The Piccadilly Gardens Problem

The problem is that even if you plated it with gold and paid the RHS several million quid to turn it into the gardening miracle of the North it would still be full of scrotes.

How do you get rid of the scrotes, that's the real question. And there is no easy answer. Well, there is, but it would lie outwith the boundaries of democracy and the rule of law. We live in a sick society, to which any number of things have contributed. This country started going downhill circa 1979 when - to use a metaphor - we collectively decided that it was too expensive to put poison baits in the sewers in sufficient quantity to control the rats.
6 year old thread bumpss for the sake ofa trivial and dull video.

honestly who cares

You obviously, if you watched the video?

If you didn’t watch they video why comment?

I really hate posters who add nothing to a thread apart from criticising what people post, that other people my find interesting and informative.

And if you didn’t know Mr ‘honestly who cares’, the initial stage of the competition, which attracted 10 entrants, invited expressions of interest to enable entrants’ credentials and experience to be assessed. The six shortlisted teams will now be asked to develop detailed concept designs setting out their ideas.

They are:
Fira Landscape Ltd
LDA Design
Ove Arup and Partners
Studio Egret West Ltd
West 8

The teams will now have until autumn to bring forward their design proposals. The successful design team will be appointed in 2023 to further develop the design with the Council ahead of the appointment of a contractor to carry out the work.

Are you a bit more interested now? If not, don’t bother posting on this thread. You aren’t adding anything positive to it.
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Why not have a permanent fun fair, like they used to have at Belle Vue. As well as paid rides, lots of free rides for toddlers, bring families in at weekend and holidays.
Why not have a permanent fun fair, like they used to have at Belle Vue. As well as paid rides, lots of free rides for toddlers, bring families in at weekend and holidays.

There have been temporary rides and amusements, but they didn’t last. If I remember correctly they also received a lot of criticism.

You may remember the Star Flyer ride?

There was also a big wheel that had numerous technical problems and turned into a financial disaster for the city council.


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The problem is that even if you plated it with gold and paid the RHS several million quid to turn it into the gardening miracle of the North it would still be full of scrotes.

How do you get rid of the scrotes, that's the real question. And there is no easy answer. Well, there is, but it would lie outwith the boundaries of democracy and the rule of law. We live in a sick society, to which any number of things have contributed. This country started going downhill circa 1979 when - to use a metaphor - we collectively decided that it was too expensive to put poison baits in the sewers in sufficient quantity to control the rats.

St Peter’s Square has been a great success after it’s refurbishment. Lincoln Square has been another success after it’s recent refurbishment. Albert Square is also looking like a like great success, even though only 1/3rd of it is open currently.

The squares all have similar things in common. No grass, less is more street furniture and lighting, nice paving, a limited amount of landscaping and planting, some trees, and large open spaces. They are also maintained very well.

The city council can get it right when it comes to new public spaces, St Peter’s Square, Lincoln Square, and Albert Square prove that. Hopefully they can finally get it right with latest attempt to refurbish Piccadilly Gardens?

August. More of Albert Square is now open. It won’t be fully open until the town hall redevelopment is complete.

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I don't remember the Star Rider. I haven't been in M/cr since the 80's (I think that's when it was).
Thanks, I enjoyed your video, especially the historical parts. I never knew there was a hospital there. And wow! why demolish that beautiful building ? (no surprise though) The ugly office carbuncle that obviously council approved on open space land is disgusting, but no surprise. Councils in Tameside have gradually destroyed what is now called Shameside by a lot of residents.
I remember Picadilly as the pretty gardens that existed in the 70s. Me and mates would get the 216 from Stalybridge on a Sunday and walk around "town"....
Btw What is the jazz music that starts at 4:45 ?
The problem is that even if you plated it with gold and paid the RHS several million quid to turn it into the gardening miracle of the North it would still be full of scrotes.

How do you get rid of the scrotes, that's the real question.
I kind of disagree with you. Homeless, alkies and druggies tend to like places that are "nothing" places. Where people walk through etc. The councils of places like Manchester and my old home area Tameside are hugely not fit for purpose.
They have allowed this to happen through negligence, they never had the foresight to develop Picadilly Gardens into a place where people would like to go. Allowing it to become a nothing place, and that Office building is disgusting for the middle of a city feature open space park, it adds absolutely nothing except income for the useless council.
If you create something in Picadilly Gardens that brings families in and the Police start moving drunks on you will find that they will choose somewhere else to hang out. And Picadilly can become a family friendly and well used space again.

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