The Referee Decisions?

CheshireMark said:
ccr said:
Arsenals second started with a throw in that was caught and the player walked out of play and took it again. Handball.

Yep the liner on that side had a stinker

East stand assistant was 5 yards behind play all the time, his offside decisions were guesswork. There was one throw-in that he gave us in the 2nd half and even from halfway up the third tier we could plainly see it came off Navas last.

Not booking Sagna after booking Vinny in an identical situation was just bizarre from Atkinson.
Blue2112 said:
I seem to remember Darius Vassel scoring an offside goal and I think it might have been against Arsenal and when they paused it on MOTD it was literally his shoulder that was offside but no fucker on there gave us the benefit of the doubt. Fuck Arsenal and fuck Jack Wilshere who It appears can throw a hissy fit right in front of the referee ranting and gesticulating but as he's English and it's a world cup year fuck all gets done.

I thought this was just Rooney's prerogative but it seems that after today anyone of Woy's Boys can get away with it and the FArce will turn a blind eye.
lancs blue said:
CheshireMark said:
ccr said:
Arsenals second started with a throw in that was caught and the player walked out of play and took it again. Handball.

Yep the liner on that side had a stinker

East stand assistant was 5 yards behind play all the time, his offside decisions were guesswork. There was one throw-in that he gave us in the 2nd half and even from halfway up the third tier we could plainly see it came off Navas last.

Not booking Sagna after booking Vinny in an identical situation was just bizarre from Atkinson.

He struggled to keep up with play all game. He was a disgrace and the FA need to look at the lack of fitness of some officials.
Sky Blue said:
KippaxCitizen said:
The only thing I thought the ref got wrong today was the Kompany booking. It was just a foul, never a yellow.

Thought that was a fair decision. They were breaking fast in our half and Vinny took one for the team....Right in front of where I was sat/stood

There was no way that guy was getting past VK - as Samir Nasri, Gael Clichy and Yaya all chorus "Ils ne passeront pas'!
I Hart Man City said:
I haven't seen replays of the decisions, but the way Arsenal fans keep going on about them and how they were robbed on the Guardian comments makes me really think that there might be a real issue...

Then I remember it's Arsenal fans posting (on the Guardian - so full of rags and twats) and that they are never to be taken seriously and they will always find some snide excuses and come out with typical if my auntie had bollocks reasoning when they lose.

I (b)lame Owen, and is red tinged commentary, for all this off-side angst, he never has a good thing to say for City, anything good he says is thru gritted, reluctant teeth.

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