The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
Problem now is, that just because we live in England and have had the opportunity for years, sometime generations, to follow our club, saying we want it to stay the same and be "English" is classed as being Xenophobic, racist even, what gives us the right to own a commodity like football? Shouldn't a kid in Hong Kong be just as much a "supporter" of Man City than a lad from Longsight? That's how they'll spin it next time.
That spin would be short lasting because I assume what we would be saying is that we want our club to stay the same and continue to be part of the English Premier League. There is nothing xenophobic or racist about that as long as we are also saying that a City fan/supporter is a City fan/supporter irrespective of where they are from or live.
The fact one of their most important managers ever and the protege of potentially the most important person in their club history absolutely shit on the super league 48 hours before this statement, really shows how far into the mud they have been dragged into the past 6 years.

It's actually kind of sad in a way.

Don’t ever feel sad for people that have been bad at their jobs. Remember what Khaldoon said last year, he won’t accept shit from other clubs when they’re in a much worst financial position. Barcelona and Madrid could have ruled European football for years if they kept their wallets a bit tighter. Paying players a million per week is always asking for trouble. Add in transfers like Hazard, Coutinho and Demeble, I couldn’t think of any clubs that are run as badly as Barca and Real. The Spanish clubs are a shit stain on European football, with the likes of Perez and Tebas pulling the strings, they deserve everything that is coming to them and I hope it’s bankruptcy.
This whole shambles may well be the best thing to have happened for football, i cant see how this could be revisited again for at least another 10 years, and if and when it is they way it is structured will have to shiw benefit throughout the pyramid.
Huge shot in the foot.
The ball is in UEFAs Court now. How they hit back will determine if they survive. They must read the room right. Big decisions to come out of UEFA now.
Look weak and the cartel will be back on them; too strong and it will push them away as well.
I don't envy UEFA, but I don't feel sorry for them. They have created this monster, and now is the time for them to vanquish it..... or there will be a sequel!!!
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Don’t ever feel sad for people that have been bad at their jobs. Remember what Khaldoon said last year, he won’t accept shit from other clubs when they’re in a much worst financial position. Barcelona and Madrid could have ruled European football for years if they kept their wallets a bit tighter. Paying players a million per week is always asking for trouble. Add in transfers like Hazard, Coutinho and Demeble, I couldn’t think of any clubs that are run as badly as Barca and Real. The Spanish clubs are a shit stain on European football, with the likes of Perez and Tebas pulling the strings, they deserve everything that is coming to them and I hope it’s bankruptcy.
I agree they deserve to fail competitively. They lived in a rarified world with the balance of revenue from their league heavily tilted in their favo(u)r and tremendous implicit or explicit support from government institutions. They could use with being knocked off the top rung for a good long while. They’re as entitled as hell. No wonder they have no idea how to act when the playing field looks like it’s leveling even a little bit. Lack of competition creates sloppiness and sloth and inefficiency. I feel badly for their players and fans but this is a bed of their own making.
Problem now is, that just because we live in England and have had the opportunity for years, sometime generations, to follow our club, saying we want it to stay the same and be "English" is classed as being Xenophobic, racist even, what gives us the right to own a commodity like football? Shouldn't a kid in Hong Kong be just as much a "supporter" of Man City than a lad from Longsight? That's how they'll spin it next time.
That’s no problem at all — simply tell those who spin that narrative to go fuck themselves, and call people who spout that narrative fucking idiots to their faces. And move on.
The fucking prick has always called us and Chelsea manufactured clubs. He’s been more critical of us both pulling out first than he has been of the ringleaders. Proof if ever it were needed that he’s so far up the arse of the “istree” clubs that he’ll even give them a relatively free pass when they’ve plotted something as serious as this but can’t help getting his digs in on the 2 clubs who saw sense and brought the whole shit show crashing down. Guaranteed he sleeps in United pyjamas underneath a Liverpool duvet.
Ahem, 'Frankenstein' club if you will.........
Don’t ever feel sad for people that have been bad at their jobs. Remember what Khaldoon said last year, he won’t accept shit from other clubs when they’re in a much worst financial position. Barcelona and Madrid could have ruled European football for years if they kept their wallets a bit tighter. Paying players a million per week is always asking for trouble. Add in transfers like Hazard, Coutinho and Demeble, I couldn’t think of any clubs that are run as badly as Barca and Real. The Spanish clubs are a shit stain on European football, with the likes of Perez and Tebas pulling the strings, they deserve everything that is coming to them and I hope it’s bankruptcy.
Spot on!

Two horrible and terribly run football clubs, whose business models should be avoided at all costs by all clubs in football.

The players, managers, and CEOs themselves have been given a free pass this week though. It’s been their greed that’s fed this spiral downwards. The players and their agents constantly pushing for higher and higher wages, demanding more from clubs who don’t have the money, threatening to go elsewhere if they don’t get it. Managers earning eye watering amounts of money with gigantic pay-offs if they get sacked.

Even the top football clubs only bring in £550-700m a season. City, who don’t have the highest wage bill, have a £150m player wage bill but over £300m payroll (for all staff inc. Pep and the boardroom) from a £550 revenue.

Barça’s wage bill is £235m so god knows what their entire payroll is!

It’s not sustainable. It’s actually a shambolic way to run a business.

The answer isn’t a European Super League that will bring in more money though, the answer has to be a cap on salaries. Make football more fair across the board, instead of allowing clubs to get into more and more debt just to fund wages and transfer fees and letting them get away with almost going bust and ruining themselves, their leagues and football in general.

Come down hard on debt!

If a club can’t afford a player or manager, don’t allow them to finance it. Just let these clubs slide down the table for a while. It’s how football used to be run for decades upon decades. Some clubs would have their time at the top, then they’d fade away, and another club would be top dogs for a while.

Why do these “big” clubs think they have a devine right to always be top clubs? Hardly any of them have always been top clubs throughout football history. Not Liverpool not United not Bayern not Barça not Arsenal not Paris not Inter not Milan... only one club has ever really been successful throughout football history and that’s Real Madrid, but look at how they’ve gone about that over the decades.

It’s time this was seriously looked at!

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