The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

johnny crossan said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
johnny crossan said:
Does anyone know where Tevez is? (I know nobody cares but it's interesting that the local club reporter and the local radio reporter have such widely spaced opinions.)

None of them are right!

Sacreblue ;)

Spookily prophetic?

I hope the fact that Leo and Mancio are all but indistinguishable doesn't create a bad impression on Carlos, because this would an ideal move for all parties, if we could get first dibs on Pastore out of it.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP)—Carlos Tevez has refused to comment on his Manchester City future on his return to Argentina.

The 27-year-old forward was suspended last week while City carries out an inquiry into his apparent refusal to play during the Champions League game against Bayern Munich.

Tevez got off a plane on Tuesday in Buenos Aires but avoided speaking to a horde of reporters waiting to greet him.

Barcelona star Lionel Messi arrived about the same time, did not cross paths with Tevez, and then left to meet up with the Argentine national team. Argentina plays Chile on Friday in a World Cup qualifying match. Tevez is not part of the squad.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

sbm said:
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP)—Carlos Tevez has refused to comment on his Manchester City future on his return to Argentina.

The 27-year-old forward was suspended last week while City carries out an inquiry into his apparent refusal to play during the Champions League game against Bayern Munich.

Tevez got off a plane on Tuesday in Buenos Aires but avoided speaking to a horde of reporters waiting to greet him.

Barcelona star Lionel Messi arrived about the same time, did not cross paths with Tevez, and then left to meet up with the Argentine national team. Argentina plays Chile on Friday in a World Cup qualifying match. Tevez is not part of the squad.

Lol you can almost guess what Kia said to him "ffs carlos dont say a fucking word for the love of all that is beautiful, just keep your mouth shut, your fucking up my retirement plan"
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

sbm said:
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP)—Carlos Tevez has refused to comment on his Manchester City future on his return to Argentina.

The 27-year-old forward was suspended last week while City carries out an inquiry into his apparent refusal to play during the Champions League game against Bayern Munich.

Tevez got off a plane on Tuesday in Buenos Aires but avoided speaking to a horde of reporters waiting to greet him.

Barcelona star Lionel Messi arrived about the same time, did not cross paths with Tevez, and then left to meet up with the Argentine national team. Argentina plays Chile on Friday in a World Cup qualifying match. Tevez is not part of the squad.
body double obviously
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

oakiecokie said:
Dodge said:
johnny crossan said:
Does anyone know where Tevez is? (I know nobody cares but it's interesting that the local club reporter and the local radio reporter have such widely spaced opinions.)

Is Carlito lying to save himself & Kia?
Will Zabba spill the beans?
Does Aleksandar really think Carlito's an idiot?
Gary's gone but will he get revenge on Kia?
Carlito hates Roberto, but loves Kia & Zabba, but has Zabba fallen out of love with Carlito?
Who knows more, Ian or Stuart?
Does Carlito really have an eating disorder?
Will Burt tell Jessica about Chester's affair?

Confused? You will be....

Find out more in the next installment of Soap & the City...

One of USA`s finest comedy series.Never missed an episode.
Good old Chuck !!

loved that series.....they used to all freeze frame at end of the show whilst the voice over was on
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

waspish said:
corky1970 said:
hmblue said:
Blue Mooner
Post subject: Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

"I hope we can put this to bed as a misunderstanding and tevez thought he was refusing to warm up, not to not play. Still a misdemeanour but not as bad.

lets face it, tevez is thick, he grew up in a slum with no education and he's made a mistake one that in the cold light of day he probably regrets.

There is no point cutting our nose off to spite our face. That way we protect our investment and get the benefit of still being able to play him as we can ill afford to only have three strikers.

Off course the press are delighted for us to lose a world class striker. Wake up and smell the coffee."

Excellent post Blue Mooner.
There seems to be quite a few rag fans on this thread who would love to see us get rid of a world class player who the rags couldn`t afford to keep.
He made a mistake but whenever he has played for us he has always given 100%. Surely he has done enough for this club to be given the benefit of the doubt ? It`s not as though he`s a granny shagger or a sister-in-law shagger or trying to cover up a 13year affair - IS IT ?
He deserves a second chance and when the january transfer window arrives he can go, if the appropriate bid is received and we have secured a replacement.
Personally I think Roberto was wrong to go public with this and it should have been dealt with behind closed doors.
There is an old saying - "Don`t Wash Your Dirty Linen In Public".

A disgrace of a post , being paid millions of pounds to represent the shirt and club , HE'S A PROFESSIONAL you moron !!

It's not a mistake by him , it was a deliberate and disgusting action refusing to play , who in thier right mind can excuse this guy .

Giving 100% does not give a player the right to disrespect and sully the clubs name .

People like you need to listen and listen good , City are a proud club , City represent Manchester and all that's good in it , to try and justify this cretins actions Is a complete backwards and moronic , are you so self absorbed like tevez that you can only see past your own nose and only interested in how YOU deal with some stick off rags .

For the good of football and our beloved club I pray you are in the minority


Don't bother with him you are arguing with someone who isn't a city fan

For the good of football !!??...... Oh please ! For the good of every other club that isn't MCFC you mean. Football had changed LONG before this Tevez incident.

Was I p*ssed off at Tevez 'alleged' actions, yes

That said, who hasn't made mistakes in a fit of pique, who hasn't said something to a family member of friend in the heat of the moment and regretted it later !?

I think Mancini was just as guilty for the way he put it out into the public domain without thinking the situation through.... in the heat of the moment. Does that mean I'm anti Mancini, absolutely not.

In the cold light of day no one is blameless here, we need to grab a hold of our senses and realise that we could be losing a £50 million pound player and Tevez is not a player easily replaced even if you get the transfer fee you were looking for.

Clearly a way has to be found to resolve the situation so that Mancini retains absolute authority and Tevez is still able to play for us and it can be done.... just as the rags would do! Much as I despise them they would handle this situation without losing a quality player for nothing.

If they could sack him and sue him for his transfer value then fine, but the reality is this is just not a feasible option so a compromise has to be reached. The obvious one is that it was all a big misunderstanding and Carlo eeez very sorry and it won't happen again.

Then we can sell him in January/summer for full value and still get a world class player playing for us until then.
The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
waspish said:
corky1970 said:
A disgrace of a post , being paid millions of pounds to represent the shirt and club , HE'S A PROFESSIONAL you moron !!

It's not a mistake by him , it was a deliberate and disgusting action refusing to play , who in thier right mind can excuse this guy .

Giving 100% does not give a player the right to disrespect and sully the clubs name .

People like you need to listen and listen good , City are a proud club , City represent Manchester and all that's good in it , to try and justify this cretins actions Is a complete backwards and moronic , are you so self absorbed like tevez that you can only see past your own nose and only interested in how YOU deal with some stick off rags .

For the good of football and our beloved club I pray you are in the minority


Don't bother with him you are arguing with someone who isn't a city fan

For the good of football !!??...... Oh please ! For the good of every other club that isn't MCFC you mean. Football had changed LONG before this Tevez incident.

Was I p*ssed off at Tevez 'alleged' actions, yes

That said, who hasn't made mistakes in a fit of pique, who hasn't said something to a family member of friend in the heat of the moment and regretted it later !?

I think Mancini was just as guilty for the way he put it out into the public domain without thinking the situation through.... in the heat of the moment. Does that mean I'm anti Mancini, absolutely not.

In the cold light of day no one is blameless here, we need to grab a hold of our senses and realise that we could be losing a £50 million pound player and Tevez is not a player easily replaced even if you get the transfer fee you were looking for.

Clearly a way has to be found to resolve the situation so that Mancini retains absolute authority and Tevez is still able to play for us and it can be done.... just as the rags ! Much as I despise them they would handle this situation without losing a quality player for nothing.

If they coudl sack him and sue him for his transfer value then fine, but the reality is this is just not a feasible option so a compromise has to be reached. The obvios one is that it was all a big misunderstanding and Carlo eeez very sorry and it won't happen again.

Then we can sell him in January/summer for full value and still get a world class player playing for us.

For one thing Mancini is the MANAGER/BOSS what he says goes! There's no misunderstanding from Tevez he's come of the bench plenty of times to understand that you first get off your arse when told too. He refused to go on the pitch refuse to warm up don't You get it "he refused" full stop! he's had umpteen 2nd chances and I for one has backed Tevez till that night in Munich! He's crossed a line that no footballer should cross.....
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
waspish said:
corky1970 said:
A disgrace of a post , being paid millions of pounds to represent the shirt and club , HE'S A PROFESSIONAL you moron !!

It's not a mistake by him , it was a deliberate and disgusting action refusing to play , who in thier right mind can excuse this guy .

Giving 100% does not give a player the right to disrespect and sully the clubs name .

People like you need to listen and listen good , City are a proud club , City represent Manchester and all that's good in it , to try and justify this cretins actions Is a complete backwards and moronic , are you so self absorbed like tevez that you can only see past your own nose and only interested in how YOU deal with some stick off rags .

For the good of football and our beloved club I pray you are in the minority


Don't bother with him you are arguing with someone who isn't a city fan

For the good of football !!??...... Oh please ! For the good of every other club that isn't MCFC you mean. Football had changed LONG before this Tevez incident.

Was I p*ssed off at Tevez 'alleged' actions, yes

That said, who hasn't made mistakes in a fit of pique, who hasn't said something to a family member of friend in the heat of the moment and regretted it later !?

I think Mancini was just as guilty for the way he put it out into the public domain without thinking the situation through.... in the heat of the moment. Does that mean I'm anti Mancini, absolutely not.

In the cold light of day no one is blameless here, we need to grab a hold of our senses and realise that we could be losing a £50 million pound player and Tevez is not a player easily replaced even if you get the transfer fee you were looking for.

Clearly a way has to be found to resolve the situation so that Mancini retains absolute authority and Tevez is still able to play for us and it can be done.... just as the rags would do! Much as I despise them they would handle this situation without losing a quality player for nothing.

If they could sack him and sue him for his transfer value then fine, but the reality is this is just not a feasible option so a compromise has to be reached. The obvious one is that it was all a big misunderstanding and Carlo eeez very sorry and it won't happen again.

Then we can sell him in January/summer for full value and still get a world class player playing for us until then.

I absolutely agree. Think I might be the only one though :-).
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

SWP's back said:
Clevers said:
hmblue said:
Blue Mooner
Post subject: Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

"I hope we can put this to bed as a misunderstanding and tevez thought he was refusing to warm up, not to not play. Still a misdemeanour but not as bad.

lets face it, tevez is thick, he grew up in a slum with no education and he's made a mistake one that in the cold light of day he probably regrets.

There is no point cutting our nose off to spite our face. That way we protect our investment and get the benefit of still being able to play him as we can ill afford to only have three strikers.

Off course the press are delighted for us to lose a world class striker. Wake up and smell the coffee."

Excellent post Blue Mooner.
There seems to be quite a few rag fans on this thread who would love to see us get rid of a world class player who the rags couldn`t afford to keep.
He made a mistake but whenever he has played for us he has always given 100%. Surely he has done enough for this club to be given the benefit of the doubt ? It`s not as though he`s a granny shagger or a sister-in-law shagger or trying to cover up a 13year affair - IS IT ?
He deserves a second chance and when the january transfer window arrives he can go, if the appropriate bid is received and we have secured a replacement.
Personally I think Roberto was wrong to go public with this and it should have been dealt with behind closed doors.
There is an old saying - "Don`t Wash Your Dirty Linen In Public".

As far as I'm concerned as long as it doesn't impact on the club players can screw grannies, sister-in-laws, and have as many affairs as they want. However I will not accept a player trying to screw the club.

Mancini handled this beautifully pulling the rug from under Tevez's feet before he could try to justify his actions. In his interview Tevez reacted superbly, from the club's point of view, in confirming Mancini's comment.

Absolutely, Tevez's apologists have no where to go. Tevez confirmed in interview that he didn't want to go on. He fucked up and now we can rid the club of this twat.

Let's hope so. Never want to see him disgrace The Shirt again.

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