The standard of written English on this forum

I remember the kippax


I don't actually think the standards of English on this forum are actually that bad,i don't see that much text speak,maybe i just don't notice it as much as you,and if its as bad as you say,perhaps you could link to some examples.



Re: All the people you know who have learning difficulties who are afraid to join the forum for fear of ridicule.

A forum is actually a good place to come and practice/learn spelling (With the aid of spellcheck) It also helps you to understand how to construct what you write so that it is easy for everyone else to read and understand.

I go on another forum where there are a lot of non English speaking members,and the reason they join is because it helps them in learning the language,and also in communicating the language to others.

So why not encourage them to join.
I remember the kippax said:
Challenger1978 said:
Come on then what have you done then that helped build the internet ?

I project managed the 3G (UMTS) rollout in Southern Germany, the Ukraine & Ireland for T-Mobile (and their partners) when I first left the Royal Signals, thus allowing lots of people to access the Internet from dongles, phones & PCMCIA cards. I also ran a test bed for ADSL about 10 years ago... Will that do?
What would I do if I couldn't access the internet in southern Germany, Ukraine, and Ireland through T-mobile 3G? Ah, yes, use another mobile company, Wi-Fi or indeed a good old-fashioned network cable. Kudos though for your act of charity, or were you paid too?
I remember the kippax said:
Challenger1978 said:
Come on then what have you done then that helped build the internet ?

I project managed the 3G (UMTS) rollout in Southern Germany, the Ukraine & Ireland for T-Mobile (and their partners) when I first left the Royal Signals, thus allowing lots of people to access the Internet from dongles, phones & PCMCIA cards. I also ran a test bed for ADSL about 10 years ago... Will that do?

Not really if your going to make a claim like that you need to back it up with somthing better than that. Otherwise i can start making outragouse false claims. For example i helped build the entire digital electronic age (litterally) never mind the internet.
Challenger1978 said:
I remember the kippax said:
I project managed the 3G (UMTS) rollout in Southern Germany, the Ukraine & Ireland for T-Mobile (and their partners) when I first left the Royal Signals, thus allowing lots of people to access the Internet from dongles, phones & PCMCIA cards. I also ran a test bed for ADSL about 10 years ago... Will that do?

Not really if your going to make a claim like that you need to back it up with somthing better than that. Otherwise i can start making outragouse false claims. For example i helped build the entire digital electronic age (litterally) never mind the internet.
I helped to build a sand castle once.
Blue Smarties said:
I remember the kippax said:
signifies ownership when assigned to a plural - "that is their (a couple's) cat" or "their (Man City) spending has reached a lot this season"
Missing a capital letter I see!

They're - They are?
There - Over here?
Their - Ownership?

Fuck it, I'll stick with der.
Hahaha. That made me laff.
Lot of people blaming teachers for thier poor spelling and grammar.

I've taught their/there/they're to/too/two etc etc to y3 children (so 8 year old children (and many of these didn't have English as their first language)) who understood it. I think if you don't understand it as an adult after 12 years at school then you clearly didn't listen/try (disabilities aside) which is fine, but you need to take responsibility for that.

There are lots of mistakes made on here, which I probably notice more than most, but they are generally istakes which don't make it any more difficult to read as opposed to text speak
I remember the kippax said:
Challenger1978 said:
Come on then what have you done then that helped build the internet ?

I project managed the 3G (UMTS) rollout in Southern Germany, the Ukraine & Ireland for T-Mobile (and their partners) when I first left the Royal Signals, thus allowing lots of people to access the Internet from dongles, phones & PCMCIA cards. I also ran a test bed for ADSL about 10 years ago... Will that do?

May I say that ethernet, TCP/IP, HTTP and so on predate 3G, ASDL etc., so I regret to say that your claim of helping to build the Internet doesn't really hold water, sorry mate (effin project managers!)

And only jesting, I hope you understand.

Did I ever mention the time when I put the finishing touches to the first transatlantic cable in 1876?
English is a confusing language for some people to grasp,as in there,their,etc.
Road,rode,rowed,three words that sound the same,but totally different meanings.
I think the people that can't spell properly,aren't doing any harm to anyone.Don't slate them for it,as long as they get their point across,it's a football forum after all.

Noo,cun ah get on wi ma bevy noo,ahm fukn chokin furra a beer.This isnae English by ra way. ;) *copyright,Jockspeak*

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