The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
Our new leader...

Florentino Perez: "When Madrid and Barcelona play, the world stops. It's a luxury that we have here. When Manchester United and City play that doesn't happen."

Florentino Perez: "Us, big clubs, we will get a lot of money, then we will distribute it to everyone. But first we need the money.

Florentino Perez: "This isn't a battle for money, this is a battle for football. We're trying to save football, and some people don't care because it's not in their financial interest."

Florentino Perez: "We might have to make the football match shorter if it's not interesting"

Florentino Perez: "Small clubs' survival depend on us, and this will be good for them

Florentino Perez: "We will hire some of the best referees in the world."

Florentino Perez: "Barcelona are going through a difficult economic situation, Laporta immediately understood and accepted like all the great clubs in the world. This Super League will save the entire world of football"

Florentino Perez: "This change, we owe it to all the fans."

Florentino Perez: "The UEFA president INSULTED Agnelli today, and that is UNACCEPTABLE

Florentino Perez: "They can't kick us out from this season's #UCL

Florentino Perez: "Our players will NOT be banned from the World Cup. I guarantee it. They can be 100% certain of it.

Florentino Perez: "All I do is for the good of football."

Florentino Perez: "Here at Real Madrid, we lost a lot of money and we are in a very bad situation."
Maybe it's just me but I can't get worked up about this.

The ESL is just another step down a road that football has been travelling for 30 years.

At least this time City aren't going to be left behind whatever happens.
I think you’ve missed something mate...
Please tell Sheik Mansour, what is your cunning stunt that will save your arse? You've set fire to every fucking bridge there is to be crossed only to find the other 11 Super Leaguers still think you're just an oily rag head. No way back for our owners, the epitaph should read 'Great owners once but still fucked us over when it counted' RIP MCFC

I'm growing more confident that when there is full (ish) disclosure from the club it will make more sense..They have played such a significant role in the wider community of Manchester I just can't see them delivering this kind of body blow
Starting to feel optimistic (probably naively) that this won’t go ahead.

I think City have grossly misjudged and underestimated the reaction and unity of people in this country against it.

Hopefully @tolmie's hairdoo is right and they can come to some sort of arrangement behind the scenes with UEFA to come out of this with more say than they went into. Albeit they’ve lost a lot of goodwill with the fans no matter what happens.
. . . . . . .

Also, I bet that the 'next level' clubs would have joined, given the opportunity.
Too bloody right they would. I wonder why those PL clubs sent letters to Uefa? I came up with two reasons - the Dippers 'm Rags would see 'em right in the next couple of seasons if we got turfed out, but mainly, I think, is that they had their own greedy eyes on our place.
I just don't think they would be on board with that. Unless there is a split at the top table of our club?
Genuine question - you think Soriano cares about repeated fans (season ticket holders etc), or is happy for each seat to go to the highest paying 'customer' (the term sickens me) in the club shop etc?
I was under the impression that he was against a lot of what went on at UEFA before the CAS hearing and is an ally to City? I’m almost certain I’ve read that on here from a reliable poster?
Not so sure, always gave me the impression of a decent guy, I could be very wrong.

UEFA were under enormous pressure from the usual suspects to 'get" us, the same suspects we are now in bed with, makes this even harder to understand.
Our new leader...

Florentino Perez: "When Madrid and Barcelona play, the world stops. It's a luxury that we have here. When Manchester United and City play that doesn't happen."

Florentino Perez: "Us, big clubs, we will get a lot of money, then we will distribute it to everyone. But first we need the money.

Florentino Perez: "This isn't a battle for money, this is a battle for football. We're trying to save football, and some people don't care because it's not in their financial interest."

Florentino Perez: "We might have to make the football match shorter if it's not interesting"

Florentino Perez: "Small clubs' survival depend on us, and this will be good for them

Florentino Perez: "We will hire some of the best referees in the world."

Florentino Perez: "Barcelona are going through a difficult economic situation, Laporta immediately understood and accepted like all the great clubs in the world. This Super League will save the entire world of football"

Florentino Perez: "This change, we owe it to all the fans."

Florentino Perez: "The UEFA president INSULTED Agnelli today, and that is UNACCEPTABLE

Florentino Perez: "They can't kick us out from this season's #UCL

Florentino Perez: "Our players will NOT be banned from the World Cup. I guarantee it. They can be 100% certain of it.

Florentino Perez: "All I do is for the good of football."

Florentino Perez: "Here at Real Madrid, we lost a lot of money and we are in a very bad situation."


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