I went to sleep fuming about this and have woken feeling the same.
If these clubs don't like the UEFA CL model. If they don't like the cut that UEFA take from the clubs. Fine, none of us have any love for UEFA. Come together as a whole and introduce something else, something that works for the majority and not just the few. Create the Super League, lets have the format being suggested, but do it with participation based on sporting merit. Who are these people to decide that they/we are the elite, and only the 15 get to play and everyone else can sod off?
£300m to the same 15 clubs every season and zero hope for anyone else to break into it. How is that even remotely right? This is sport. Its about competition and the belief that everyone has a chance to achieve. Who is going to invest in clubs now, when there is zero chance of ever breaking into the elite? If this had happened 15 years ago, you can wipe the Aguero moment from existence because under these plans, he would have never been at the club to begin with. These founder members, are robbing every other club and their fans of the potential of ever having their own Aguero moment and it is downright wrong.
I don't know who, if anyone has the power to stop this. My gut feeling is that UEFA/FIFA can do frig all. The other clubs can't, because from a Premier League standpoint, the other clubs need the 6 to be in the Prem, for them to have a product and to survive. I don't think it is government policy to intervene in sport but in this instance they need to make an exception.