On the face of it, absolutely. But that’s only based on what we know for sure which is basically that we signed up to this shit show regardless of whether we were the ringleaders or not.
The thing is though, nobody - you, I, or anyone else on this forum and beyond - knows the full ins and outs of why the club did what they did. Let me make this clear - if it was just to chase the money, and/or because they were worried about being “left behind” then those who signed off on this have indeed behaved disgracefully. However, if this was part of a cunning plan to fuck our hated rivals over - and there are plenty of clues pointing towards that with Ceferin’s gushing quotes last night that he hasn’t repeated about any of the other clubs as far as I know - then that’s a different thing altogether.
At the moment though, the fans deserve a full explanation and apology from the club.