The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Blue Mooner said:
I hope we can put this to bed as a misunderstanding and tevez thought he was refusing to warm up, not to not play. Still a misdemeanour but not as bad.

lets face it, tevez is thick, he grew up in a slum with no education and he's made a mistake one that in the cold light of day he probably regrets.

There is no point cutting our nose off to spite our face. That way we protect our investment and get the benefit of still being able to play him as we can ill afford to only have three strikers.

Off course the press are delighted for us to lose a world class striker. Wake up and smell the coffee.
I would assume that if...... and its a big if the story is true and his contract has been cancelled then lawsuits will follow and the club must be damn sure they are going to win. if
they are willing to go down that route. So in a way they are protecting their investment and thats going to come in a court of law....

That's a lot of conjecture, its not so long ago a lot of fans thought we couldn't cope without tevez and that was whilst we still had dzeko and balotelli.

The fact is if we move forward and cast a quality player aside there is only one loser us! I get the fact that mancini has to be seen as in charge but it wasn't so long ago rooney said he wanted,to leave the rags for us. United fans went in a mob to his house remember?

We as a club need to be cute and manage the messaging just as the rags did with rooney sending him away and getting him to apologise, now he's banging them in again just as tevez could do for us and when we sell him we secure full value. This is the only way a sensible run football club should procede.
well indeed, but if the story is untrue, then it's simply a non-story anyway!
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

RandomJ said:
I don't give a shit if we're low on quality strikers and we may need Tevez. I don't care if casting him out costs us the title I really don't. What I would care about is if we bent over yet again for this selfish, ungrateful **** and allowed him to step on another blade of grass in our shirt.

He can fuck off and we will finally be rid of him and can move on as a club.

stop sitting on the fence...
Re: The Tevez counter argument! {merged - enough threads now }

Tevez City said:
JamesMCFC said:
Ian Cheeseman as just put this on twitter

Tevez has just flown out of Manchester en route to Buenos Aires, apparently on a one way ticket, looks like gone for good at #mcfc

Thanks for helping the team to qualify for the Champions League Carlos.
Wish you all the best & Bye .

Got to give you full marks TC !! At least you`re consistant with your views,for which I applaud you !!
Mind you, IMO you`re still fucking wrong !!
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Sorry for the rant but it pisses me off seeing fans so desperate for us to succeed they're willing for the club to sell it's morals and self respect just to gloat and shove the cup in the rags faces.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

RandomJ said:
Sorry for the rant but it pisses me off seeing fans so desperate for us to succeed they're willing for the club to sell it's morals and self respect just to gloat and shove the cup in the rags faces.

QUE ??????????????????????????????????????
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

He wants twatting with a kettle
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

RandomJ said:
Sorry for the rant but it pisses me off seeing fans so desperate for us to succeed they're willing for the club to sell it's morals and self respect just to gloat and shove the cup in the rags faces.

No need for appologies mate give em both barrels for my money as they are not fans of the club but rather the player (not all, some just play devils advocate).

This is a Man City forum, not a "insert player name here" forum, so i can fully understand your anger towards people who would be willing to sell the club out for some misguided idea it is better to keep the fool which would hurt our club by doing so.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

TCIB said:
Kia is banned from our club property right ?

I just ask because i was wondering if he went with him to the hearing.

MEN reported it as a meeting at Tevez's home.

I also noticed that SSN, who had said that the meeting was not at the club, showed a clip of Tevez coming out of the training ground laughing and joking. Of all the clips they must have of him they had to stir it by suggesting it was all a big joke to him - wankers.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Fuck Carlos Tevez.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

daveduke67 said:
TCIB said:
Kia is banned from our club property right ?

I just ask because i was wondering if he went with him to the hearing.

MEN reported it as a meeting at Tevez's home.

I also noticed that SSN, who had said that the meeting was not at the club, showed a clip of Tevez coming out of the training ground laughing and joking. Of all the clips they must have of him they had to stir it by suggesting it was all a big joke to him - wankers.

Ahh thanks for that Dave, yeah media can be very "selective" i can't help thinking though Tevez maybe does not give this situation his full attention and respect. Unless it looks like him getting badly hammered in the wallet, then i bet there would not be so many grins.

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