The standard of written English on this forum

In my last job working for someone other than me I had staff on 30K plus a year who couldn't write an adequate letter. Let alone a report or anything complex like that. After spending too much of my time correcting their gibberish and being regarded as some sort of evil nazi by the underlings in question, I gave up.

Modern English education does not regard grammar, spelling and punctuation as priorities. Not least because many of the teachers haven't a scooby on these issues. (This is not a dig at teachers, it's a dig at the system.) It will get worse before it gets better. I predict the formal abandonment of grammar and spelling rules on the grounds that they are 'middle class' or something. Or because they represent unfair discrimination against morons.
A Little Poem Regarding Computer Spell Checkers...

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
corky1970 said:
its all relevent to the passing of time.

if this forum was around 60 years ago some beardo would be on complaining that Latin is not being used.

im one of the worst culprits for posting nonsense on this forum, but i do it for fun, i type too fast and when i look back at my post i spend about 15 minutes editing as i have spelt things wrongly.

Just because people dont choose to spell correctly or dont know doesnt mean they cant post.

Like i say, its the passing of time, technology make the writing of letters mute and invalid, therfore writing skills are fading, language is evolving, its the way of the world.

A public/ football forum is not the place to create a thread about spelling , as this forum reaches all parts of society.
Society is not some white middle class jumper wearing patches on elbow bloke smoking a pipe as some would like to believe.

i have spoken to many hoodie with spots and a snarl only to find an articulate person under the hood with a point and an opinion.

do you know how difficult it has been( due to the nature of this thread) to make sure im spelling things correctly.its hard, and i dont really want to concentrate this much when writing my opinion again on Bluemoon.

so back to the Corky we all know.

ya big fat hairy cnut

Mea culpa.
Blue Smarties said:
I remember the kippax said:
Now I realise that I may just be another "Grumpy Old Man", however I am sick of the standard of written English on Blue Moon. I realise that some people may be dyslexic (my ex was) but there really is no excuse.

I actually picked a poster up on his spelling and some other guy jumped in saying does it matter - you understood what he was trying to say.

Well, this may sound like a tirade (and it is) but I am bloody sick of this text speak, wrong spelling and the "I just can't be bothered with the difference between there, their and they're or no, now and know" etc...

As an ex-Royal Signals Yeoman I am well used to the art of decoding messages but I really shouldn't have to do it now I have left the sodding green and trying to read posts on a forum

Rant over, thank you for consigning my ire to Cyberspace.....

Puts "Tin Hat On" and awaits comments....... ;-)
I actually don't know my theirs. Isn't they're 'they are' and 'there' is over there? Wtf is 'their' for.

Still breezed top set English though;-)

Their = Belongs to....

Their coats are on the hooks.

Their stadium is a load of rubbish (OT of course).
royle said:

Why the assumption that those who post using txt speak or bad grammer have dyslexia?

I would imagine that a very small percentage of bluemoon users are dyslexic,and the majority of posts that the OP is talking about are written by those who are either lazy writers or poorly educated,but with spell check on most browsers,you can get by without being able to spell well.

If you read my original post, I actually stated that the problem came from peoples leaning and needs skills, for numeracy and literacy,plus the lack of support due to insufficient Teachers and Tutors at National Level.
Dyslexia,is a seperate problem,but nevertheless needs addressing which it is.
My woman with some people on this Forum is their constant piss taking,with people who have learning difficulties,which in most cases is not always their problem.
Seems a shame that other don`t share my views.
As a forum we should be trying to help these poor unfortunates,by allowing them to come onto the BM Forum, without the fear of them of having the piss taken out of them,because they have literacy skills.
Ignore spellcheck at this moment in time.
My biggest concern lies with some people on this forum who are showing nothing but contempt and see that one and all should live up to their own standards ie MASSIVE EGOS because "we can speak and write concisely and having to notice these second rate citizens (how apt a name for our Club) who we don`t want to come on this forum,as they must be thick or sick if they can`t write and spell to our high expectations"
SNOBS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER and shame on some of you for belittling people with needs.

I`ve said this before and got a PM from a MOD saying I`d gone a bit too far with my response, ref this same subject.
However I will say it again, as I stand firmly on what I believe.
You sir are talking COMPLETE BOLLOCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!
I am fortunate to work with a lot of young and older people who have problems with numeracy and literacy skills and they would love to come onto a CITY FORUM,where they are treated as equals.
Unfortunately we have some complete nobs on this Forum who "look down their noses" at people,with poor learning difficulties and this subsequently gives these unfortunates "a kick in the plums"
All they want to do is get involved in any City Forum,but this is exactly the reason they feel "second class" due to constant piss taking,from other Blue fans.
Most on this Forum are very fortunate to have a reasonable education,with their individual literacy skills, being better than others.
But why castigate others, who need help and support from fans on this Forum, relating to their "poor spelling and grammar" that seems to piss one or two arrogant Blues off.
Its easy to blame the education system,but there are insufficient teachers/tutors at a National Level, to help bring down the numbers of people,young and old,who need help in literacy and also dyslexia.
Suprisingly, I`ve toned this down and instead used it as a tool to help raise awareness at others misfortunes,than just a slagging post from yours truly.
I have broad shoulders to take the flack on here.
Unfortunately they don`t !!!
corky1970 said:
its all relevent to the passing of time.

if this forum was around 60 years ago some beardo would be on complaining that Latin is not being used.

im one of the worst culprits for posting nonsense on this forum, but i do it for fun, i type too fast and when i look back at my post i spend about 15 minutes editing as i have spelt things wrongly.

Just because people dont choose to spell correctly or dont know doesnt mean they cant post.

Like i say, its the passing of time, technology make the writing of letters mute and invalid, therfore writing skills are fading, language is evolving, its the way of the world.

A public/ football forum is not the place to create a thread about spelling , as this forum reaches all parts of society.
Society is not some white middle class jumper wearing patches on elbow bloke smoking a pipe as some would like to believe.

i have spoken to many hoodie with spots and a snarl only to find an articulate person under the hood with a point and an opinion.

do you know how difficult it has been( due to the nature of this thread) to make sure im spelling things correctly.its hard, and i dont really want to concentrate this much when writing my opinion again on Bluemoon.

so back to the Corky we all know.

ya big fat hairy cnut

And so you are !! lol
Thanks for your approach to the above problem,but others are so naive in thinking that this issue will go away and the easiest thing to do is use spellcheck.
Reality time for some people on this forum who enjoy taking the piss out of people with real disabilities.<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:22 am --<br /><br />
Joycee Banercheck said:
Basically, ignore dyselxia, there are a number of posters on here who clearly didn't listen when it came to English,

Don`t quite think you`ve got the hang of the educational system and the difference in todays society with that of 10-30 years ago.
Its NOT all to do with listening.
Many other factors over the past few years have NOT helped these people and the biggest is nothing more than SNOBBERY and IGNORANCE !!
oakiecokie said:
royle said:

Why the assumption that those who post using txt speak or bad grammer have dyslexia?

I would imagine that a very small percentage of bluemoon users are dyslexic,and the majority of posts that the OP is talking about are written by those who are either lazy writers or poorly educated,but with spell check on most browsers,you can get by without being able to spell well.

If you read my original post, I actually stated that the problem came from peoples leaning and needs skills, for numeracy and literacy,plus the lack of support due to insufficient Teachers and Tutors at National Level.
Dyslexia,is a seperate problem,but nevertheless needs addressing which it is.
My woman with some people on this Forum is their constant piss taking,with people who have learning difficulties,which in most cases is not always their problem.
Seems a shame that other don`t share my views.
As a forum we should be trying to help these poor unfortunates,by allowing them to come onto the BM Forum, without the fear of them of having the piss taken out of them,because they have literacy skills.
Ignore spellcheck at this moment in time.
My biggest concern lies with some people on this forum who are showing nothing but contempt and see that one and all should live up to their own standards ie MASSIVE EGOS because "we can speak and write concisely and having to notice these second rate citizens (how apt a name for our Club) who we don`t want to come on this forum,as they must be thick or sick if they can`t write and spell to our high expectations"
SNOBS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER and shame on some of you for belittling people with needs.

I`ve said this before and got a PM from a MOD saying I`d gone a bit too far with my response, ref this same subject.
However I will say it again, as I stand firmly on what I believe.
You sir are talking COMPLETE BOLLOCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!
I am fortunate to work with a lot of young and older people who have problems with numeracy and literacy skills and they would love to come onto a CITY FORUM,where they are treated as equals.
Unfortunately we have some complete nobs on this Forum who "look down their noses" at people,with poor learning difficulties and this subsequently gives these unfortunates "a kick in the plums"
All they want to do is get involved in any City Forum,but this is exactly the reason they feel "second class" due to constant piss taking,from other Blue fans.
Most on this Forum are very fortunate to have a reasonable education,with their individual literacy skills, being better than others.
But why castigate others, who need help and support from fans on this Forum, relating to their "poor spelling and grammar" that seems to piss one or two arrogant Blues off.
Its easy to blame the education system,but there are insufficient teachers/tutors at a National Level, to help bring down the numbers of people,young and old,who need help in literacy and also dyslexia.
Suprisingly, I`ve toned this down and instead used it as a tool to help raise awareness at others misfortunes,than just a slagging post from yours truly.
I have broad shoulders to take the flack on here.
Unfortunately they don`t !!!

Those who are dyslexic i agree with,but anyone else over the age of 16 has no excuse for not being able to spell and construct sentences correctly.

The school system has them for 12 years of their lives,from the ages of 4 through to 16,if you can't learn basic English in 12 years of being tutored,then there is something seriously wrong,who to blame? I don't know,the parents should shoulder the main responsiblity,after that the schools,but also the individual has to take some responsibility for themselves.

I personally am not a spelling snob,i don't care if people make spelling mistakes,or even use txt speak,as has been pointed out,language is forever evolving,as long as i can read and understand what is in front of me,i don't mind.

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