The Piccadilly Gardens Problem

That concrete thing is ugly as sin. Me and the missus were sat on the grass in summer causing no hassle and were told to finish our beer quick as it was not allowed.
On the far otherside is the bit where the piss heads still sit and they never got told, they were loud crude and just as piss heads are in town.

A couple with 1 bottle each of craft beer eating a sarni having a kiss and cuddle should be left alone, tell the effing scrotes.

In the day on the grass you get a nice mix of people in general, should be well lit at night with lots of relaxing cafe cum bars with nice outdoor seating all around.

All the clubs in town should be shut down and renovated into cafe bars, town needs a face lift in general not just the gardens, the less clubs the less scrum knocking about. If town had more culture about it the less likely all the cunts would make an appearance.

The homeless is becoming an issue now as well, before you could just gracefully ignore them whilst now they're coming up to you asking for money like they do in Liverpool.
Also they've increased in numbers as well, I'm sure of it.
I'm sure Pat Karney our council spokesman for everything ,will be shocked that most on here hate his councils attempt at a playground for scrotes and lowlife after they have worked so hard to destroy a once colourfull part of manchester
They have spent millions of OUR taxes creating this modern masterpiece you should be greatfull ,that we have such a forward thinking council looking after us
A mate of mine was working for EDAW down in London at the time that they won the competition to design this monstrosity. He wasn't involved in the design , but I recall he was quite chuffed his colleagues had won.

I told him at the time that within 5 years of being built it would look like a piece of East Berlin circa 1980...
Yeah, super clubs have had their day i think in Manchester. Not because i have grown out of them, well there is that but i think everyone see's it is just nicer.
I admit i love the northern quarter, i mince around the cocktail bars there all day and night quiet happily.
Wasn't the point of that piece of shit simply to prevent watching the met roll by? I'd say that's stupid anyway. Sit there (why) look to the right and you'll see it anyway regardless. The old one used to have grass and flowers and an actual fountain. This one has turf laid on concrete which goes bald quickly, a fountain that would be better placed in a theme park, full of dickheads, a massive concrete monstrosity. Who thought of this? String them up.
I think the big concern is that it's so close to Portland St, where every second door is an entrance to a hotel lobby. People getting off the train at Piccadilly are getting a dreadful first impression. It was far nicer when it was grass - even though it was obviously harder to maintain.
I do wonder who does the thinking at Manchester Planning. They've been fucking the place up, without a trace of sensitivity, for years, now.
With one of the most well-regarded art faculties in the world, let alone the UK, right on their doorstep, they still manage to make a pig's abortion of Picadilly Gdns, erect a godawful monstrosity like the B of the Bang and don't even get me started on all those years that the Big Wheel was overshadowing the Tilted Windmills on Exchange Sq.
A mate of mine was working for EDAW down in London at the time that they won the competition to design this monstrosity. He wasn't involved in the design , but I recall he was quite chuffed his colleagues had won.

I told him at the time that within 5 years of being built it would look like a piece of East Berlin circa 1980...

So a London based company designed the heart of Manchester, enough said.

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