The Post General Election Thread said:
The problem is The North west can't and never will be independent the area is too small to sustain itself and you can have all the pie in the sky hopes you want but it just can't happen.

As for why I assume you don't wish people to do well is all you ever fucking go on about is extra tax for the rich ad infinitum and how everyone with money should foot the cost for people who don't have money
also like the vast majority of the left wing your woes are always someone else's fault.

Well here is some news for you your personal circumstances which you have openly discussed on this forum many times, that have contributed to your hatred for the centre and right parties in this country but what you need to realise and accept that part of your financial issues are down to your own personnel choices and not just the Tory government wish to screw you and the NHS.

Of course the NW can, it has a population similar to Ireland for a start.

Do you not get why i want people to do well. The better they do, the more tax they pay the better the public services can be. That is quite tory of me. Only as a Keynsian i disagree with how the current tax operates. I,E VAT is way too high and personal taxation is too low. It could be better balanced.

My personal circumstances btw are fuck all to do with my politics. I was far more left wing as a teenager and when i worked than i am now and i paid 33p in the pound tax and was happy to do so. My hatred for the Tories begin in the early 80s when i was working but i saw how soul destroyed a lot of my mates were having to sign on. I hated how she destroyed hope for many of my generation. That where my hatred started not because of MY personal circumstances but because of OTHERS personal circumstances. I learned to hate inequality and the lack of opportunity that was being denied to many of my friends whilst i was working.

Again personally i attach no nlame to anyone for my current circumstances and financially i am not the worst off, due to owning my own house and having some small savings. But i hate to see what is happening to others who are not as fortunate as me and for that i can legitimately blame the Tories for being cruel heartless bastards at times....not all tories just some mindless imbeciles like IDS and Mcvey.

So does that clear things up for you? said:
The perfect fumble said: said:
The problem is The North west can't and never will be independent the area is too small to sustain itself and you can have all the pie in the sky hopes you want but it just can't happen.

As for why I assume you don't wish people to do well is all you ever fucking go on about is extra tax for the rich ad infinitum and how everyone with money should foot the cost for people who don't have money
also like the vast majority of the left wing your woes are always someone else's fault.

Well here is some news for you your personal circumstances which you have openly discussed on this forum many times, that have contributed to your hatred for the centre and right parties in this country but what you need to realise and accept that part of your financial issues are down to your own personnel choices and not just the Tory government wish to screw you and the NHS.

You need to wobble your head, the North West isn't for going it alone, but with a catchment of 20 million it's bigger than Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland combined (ask SWP) as an administrative and commercial region it has critical mass, but only if the dots are joined up.

As for questioning someones politics based on their circumstance, of course political viewpoints are coloured by ones circumstance, ask George Gideon Oliver Osborne, David William Donald Cameron and Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, it is no less valid for that.

You guys are a scream, page after page about welfare scroungers, how very 21st Century, how very modern, when it's actually very Victorian, it's a debate over the difference between the deserving and undeserving poor, I'm reminded of this from a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens....

"At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge, ... it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir."
"Are there no prisons?"
"Plenty of prisons..."
"And the Union workhouses." demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"
"Both very busy, sir..."
"Those who are badly off must go there."
"Many can't go there; and many would rather die."
"If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

I've seen quite a bit of scrooge in the posts in here.

The population of the UK is approximately 64.1 million so you are saying the north west holds a third of that ? not sure where your 20 million figure comes from

Apologies, a typo, 12 million is the "northern powerhouse" catchment.
Rascal said: said:
The problem is The North west can't and never will be independent the area is too small to sustain itself and you can have all the pie in the sky hopes you want but it just can't happen.

As for why I assume you don't wish people to do well is all you ever fucking go on about is extra tax for the rich ad infinitum and how everyone with money should foot the cost for people who don't have money
also like the vast majority of the left wing your woes are always someone else's fault.

Well here is some news for you your personal circumstances which you have openly discussed on this forum many times, that have contributed to your hatred for the centre and right parties in this country but what you need to realise and accept that part of your financial issues are down to your own personnel choices and not just the Tory government wish to screw you and the NHS.

Of course the NW can, it has a population similar to Ireland for a start.

Do you not get why i want people to do well. The better they do, the more tax they pay the better the public services can be. That is quite tory of me. Only as a Keynsian i disagree with how the current tax operates. I,E VAT is way too high and personal taxation is too low. It could be better balanced.

My personal circumstances btw are fuck all to do with my politics. I was far more left wing as a teenager and when i worked than i am now and i paid 33p in the pound tax and was happy to do so. My hatred for the Tories begin in the early 80s when i was working but i saw how soul destroyed a lot of my mates were having to sign on. I hated how she destroyed hope for many of my generation. That where my hatred started not because of MY personal circumstances but because of OTHERS personal circumstances. I learned to hate inequality and the lack of opportunity that was being denied to many of my friends whilst i was working.

Again personally i attach no nlame to anyone for my current circumstances and financially i am not the worst off, due to owning my own house and having some small savings. But i hate to see what is happening to others who are not as fortunate as me and for that i can legitimately blame the Tories for being cruel heartless bastards at times....not all tories just some mindless imbeciles like IDS and Mcvey.

So does that clear things up for you?
Priceless Rascal, priceless!! said:
hilts said:
Rascal said:
IDS wants to cut disability benefits by 20% to save money. that only 0.5% of claims according to his own facts and figures supplied by his Dept the DWP just show what an idiotic c**t the man is. He knows that 20% are not fraudulent but he wants to save 20% nonetheless.

Over the last 8 years or so since the ATOS tests started i must have made a 1000 posts on this subject. Its a subject that affects me and many people i know and its a subject i have researched. I know campaigners who have produced reports, lobbied parliament and demonstrated against these cuts. Because that is what they are. They are cuts in the availability of welfare to 1 in 5 disabled people based on a scurrilous and discredited test that is undertaken by unqualified personal aiming to meet targets set underhandly by IDS and his right hand woman Mcvey and before her Millar and Grayling.

I repeatedly warned where these tests would lead and i have been proved right at every turn. People here may laugh at some of my politics and i laugh at myself at some of the nonsense im capable of producing but on this issue and on this issue alone i am always deadly serious as i have seen at first hand what damage these cuts are doing to people and what hharm they are inflicting on some of the most vulnerable in society.

Rascal I get all this and as my previous posts have stated they have fucked up but fraud is only one reason why this has been brought in so the figure is irrelevant, the debate is about how many rightfully currently claiming the benefit and are able to work and how do we fairly judge this, by throwing the unprovable fraud figure about you are sending the debate in the wrong direction
Although I don't generally agree with forced employment on employers I believe the government should make large companies employ by law a certain percent of mentally or physically disabled workers

How can they the government don't even do this so why should any Private company employ a person who may not be capable of fully doing the work. and are the government going to pay for the necessary modifications to buildings etc. or do you expect companies to be forced to pay these costs as well?
I know I wouldn't employ anyone who could do the Job fully and it is unfair on other workers if they have to do the duties some could not do and especially if they are both paid the same.

My mrs gets people with disabilities into the workforce, they apply common sense and use people's skills and match them to a relevant job,there is no tax breaks for the companies, no sweetners at all, and they have the best attendance and sickness rates of all employees, in fact there attitude to work is very high
Some companies were reluctant at first but now have seen the positives and increased numbers

she has assured me that she won't be placing Michael j fox with the bomb disposal squad
kas_tippler said:
Rascal said: said:
The problem is The North west can't and never will be independent the area is too small to sustain itself and you can have all the pie in the sky hopes you want but it just can't happen.

As for why I assume you don't wish people to do well is all you ever fucking go on about is extra tax for the rich ad infinitum and how everyone with money should foot the cost for people who don't have money
also like the vast majority of the left wing your woes are always someone else's fault.

Well here is some news for you your personal circumstances which you have openly discussed on this forum many times, that have contributed to your hatred for the centre and right parties in this country but what you need to realise and accept that part of your financial issues are down to your own personnel choices and not just the Tory government wish to screw you and the NHS.

Of course the NW can, it has a population similar to Ireland for a start.

Do you not get why i want people to do well. The better they do, the more tax they pay the better the public services can be. That is quite tory of me. Only as a Keynsian i disagree with how the current tax operates. I,E VAT is way too high and personal taxation is too low. It could be better balanced.

My personal circumstances btw are fuck all to do with my politics. I was far more left wing as a teenager and when i worked than i am now and i paid 33p in the pound tax and was happy to do so. My hatred for the Tories begin in the early 80s when i was working but i saw how soul destroyed a lot of my mates were having to sign on. I hated how she destroyed hope for many of my generation. That where my hatred started not because of MY personal circumstances but because of OTHERS personal circumstances. I learned to hate inequality and the lack of opportunity that was being denied to many of my friends whilst i was working.

Again personally i attach no nlame to anyone for my current circumstances and financially i am not the worst off, due to owning my own house and having some small savings. But i hate to see what is happening to others who are not as fortunate as me and for that i can legitimately blame the Tories for being cruel heartless bastards at times....not all tories just some mindless imbeciles like IDS and Mcvey.

So does that clear things up for you?
Priceless Rascal, priceless!!

I echo that. I've worked all my life in the private sector, made a good living, own my own home, but if anything I'm more left wing than in my youth because I see a system deliberately rigged in favour of one group over another.

You know, I could buy in to the Tory line about a meritocracy, a good life for all, where talent is encouraged and rewarded, one nation Toryism where we’re all in it together and so on and so forth, but for one thing, it is (look around you) self evidently a lie.
kas_tippler said:
Priceless Rascal, priceless!!

Facetious twat.

But i dont mind, im passionate in my beliefs.

So mock me as is your want, a fools mockery only reflects on himself.
Rascal said:
kas_tippler said:
Priceless Rascal, priceless!!

Facetious twat.

But i dont mind, im passionate in my beliefs.

So mock me as is your want, a fools mockery only reflects on himself.
To suggest The North West could go it alone is pure folly, I might try to independence for my avenue!
Georges northern powerhouse is steaming into town, backed by Labour controlled Manchester City Council!
worsleyweb said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Rascal said:
PB is a bright fella. He probably sees that the lefties on here are so hugely outnumbered by frothing far right lunatics he wants to add some balance. And the proof how far right it has become is that the very middle of this he road PB is now being likened to my goodself.
I do like to think of myself as a bright chap Rascal.

I noticed that most of the right wing frothers appear to be as thick as two short planks so it occurred to me that intellectuals, like me and your good self, must naturally and by definition be men of the left.

Good god!!

lol, thought the same. i mean wtf is it with these people. worse than rags in defeat.
de niro said:
worsleyweb said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I do like to think of myself as a bright chap Rascal.

I noticed that most of the right wing frothers appear to be as thick as two short planks so it occurred to me that intellectuals, like me and your good self, must naturally and by definition be men of the left.

Good god!!

lol, thought the same. i mean wtf is it with these people. worse than rags in defeat.
de niro said:
worsleyweb said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I do like to think of myself as a bright chap Rascal.

I noticed that most of the right wing frothers appear to be as thick as two short planks so it occurred to me that intellectuals, like me and your good self, must naturally and by definition be men of the left.

Good god!!

lol, thought the same. i mean wtf is it with these people. worse than rags in defeat.
But none of the Tories on here has offered any convincing argument for more cuts, beyond the Central Office propaganda pumped out by The Mail & Telegraph. SWP's Back is by far the best of what is a pretty sorry bunch, who just trot out cliches or resort to sarcasm

Like most people, I meekly accepted the argument that we needed deep cuts to reduce the deficit without questioning. Then, when I actually did my own research and asked questions, I could see it was complete baloney. The so-called recovery is based on higher consumer spending, not higher productivity and Further cuts will make things worse. If the government actually invested money in infrastructure and paying public servants decent wages, that would help drive up output-based wage rises and increase growth. That would increase tax revenues and GDP, leading to reduction of deficits and debt as a proportion of GDP being much lower. That's not being left or right wing; that's being economically literate.

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