the already accepted amount.

It's simple enough to turn this argument on its head. My enjoyment of standing is threatened by selfish intolerant people who want to sit...

The reason there are more standing in 109 this season than last, in my assessment, is that many north standers who had no choice but to move have relocated to the south stand and the singing section in the hope that they can now stand. It was the club's decision. Therefore, I think the club should allow the singing and standing section to 109. I have trouble believing that one more section standing is suddenly going to cause the council to come down on us. If I'm wrong Trigger, PM me. Are we already at our quota limit?

This paragraph is not directed at the club. This anti-standing stance is flagrant example of a rule that has no justification whatsoever. It has never been proven that standing is safer than sitting and standing up only during 'moments of excitement'. In fact, you're more likely to harm yourself or someone else by standing or sitting down very quickly dozens of times a match as, paradoxically, everyone is allowed to do. Also, with regards to everyone standing during 'moments of excitement', what of disabled people's enjoyment then? Does nobody care when the disabled people are missing all the exciting moments of the match and the only thing they get to watch are the dull bits?
nobody should stand if it spoils the view of the person sat behind, if they wish to do so its them that should move and no one else. they can relocate NEXT SEASON to the standing section, should that be full they should return to their own seat untill that stand becomes available. i sit with a great crowd in 212 who of course just up when we get close to goal but sit back down afterwards, thats how it should be.i would stand all game but you can bet there are blues behind me that would'nt want to so i go with the flow.

its called respect.

if i had a guy in front of me who played the billy big balls and stood up throughout i'd ask him to sit down, if not for me but for the people behind me and my wife and daughter with me.

my guess he would.
so for health and safety reasons it is dangerous to stand during a game, however it is safe if you are standing near the away supoporters(softer floor there obviously) also is is safe to stand when city are on the attack but not when the ball is on the half way line(erm!!!)

either it is safe to stand up or not end of story so the health and safety reasons are bollocks.

standing in terms of being a nuisance to other supporters is a different matter and will only be fairer if the singing/unofficial standing areas are increased. as a poster stated if a guy in front stands up you have to stand up yourself whether you want to or not

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