The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
I had to skip over 100 pages, I was hoping that over night we might of fucked this off, I was hoping the club who i had always thought believed in the right things played their hand and say we had no desire for this, we went along with this to expose it, but it seems we are nothing but pigs at the trough, if they don't make a uturn, and apologise then for me until these greedy don't give a fuck owners leave OUR club i am finished with city, they are custodians of OUR club nothing more, until they about turn or fuck off then I'm done, 50 odd years I've given to the club, blood and tears for this club, until we do the right thing for football I'm done ,
You've got 10 years on me Peace Frog and I was gonna write down my feelings this morning but there's no point, you've nailed it better than I could have.
Absolutely gutted.
I'd almost be more annoyed if they did a U turn.

The one thing I expect is that Khaldoon, Soriano and co. Wouldn't make this decision lightly. They'd do their research, know how unpopular it was (everyone should have known this after the reaction to project restart), try to avoid it if possible, but ultimately come to the conclusion its happening and in the best interests of the club to be on the inside of the breakaway and pull the trigger.

For them to back out 2 days later and say "whoopsie daisy! Maybe we didn't think this through" Would make me question their ability to run the club long term.
Still far better than going ahead with it man, that’s not really an option for most of us. People are saying they’d stop watching the lifelong club!
If Uefa came up with this format and said it be coming in in 2024 would they be as much up roar? My thinking would be would it heck! Oh if this superleague goes ahead bt sky will be bidding for it all these on sky would change there tune in a heartbeat!
The ESL is the logical progression of the UEFA Champions League. If you look at the UEFA Champions League new fornat one is the halfway house to another.

Man Utd were architects of the Premier League and the Champions League and bit by bit they, and other clubs take a bigger slice of the pie.

We certainly do not have an ideal sporting model on one hand and an avaricious model on the other.

But as much as we dislike the champions league IT IS NOT a closed shop. This is. This is a way for big clubs who are massively in debt a way to reduce that.

Why we are anywhere near this is absolutely beyond me

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