The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

TCIB said:
PistonBlue mate the guys defending him with ridiculous reasons are just making shit up to fit their feelings and not being reasonable. I wouldn't bother as from Blue Mooner's last post he seems to like making shit up so a debate is impossible here i think.

Has this wum been reported yet chaps ?

There are a few rags on the wum I think
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
TCIB said:
dom said:
Listen.. if we countenanced taking the ungrateful , lying, lazy little twunt back after all he has done we would be a total laughing stock

just read those headlines

Mancini no longer boss
Mancini losing his grip / the dresing room/ the board etc etc
Tevez 3 City 0 etc

It would also be a spoilt brats charter for the whole of football

Well done Bobby and City, take a stance and send the little runt and his poisonous 'advisor' packing

Most of the sane football world salutes you

The Sheikh would be wise to quickly put his full backing behind our manager if this Tevez or Mancini guff takes any sort of hold, if the unimaginable happened then you will find me at Edgley park in future.

Do you really hold such disdain for the Sheikhs money ? How loyal can you be that you would let an issue such as this change your allegiance or stop you from watching the blues. You're deluded if you think that players feel the same about the club as the fans - therefore the normal rules of a supporter do not come into play.

Under the present stewardship of the club I will always support the clubs decision in relation to this. They are conducting an investigation and the outcome of that will determine what happens to Tevez.

If the outcome is that this was a misunderstanding - people lost their cool in the heat of a situation but things have been cleared up - then that is fine as far as I'm concerned. As long as it doesn't happen again and Tevez gives his all as he always has done then that is fine by me. Of course he couldn't transgress again.

I would rather see a fully fit and commited Tevez continue to be a part of the squad than lose an extremely valuable player, because if he plays and plays well then he can get his move and we get full value and everyone wins.

The only other alternative is that, we cut him off and ultimately Tevez gets his move at a cut price and the only losers are us and the club.

Are you actually "Tevez City" in disguise ???
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

PistonBlue said:
TCIB said:
PistonBlue mate the guys defending him with ridiculous reasons are just making shit up to fit their feelings and not being reasonable. I wouldn't bother as from Blue Mooner's last post he seems to like making shit up so a debate is impossible here i think.

Has this wum been reported yet chaps ?

There are a few rags on the wum I think

Yeh a WUM that's been a member on BM since 2005 NOT since the Sheikh took over like many.

I bet you lot were the one's calling for Balotelli to be turfed out after his sending off against Kiev.

When you boil it down this was a massive error of judgement from Tevez cos he was clearly pissed off about not playing. I accept that we can all make mistakes and this was perhaps a big one but if he knuckles down from here he is too good to f*ck off

Let's not forget that his family were in the UK and his reason for wanting to leave in the summer had gone away so I don't think this was a Kia 'plan'

As for Mancini resigning I'm sure the board will consider every possibility and I'm sure they will back Mancini if he puts his foot down but maybe even Roberto will realise he was a bit hasty.

The one good thing is that its great to see City fans actually backing a manager for once and I will support the club and Mancinis decision but I hope a way is found to reconcile the situation.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
PistonBlue said:
TCIB said:
PistonBlue mate the guys defending him with ridiculous reasons are just making shit up to fit their feelings and not being reasonable. I wouldn't bother as from Blue Mooner's last post he seems to like making shit up so a debate is impossible here i think.

Has this wum been reported yet chaps ?

There are a few rags on the wum I think

Yeh a WUM that's been a member on BM since 2005 NOT since the Sheikh took over like many.

I bet you lot were the one's calling for Balotelli to be turfed out after his sending off against Kiev.

When you boil it down this was a massive error of judgement from Tevez cos he was clearly pissed off about not playing. I accept that we can all make mistakes and this was perhaps a big one but if he knuckles down from here he is too good to f*ck off

Let's not forget that his family were in the UK and his reason for wanting to leave in the summer had gone away so I don't think this was a Kia 'plan'

As for Mancini resigning I'm sure the board will consider every possibility and I'm sure they will back Mancini if he puts his foot down but maybe even Roberto will realise he was a bit hasty.

The one good thing is that its great to see City fans actually backing a manager for once and I will support the club and Mancinis decision but I hope a way is found to reconcile the situation.

oh no you didn't!
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

"he is too good to f*ck off"

Right here pal, your saying the club should bend over AGAIN for him, where is your pride in the club ?.

For the record my view on Balo is to give him this season and then i will make judgement, you wont find a post here by me saying "balo out" etc.

You don't seem to be able to grasp the severe gravity of the situation, i don't know if its because you can't see past your own nose regarding Tevez or what. This was not just an error of judgement but a choice he made that will have severe consiquences on our team morale to name but one variable.

How do i come to that conclusion ?. Well if last season the 3 players who went to Mancini to make a complaint about Tevez's behaviour then saw it fit to go to such lengths then this issue (which puts others into the shade) would logically provoke a more serious feeling of discontent with him.

tl;dr He is not bigger than the club and what you suggest would comprimise that ethos.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

PistonBlue said:
Blue Mooner said:
waspish said:
Don't bother with him you are arguing with someone who isn't a city fan

For the good of football !!??...... Oh please ! For the good of every other club that isn't MCFC you mean. Football had changed LONG before this Tevez incident.

Was I p*ssed off at Tevez 'alleged' actions, yes

That said, who hasn't made mistakes in a fit of pique, who hasn't said something to a family member of friend in the heat of the moment and regretted it later !?

I think Mancini was just as guilty for the way he put it out into the public domain without thinking the situation through.... in the heat of the moment. Does that mean I'm anti Mancini, absolutely not.

In the cold light of day no one is blameless here, we need to grab a hold of our senses and realise that we could be losing a £50 million pound player and Tevez is not a player easily replaced even if you get the transfer fee you were looking for.

Clearly a way has to be found to resolve the situation so that Mancini retains absolute authority and Tevez is still able to play for us and it can be done.... just as the rags would do! Much as I despise them they would handle this situation without losing a quality player for nothing.

If they could sack him and sue him for his transfer value then fine, but the reality is this is just not a feasible option so a compromise has to be reached. The obvious one is that it was all a big misunderstanding and Carlo eeez very sorry and it won't happen again.

Then we can sell him in January/summer for full value and still get a world class player playing for us until then.

It was premeditated mate. He told us in July he wouldn't return to Manchester 'even on vacation'.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

He's disrespected our club and our city more times than I can be bothered going into.

A player refuses to play and there is no way back, no way at all. And yes for the good of football we have to take a stand and sack him. Otherwise every player that gets tapped up by a 'bigger' will simply refuse to play if their club won't sell. Think Modric, or maybe Real taking a shine to Kun. MCFC have to stand firm. Even more so because it's MCFC, because we are possibly the only club in the world who could take afford to lose the transfer fee, should that be the case.

Also, our manager would have no option but to quit if Tevez were allowed to stay.

And what of the fans? I would find it extremely difficult to support a player who refused to play for us and is only there under duress. Actually, no I couldn't do it.

As far as I'm concerned I never want to see Tevez anywhere near our club again.

Sorry, missed this and is worth commenting on. Get your points mate but I think at times some City fans are just too precious, I don't care what the press published about Tevez, you can never tell truth from fiction so I only ever choose to believe what I hear coming from a players mouth, not from the written press.

As for not supporting the club because of a decision the club may make to give Tevez another chance, that's just OTT.

I was fuming on the night with Tevez called him all the names under the sun but having chance to think through the best outcome I've changed my mind.

What's acceptable about publicly saying you want to leave a club and even to your nearest rivals then the next day you double your wages and stay - did that undermine Fergie's authority is Ronney still banging them in for the rags.

Maybe that is what differs from City fans and rags fans I think they are more bothered about winning and we're principled. Well f*ck being principled I'm sick of City being the bridesmaid and never the bride. I want this club to be winners consistently like the rags. If that means sacking some principles well I'm prepared to bear it.

Tevez is still a critical part of the squad and I fear we would regret not having him as an option if any of our strikers hit a lean patch.

As for undermining Mancini it doesn't have to its how the solution is managed.

That said I support the 'club' not one player so if the club feel it is better to cast him aside then you have to back the clubs judgement, end of.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

i hope this saga is sorted soon, its now becoming very boring and is taking the shine off what has been a great start to a season, there are many reasons to get rid of him but the best is that we would no longer need to talk about him again although a select few will no doubt blame every defeat on mancini's man management of tevez.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Blue Mooner said:
PistonBlue said:
Blue Mooner said:
For the good of football !!??...... Oh please ! For the good of every other club that isn't MCFC you mean. Football had changed LONG before this Tevez incident.

Was I p*ssed off at Tevez 'alleged' actions, yes

That said, who hasn't made mistakes in a fit of pique, who hasn't said something to a family member of friend in the heat of the moment and regretted it later !?

I think Mancini was just as guilty for the way he put it out into the public domain without thinking the situation through.... in the heat of the moment. Does that mean I'm anti Mancini, absolutely not.

In the cold light of day no one is blameless here, we need to grab a hold of our senses and realise that we could be losing a £50 million pound player and Tevez is not a player easily replaced even if you get the transfer fee you were looking for.

Clearly a way has to be found to resolve the situation so that Mancini retains absolute authority and Tevez is still able to play for us and it can be done.... just as the rags would do! Much as I despise them they would handle this situation without losing a quality player for nothing.

If they could sack him and sue him for his transfer value then fine, but the reality is this is just not a feasible option so a compromise has to be reached. The obvious one is that it was all a big misunderstanding and Carlo eeez very sorry and it won't happen again.

Then we can sell him in January/summer for full value and still get a world class player playing for us until then.

It was premeditated mate. He told us in July he wouldn't return to Manchester 'even on vacation'.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

He's disrespected our club and our city more times than I can be bothered going into.

A player refuses to play and there is no way back, no way at all. And yes for the good of football we have to take a stand and sack him. Otherwise every player that gets tapped up by a 'bigger' will simply refuse to play if their club won't sell. Think Modric, or maybe Real taking a shine to Kun. MCFC have to stand firm. Even more so because it's MCFC, because we are possibly the only club in the world who could take afford to lose the transfer fee, should that be the case.

Also, our manager would have no option but to quit if Tevez were allowed to stay.

And what of the fans? I would find it extremely difficult to support a player who refused to play for us and is only there under duress. Actually, no I couldn't do it.

As far as I'm concerned I never want to see Tevez anywhere near our club again.

Sorry, missed this and is worth commenting on. Get your points mate but I think at times some City fans are just too precious, I don't care what the press published about Tevez, you can never tell truth from fiction so I only ever choose to believe what I hear coming from a players mouth, not from the written press.

As for not supporting the club because of a decision the club may make to give Tevez another chance, that's just OTT.

I was fuming on the night with Tevez called him all the names under the sun but having chance to think through the best outcome I've changed my mind.

What's acceptable about publicly saying you want to leave a club and even to your nearest rivals then the next day you double your wages and stay - did that undermine Fergie's authority is Ronney still banging them in for the rags.

Maybe that is what differs from City fans and rags fans I think they are more bothered about winning and we're principled. Well f*ck being principled I'm sick of City being the bridesmaid and never the bride. I want this club to be winners consistently like the rags. If that means sacking some principles well I'm prepared to bear it.

Tevez is still a critical part of the squad and I fear we would regret not having him as an option if any of our strikers hit a lean patch.

As for undermining Mancini it doesn't have to its how the solution is managed.

That said I support the 'club' not one player so if the club feel it is better to cast him aside then you have to back the clubs judgement, end of.

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

How many chances would you give him Blue Mooner ? was dicipline not a big thing when you were a kid ?

With regards to this issue winning and losing does not come into it you nugget, the principle of pride in your club does, what do you think Allison and Mercer would make of this ? do you think legends like them would afford him his upteenth chance ?

Winning is not everything to us, its close to it but thats all...close.

There would be no regret due to him not being such a valuable member of the squad now or is 3 world class strikers and 3-4 world class attacking goal scoring midfielders leaving us thread bare and the way you talk we may as well take relegation now eh.

Fuck what the press says you obviously think that life is one big illusion as you don't seem to beleive your eyes.

I would dearly love to rm -rf every wum here (linux guys only will get that).

You still have not addressed my rebuttal to your "dirty laundry" bollocks.

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

The biggest issue I reckon will be whether he does suffer from clinical depression, if he does he genuinely had a medical reason that would be supported by any court for refusing to play. I have worked with plenty of people and had family members with depression and not going to work is a very common theme. If as he claimed he was has depression I would think we won't have a leg to stand on would we? Could he counter claim that we knew this and putting him on the bench I'm Munich was a breach of duty of care ?

I genuinely wonder given his behaviour if he does have a genuine mental health issue or if he is just a not very intelligent narcissist?

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