The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
I agree we are doing just fine but a fully fit tevez is an option we could well do with once,the games start coming thick and fast and our other strikers experience a dip in form.

He did,the,wrong thing but clearly he still has the desire to play other wise he may not have reacted the way he did. I do not believe his actions were those of a player who was trying to engineer a move.

The club need to control the story to placate the fans as the rags would do with an important asset

Fair enough i respect your opinion but i think otherwise, not sure if it was him trying to engineer a move but the effect on the dressing room alone woud be enough to continue the whispers and discontent with him. I beleive a clean cut of ties hopefully legally in our favor is the right way to go, the sooner the better.

How can you trust him now ? it is like a soldier going into war with a man at his side who has been known to run from battle, would you trust this man to do his duty ?
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
I agree we are doing just fine but a fully fit tevez is an option we could well do with once,the games start coming thick and fast and our other strikers experience a dip in form.

He did,the,wrong thing but clearly he still has the desire to play other wise he may not have reacted the way he did. I do not believe his actions were those of a player who was trying to engineer a move.

The club need to control the story to placate the fans as the rags would do with an important asset

Tevez is a shagfucker that is it, end of story
Re: The Tevez counter argument!

Scooby Blue said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
Iv'e got a feeling him and his sly ba$tard of an agent will turn round and say he only refused to warm up and didnt refuse to play. I reckon he will say as he had been warming up for the majority of the 2nd half he was ready to come on and didnt need to warm up any more.

Ive got a bad feeling that the press will run with this and we will be made out as the bad guys in all this.

^^^ NO Sh*T Sherlock!! This has been the clear position of the Tevez camp since the morning after the game...listen to Paul McCarthy in Talksport interview for full thinking of tevez advisors.

With regard to the Tevez post-match interview...which so many think is conclusive evidence against Tevez...his camp will also have a counter-argument.

He will say that he was trying to do Mancini a favour by accepting responsibility for failing to come on as sub..."My mental state not right etc"...i.e. it was my decision...

and he will claim that truth of matter is that RM went into orbit when he refused to warm-up and that RM was so annoyed by this challenge to his authority and got so incensed in subsequent bust-up that he decided to rule Tevez out as a sub option even though tevez was "prepared to play".

The only bit of footage that in any way supports Tevez is the bit when he motions to get up but is clearly told in no uncertain terms to sit back down (presumably by Mancini) + Milner looks very puzzled next to him thinking "What the hell is going on here??"

This supports the Tevez argument that he fell out with RM over need to warm up....but was eventually prepared to do so (after much persuasion by coaching staff). But by now it was too late as RM too pissed off with Tevez's attitude.

From a "plea bargain" point of view, I would imagine that Tevez is going to accept lesser charge of "inappropriate behaviour" which results in lengthy internal suspension that will take us to Jan transfer window.
(i.e. he accepts he is guilty of insubordination but not outright mutiny).
City will put out press release confirming this...and Tevez Camp will put out press release expressing "regret" at incident...but welcoming official finding that accusation of "refusing to play" is not proven.

If he's guilty of insubordination, he's guilty of gross misconduct, hence he was in breach of contract. You don't really need a mutiny on your hand to take disciplinary action, refusing to take orders from your supervisor is serious enough in it's own right. Refusing to warm up/take to the field is there any "real" diffference? Not at all.

He'll never play for us again, that much is clear, if we have lost money on any potential transfer value expect him to have his arse sued for losses incurred too. What a tit he is.

Oh yes, the footage from the TV will only form a minute part of the evidence, what he has said already will land him in hot water, any employment law expert will see his lies for what they are.

He's fucked, and good riddance.
Re: Ian Cheeseman Tevez Tweet

Frozen Fire said:
Barntonblue said:
Frozen Fire said:
How would Cheeseman know he only has a one-way ticket? Was he with Tevez when he booked it?


It was reported on Sky about 10 hours ago he was going back to Argentina for the duration of his 2 week news here.

Sincerely hope he doesn't come back though.

Because he's on a one way ticket, how do I know, I just do. Accept it, posted at 19:00 he was on the flight

I never accept anything any journalist writes unless there's a direct quotation from the parties involved.

This goes double if it's on twitter, the fountain of all bullshit.

Bartonblue's sources are impeccable. This hasn't come from twitter as far as he is concerned
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

I know it doesnt matter to the owner, but I would love to see City recoup some money for the little shitbag, I liked the sound of PSG taking him in Jan.

If he is gone from the club, cant be sad about it in the slightest, getting rid one way or another is best for all concerned. Fingers crossed we will take him and his little turd of an advisor to court and recoup some moolah that way.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

I don't give a shit if we're low on quality strikers and we may need Tevez. I don't care if casting him out costs us the title I really don't. What I would care about is if we bent over yet again for this selfish, ungrateful **** and allowed him to step on another blade of grass in our shirt.

He can fuck off and we will finally be rid of him and can move on as a club.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
Chick Counterfly said:
Tevez went to Argentina, purple monkey dishwasher. Pass it on!

Tevez ment to shag aunt Tina, perved on Monday then did the cleaner ! Pass it on.

Tevez drinks Purple Ribena whilst shagging Gary Nevilles mum on the tumbledryer

Pass It On
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Kia is banned from our club property right ?

I just ask because i was wondering if he went with him to the hearing.

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