The standard of written English on this forum

It's more the fact that people choose to speak as if they were conversing with friends on msn. Personally, I don't speak any different on msn, facebook and the likes as I do on here. I type/speak properly as it's simple for everyone to understand as opposed, I think, to a sentence such as the following: iyurr m8 wonno cum owt 2moz 4 a chill n tht'.

I'm sure you can make it out, however it's almost undeniable that the way the majority of bluemooners speak is far more comprehend-able than the way a small minority of bluemooners choose to post rather than the above sentence. I'm relatively positive in thinking that every bluemooner on the board, past and present, can speak with correct grammar aswell as typing correctly.
oakiecokie said:
corky1970 said:
its all relevent to the passing of time.

if this forum was around 60 years ago some beardo would be on complaining that Latin is not being used.

im one of the worst culprits for posting nonsense on this forum, but i do it for fun, i type too fast and when i look back at my post i spend about 15 minutes editing as i have spelt things wrongly.

Just because people dont choose to spell correctly or dont know doesnt mean they cant post.

Like i say, its the passing of time, technology make the writing of letters mute and invalid, therfore writing skills are fading, language is evolving, its the way of the world.

A public/ football forum is not the place to create a thread about spelling , as this forum reaches all parts of society.
Society is not some white middle class jumper wearing patches on elbow bloke smoking a pipe as some would like to believe.

i have spoken to many hoodie with spots and a snarl only to find an articulate person under the hood with a point and an opinion.

do you know how difficult it has been( due to the nature of this thread) to make sure im spelling things correctly.its hard, and i dont really want to concentrate this much when writing my opinion again on Bluemoon.

so back to the Corky we all know.

ya big fat hairy cnut

And so you are !! lol
Thanks for your approach to the above problem,but others are so naive in thinking that this issue will go away and the easiest thing to do is use spellcheck.
Reality time for some people on this forum who enjoy taking the piss out of people with real disabilities.

-- Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:22 am --

Joycee Banercheck said:
Basically, ignore dyselxia, there are a number of posters on here who clearly didn't listen when it came to English,

Don`t quite think you`ve got the hang of the educational system and the difference in todays society with that of 10-30 years ago.
Its NOT all to do with listening.
Many other factors over the past few years have NOT helped these people and the biggest is nothing more than SNOBBERY and IGNORANCE !!
Do you read anything that anyone posts? I said "ignore dyslexia". Pretty easy to see that seeing as you quoted it.

How the fuck does one learn? Do they listen? Yes. Yes they do. Then they reflect and put it into practice. Seems like I do understand the educational system, as I can fucking spell.
If by "the language is evolving" is taking it to the level of pure illiteracy then I'd sooner it not do. We're talking Year 4 English here not spelling big, tricky words.
I deal with correspondence from the public every day. The only conclusion I can come to is that the standard of written English isn't dying on its arse.. it's dead and was buried long ago. And yet, we are told every year that there are more A Level passes than last time and that more people than ever before are going to college, university etc. It's anyone's guess what they're teaching them throughout the education system, but it's certainly not the basics that we were taught when we were very young.

As for this board, the usual and very basic annoyances continue to... er well, annoy. The blissful ignorance of the purpose of the apostrophe and the difference between 'we're' and 'were' not to mention an inability to distinguish between 'their'; 'there' and 'they're' are my pet hates
Challenger1978 said:
I remember the kippax said:
I helped build the net for young whippersnappers like you - never should've opened that Pandora's box

Come on then what have you done then that helped build the internet ?

I project managed the 3G (UMTS) rollout in Southern Germany, the Ukraine & Ireland for T-Mobile (and their partners) when I first left the Royal Signals, thus allowing lots of people to access the Internet from dongles, phones & PCMCIA cards. I also ran a test bed for ADSL about 10 years ago... Will that do?
If you can spell properly then why not spell properly. If you can't then why not use a spell checker. It's what i do.

I hate text speak, even when i text.

But's a forum for a football club and not an application for Countdown so who cares?

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