The Reckoning

Lol, I can imagine that, there was a big Irish pub there called the Fford Green, not sure if it would have been open late 90’s but they did have bands on, did you play there?
They were classical concerts in a church there. Even more random!

It was the local church of a modern composer Phillip Wilby, so he wrote music to be performed in that church.
They were classical concerts in a church there. Even more random!

It was the local church of a modern composer Phillip Wilby, so he wrote music to be performed in that church.
I kind of visioned you as a member of a band inspired by the Hives!! Nice one though, must be fantastic to play in front of an audience with that kind of ability.

I’m no expert on Classical music but I’ve got a few albums on CD that I listen to when my anxiety takes over, including the ever popular Four Seasons and others that are different moods, really helps. I’m a bit of an old punk really but very eclectic music range including a bit of brass band music (I know).
I found the Long Shadow more informative and agree wholeheartedly about the ego’s. It certainly got in the way of finding Sutcliffe earlier. The example being when the second head honcho put the photo fit of Sutcliffe in his desk drawer, completely ignoring it.
Yeah that was appalling, he was the same one that was going on for years about the tyre tread mould too iirc, still, not quite as bad as “does he have a Geordie accent ? No, then fuck off” (I paraphrase).
Yeah that was appalling, he was the same one that was going on for years about the tyre tread mould too iirc, still, not quite as bad as “does he have a Geordie accent ? No, then fuck off” (I paraphrase).
Yep, he wouldn’t let go of the “Geordie” accent would he?

When they caught Sutcliffe Oldfield was on the sick but he got suited and booted to go to the Police Station to celebrate with all the other plod. Kind of reminded me of John Terry when he put his Chelsea kit on for a trophy presentation after a game he didn’t play in.

The Geordie accent was no where near, the culprit was actually from Wearside, a female friend of mine from Sunderland quite often gets her accent called as “Geordie”, she puts them right in no uncertain terms!!
I kind of visioned you as a member of a band inspired by the Hives!! Nice one though, must be fantastic to play in front of an audience with that kind of ability.

I’m no expert on Classical music but I’ve got a few albums on CD that I listen to when my anxiety takes over, including the ever popular Four Seasons and others that are different moods, really helps. I’m a bit of an old punk really but very eclectic music range including a bit of brass band music (I know).
You can’t be wrong in choosing what music you like*. It’s different for everyone. Mine ranges from 15th century stuff to the Prodigy.

*James Blunt aside.
Yep, he wouldn’t let go of the “Geordie” accent would he?

When they caught Sutcliffe Oldfield was on the sick but he got suited and booted to go to the Police Station to celebrate with all the other plod. Kind of reminded me of John Terry when he put his Chelsea kit on for a trophy presentation after a game he didn’t play in.

The Geordie accent was no where near, the culprit was actually from Wearside, a female friend of mine from Sunderland quite often gets her accent called as “Geordie”, she puts them right in no uncertain terms!!
I can always tell when I’m talking to a Geordie, or someone from Middlesborough or Sunderland, I can understand most of what they’re saying, Geordies (and Glaswegians) ? not a fuckin chance !
I found the Long Shadow more informative and agree wholeheartedly about the ego’s. It certainly got in the way of finding Sutcliffe earlier. The example being when the second head honcho put the photo fit of Sutcliffe in his desk drawer, completely ignoring it.
The arrogance of the investigating lead officers was no better demonstrated straight after Sutcliffe was captured. All sat there in a press conference they had called beaming from ear to ear in a self-congratulatory way, when the truth was he’d been caught be accident by another force after years of missed opportunities and gross incompetence by WYP.

This was a time for sober reflection and considered satisfaction at the outcome, not an Old Bill circle jerk.
The arrogance of the investigating lead officers was no better demonstrated straight after Sutcliffe was captured. All sat there in a press conference they had called beaming from ear to ear in a self-congratulatory way, when the truth was he’d been caught be accident by another force after years of missed opportunities and gross incompetence by WYP.

This was a time for sober reflection and considered satisfaction at the outcome, not an Old Bill circle jerk.
Was incredible how happy they were after bungling the investigation to such an extent.

I know you’re a Solicitor/Lawyer and you will know good and not so good members of the Police but this was incompetence off the scale.
The Long Shadow was excellent.
It was good, but there are better series on Netflix which are more accurate..not sure if still on though..the one thing that they really should have covered was the five pound note he paid one of his victims. They tracked it back to his place of work. Even without computers you must have thought having been questioned 9 times there should have been some correlation made. His capture really was a fluke.

West Yorkshire seems to be full of these nutters. Saville for sure. Although lived in Leeds went to school in Bradford and the Rippers house was just up the rooad from my school. On the bus home from school passed the Black Panthers house, Neilson. Then watched some series on Netflix The Confession about a guy in Pudsey,close to where I lived who got away with a murder.Of course there was the Les Battersby find in Chorlton, where I used to live.

Was stopped by the Ripper Squad after a night out driving my mates parents car and did not know the reg ,neither did my mate, so stuck for a while whilst checked up. My old man was questioned at work as someone spotted his car near where The Bradford Uni student got killed as he had gone to church close by. My sister was at uni. doing Optics did some work experience at an Opticians in Leeds. That twat Saville used to come in, order his stupid frames and refused eye checks etc. A very arrogant bloke by all accounts.

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