The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't be shocked to see a walk back from City next couple days, much as I thought it impossible.

Uefa were speaking to us yesterday and it sounds like we may have been offered something to break away from the breakaway.

Football politics, eh?

Also, keep an eye on Infantino. We are much more closely aligned to him and even discussed a Super League of sorts with him which would have seen Soft Bank put up the funds, a firm Abu Dhabi has a big stake in.
So there’s a chance we end up best mates with UEFA whilst bringing the ESL to its knees and exposing the American owners as football’s real enemy? What do we do about UEFA’s shite new CL format though? It’s crap too. I suppose being less crap is better.
Absolute bollocks.

My son asked me yesterday morning - "Dad, if only 12 are in the Super League now, why are 6 of them from England?"

The simple answer is that they have the most money. If you are rich therefore, you can play.

It's the very definition of a closed shop. They expected PSG, Bayern and Dortmund to make up the 15 and then the 5 qualifying places are the scraps to try to convince idiots that it isn't a closed shop.

If it goes ahead those clubs will enter it if it’s by qualification or not look at is as another European competition like in the 70 and 80’s when we had 2 3 different competitions. It’s the closed shop that totally wrong!

look at uefa proposals for there revamp competition it’s an utter disgrace a shambles of a corrupt competition where you could have scenario where West Ham Leicester finish top four and still won’t be allowed in it!
Other than that Perez hogwash of an interview and the SL website,no one really knows what this really is
Been alot of hogwash and hysteria and no calm minds,Wayne Rooney (shock) has been the only voice of reason,so far.
The backlash would have been expected but would rather Ferran/KM
just come out and explain what it really is,the thinking and the future of the club and or the players then we,the fans,get to make our own judgements..Some will agree,most will disagree. The hierarchy made a conscious decision affecting the club's future but 'hiding' and hoping it rides out isn't the right approach
The thing that worries me is Ferran would be pushing hard to go into this sham, to me, he has never got us as a club or the mentality of English football fans.
Surely this will be dead by the end of the week. Part of me can't see how these people didn't foresee this backlash, and have planned for it/expect to ride it out - but then I look at the naff branding and rash speeches and think actually they are just amateurs with no idea.

I'd be surprised if City didn't pull out of this within the next few days, which asks a lot of questions about why they allowed themselves to be pulled into this charade - they don't need the money anywhere near as much as many of the other teams involved.
Maybe this was dropped on them at such short notice (which wouldn’t surprise me knowing what we know about these other clubs and how they view City) that it was literally you sign up now or we go ahead without you. Maybe in the back ground now we are doing our due dilligence and getting a true picture of what this means and where it’s going.
Maybe more hope from me than anything though.
Wasn’t we the last ones to sign up to this, which suggests City were conflicted about it from the start and felt pressured to sign. I don’t think this is sitting well with our owners at the moment according to a few articles I have read.
Why is it clearly fake? It looks absolutely genuine to me.
To my eye it’s too convenient.

- only a short part of the document shown (why not publish the lot)
- PSG more unfavourable terms on the deadline (Why would this be the case)
- conveniently names the three clubs people speculated about
- Perez said PSG weren’t invited, contrary to this document

just first impressions but doesn’t look right to me.

edit: deadline is super important so you’d probably put the date in the clause since you’d need to be very clear....not just you’ve got 14 days from when we send it to you (is it being couriered, emailed, faxed, do I have 14 days from when I receive it or when you send it, what if I don’t read it right away??)..
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Our old friends der spiegel have gotten their hands on more leaked documents

I'm no lawyer but even if that is genuine, after many episodes of Law & Order even I can see that that is a proposal and not proof they actually invited them.

Not that I believe either Perez or Der Spielgel.
Two clubs to blame. Two owners to blame. Both clubs in debt. This is their only way of clearing the debt. I blame UEFA for everything, for letting these clubs get into debt, for not punishing them, for allowing the directors of these clubs in debt get on the UEFA board and allowing them to tweak FFP whilst we got punishment for doing it the correct way.
UEFA have brought all this on themselves and the Two red mardarse clubs have got away with it again, UEFA didn't have the balls to punish them.
Yep. If FFP had been brought in to curb debt, rather than attack investment, these clubs wouldn't be hundreds of millions in debt. These clubs have basically done a Leeds. They convinced themselves that continued spending would always see them at the top of the tree, creaming off £100m in CL money every season. United, Arsenal, Liverpool have all seen that go up in smoke.
This happens anyway ? Pep just made wholesale changes against Leeds and same again in an fa cup semi final ? All because the champions league is around the corner . This happens every year was it fergie who made 11 changes one time against a fat same team ( could be wrong there ) ? Klopp has thrown both domestic cups at the earliest stage the last few seasons , and one time didn’t even bother turning up to manage them
To an extent, but if you were playing ‘elite’ opppsition every midweek, you would quickly find that you would have a squad for European matches and a squad for domestic matches, with the best players less willing to pit themselves in the latter. The clubs have even said it would lead to less football for top players, so fewer opportunities for fans in Manchester to see them.

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